Chapter 16

A/N:Sorry no title this time. I just couldn't think of what to call it. A lot happens in here so pay close attention.BBL

Harry and Dracos Rooms

Soon after the clock struck midnight, Harry's eyes sprung open. Something was off, he could sense it.

"Harry James Potter," a voice came in the darkness. Whipping around Harry was met with a sight that left him speechless. Before him stood a Dementor.

Why wasn't Draco moving? How could he sleep at a time like this? Harry wondered covertly flicking concerned eyes over to his mate.

"Oh he won't wake, and don't worry I'm not here to kill you,"

"What have you done to him," Harry snarled concern for his mate snapping him out of his silent stupor.

"Nothing much. I merely locked him deeply to his subconscious for a while. I needed to speak with you. A Draconian would never let a creature such as I am so close to his mate. He'd of torn me to shreds before I'd even mad it to the front doors of Hogwarts," the creature rasped.

"What do you want," Harry snarled crimson wings, summoned by his rage, springing from his back.

"Be still young Anpyrel, I bear you no ill will. In fact I come to bring you the offer of our allegiance for the final battle.

"You…what," Harry questioned, scarcely believing his ears.

"Most of us, contrary to popular belief, are not allied with Voldemort. In fact those that are have been exiled for their greed," the dementor said spreading wide two sets of long spindly skeletal fingers.

"You expect me to believe that? You, turn your back on a buffet Voldemort offered?"

"We were never meant to be hunters Dear one, merely guides and gatekeepers."

"Guides? Gatekeepers? What is this you say," Harry asked confused.

"Sit young one. Our story is long in the telling and you must hear it," Slightly apprehensive, Harry perched himself on the edge of the four poster King sized bed, wings still spread wide behind him.

"For as long as I can remember, Dementors have guarded the plane between life and death. As a being dies we feed upon the darkness in their souls. It was only to free them, the innocents I mean. Those deemed damned were sent to Megiddo where heir souls are drained completely. It seemed simple enough until he came.


"Yes, Voldemort. You see the young Slytherin wished to attain immortality. IN fact when he crossed our plane he was very much alive. Though young his power attracted many of us to him. He possessed a strong soul, a dark soul. It was extremely tempting to the young ones. He promised them the souls of innocents. Though that was not our original creed, the soul of the innocent are like drugs to us. They, apparently are sweet, and extremely intoxicating if that's the right word. Judgment impaired by the souls of the pure they followed the young dark wizard across the plane into the world of the living. You notice the Dementors here cannot speak. Having lost their reasoning they've become little more than savage beasts. Cruel pets for the self proclaimed Dark Lord.

Harry sat in silence before the elder dementor.

"I know this seems highly implausible. I shall bring you a gift tomorrow night show you my intentions," striding towards the petite Gryffindor he placed a hand gently on his head. "Sleep young one. There will be time to dwell on this in the morning," slowly a cool relaxing sensation began filling him with a frigid yet comforting peace.

"Wait," Harry whispered.


"What is your name," There was a long pause. Harry was afraid he'd get no answer when the dementor answered.


Next Morning



"Harry, get up," Draco demanded shaking the young raven haired wizard. He'd had dreams last night, dreams he'd not had since childhood. They'd unnerved him and he wished for the comfort of his conscious mate.

"Muah, What! What," Harry hissed annoyed at his rude awakening.

"Sorry its just…I: Draco stuttered suddenly feeling extremely stupid for waking his mate for such a trivial matter.

"What, are you hungry," Harry questioned running a hand through his long dark tresses. It was really lengthening out. It now nearly reached mid-back.

"No, I …ah hel," Draco sighed , then quickly pressed his lips against those of the still drowsy Gryffindor.

"Huh, what was that for,"

"I was uh… feeling a bit insecure," Draco murmered.
"Hey, I'm not going anywhere Dray," Harry said in a misguided attempt to placate the Draconians fear.

"No, no its not that its…well…,"

"Well what,"


"In English Co. Its six o' clock in the bloody morning," Harry sighed.

"I… had nightmares.," Draco whispered. Lowering his eyes he waited for the ;aughter that he was sure would soon spring forth from his admission. He waited.
"…" None came.


"I'm Sorry," the small Gryffindor moaned wrapping his arms round Draco's neck.

"What? Sorry? You didn't do anything," Malfoy answered confused and a bit perplexed at his mates reaction.

"I did, he…he came and you wouldn't wake up, and it was cold, and dark , and you wouldn't wake up," Harry babbled pressing into the broad chest of the young Draconian.

"Here? What do you mean," Draco asked concern coloring his voice with annoyance.

"Diaakkus the dementor."

"Dementor? Are you okay, How are you feeling, want some chocolate," Draco questioned terrified for his mates sanity of mind.

"I'm fine. He only wanted to become allied with me is all. Sorry about the breakdown. Dementors always give m e a horrible sense of the willies," Harry whispered. Hugging him close to himself, Draco picked up his mate and carried him to a well deserved bath.

Snape's Rooms

"Are you ready," Lucius asked his half dozing mate.

"Huh? Ready for what," Snape slurred rolling on his back in order to look into his mates shining silver eyes. Pulling the sated potions master to himself Lucius answered.

"The end, the war, our possible separation,"

"As I can be. The real question however, is whether or no he is ready," Severus replied relaxing in the warm embrace of the blonde Adonis.

"Harry's read. He just needs to realize it. I just hope my son is strong enough to stand by his side.

Night Quidditch Pitch

The night was dark, and deep. The inky hue this eve seemed so impenetrable as to give the illusion of life. Cautiously Harry walked out to the pitch, each whispered footfall on the soft green turf seeming a loud pounding in the black silence of the night. Tonight it would soon begin. Not even Voldemort could resist an opportunity such as this.

"Young Anpyrel," shocked Harry whipped around, a globe of yellow flame glowing in a clawed hand. It was only Diaakkus.

Geeze Harry get a hold of yourself. He berated, extinguishing the pulsating light. Taking a deep breath he addressed the dark creature.

"What of your offering."

"It is with me. Having no body to speak of, the transfer was dangerous,"

"What transfer," Harry asked curiosity now tinting his tone.

"Young Anpyrel I give you Sirius Black," Harry blanched. It didn't seem possible. His God father…alive?

"Harry, are you all right?"

"Sirius," the petite Gryffindor whispered.

"Harry," He was frozen, he couldn't move.

I'm Sorry

Suddenly he was enveloped in a pair of strong arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm so Sorry! It's all my fault," Harry sobbed shaking.
"Sorry? What's your fault,' Sirius asked confused and alarmed at his god sons' reaction to his appearance.

"Th..the veil. So stupid! God's why couldn't I learn faster," Harry stammered hardly making sense.

"Bambi, its not your fault. It's mine. I was being careless and that cost me my body. You, you were just there to help," Siriuc whispered running a large hand up and down the gryffindors back.

"I love you Siri,"

"Love you too kiddo. Now come on lets raid the kitchen," Sirius said wrapping an arm round Harry's shoulders and steering him towards the front doors of Hogwarts.

"I can't. It's time," Harry sighed locked to the spot by a certainty he couldn't even begin to understand.

"Time, time for what,"

"Voldemort, he is here," Harry hissed.

No, not my godson. Not now. Sirius begged the heavens above.

"What can I do,"

"Stand Sirius, just stand with me," walking behind the petite Gryffindor and placing his hands on Harry's shoulders he gave them a gentle squeeze.

"That' I can do,"

The End

A/N: After much consideraton I have decided to end this tale here. Not to say this particular chronicle is over. It just means that I believe that I have already achieved the point of this tale. That point was to bring Harry to a place of self assurance and that goal has been reached. Do not fret there will be a third story to finish out this tale. I have just been busy as of late and have not had a chence to truly work on the chapters. Though I will say that the first chapter of the third tale shoud be out by the end of this month. Thank you all sooo much for sticking with this story. Hope to be hearing from you all soon. BBL ;).