Tea With Count D

Detective Orcot was tired. The office had once again made fun of him for his obsession with the count and his Pet shop. However, he knew Count D had to be behind it, only the contracts signed by his costumers kept him exempt again and again. Not this time. This time you're going down) Leon thought.(A/N pun intended. Tee hee!)

"Ah! Detective, do sit down it's time for tea,"D greeted the blonde.

"It's always time for tea around this place," Leon grumbled to himself.

"What was that"," D asked from the kitchen.

"Uh, nothing," he answered. It was always the same day in day out. Wake up, go to work, leave work, got to pet shop. He didn't know what but something kept drawing him here. He'd long since given up on putting the delicate count behind bars. (He wouldn't look to pretty in prison clothes anyway) WHOA! Where had that come from? Leon pondered confused by his current train of thought.

"So, Detective what is the charge you hold against me today," D asked Mitch matched eyes twinkling with mischief. He rather enjoyed his almost daily sparring matches with the detective. He was possibly the most interesting person he'd ever met

"Huh," Leon answered startled out of his thoughts by the counts suave tenor voice.

"Come now the only reason you've ever come into this shop is to accuse me of some death or another," Though I wish that wasn't so. D thought to himself. He'd had a soft spot for the detective since the day they first met. He'd never admit it though, to be with a mortal was forbidden.

"Ah, well um," Leon stuttered taking a second sip of his tea. What is wrong with me! All I can think of is that feminine body beneath my own. Those fine long fingers upon my flesh. What did he put into the tea! That has to be it. I'm not gay!. Leon reasoned trying desperately trying to focus on the conversation.

"Well what," Count D smirked lightly fully aware of the predicament his friend was in. Innocently he slid across the couch to where the perplexed Orcot sat, surreptitiously sipping at his tea.

"Did you um sell a um… a pet to an Amelia Atwater, "Leon asked avoiding eye contact.

"Yes why do you ask," D answered intrigued by Orcot's valiant attempt to control himself. It was only a matter of time now.

"She uh,… went missing a couple days ago. Perhaps you know where she went," Leon said regaining a bit of his edge.

"I'm sorry my Dear Detective but as to the disappearance I've no idea.," D responded leaning slightly into Orcot's face. "Uh, um do you have to be so close," the detective asked.

"Why, does it bother you? My dear detective," D answered blowing the words into Leon's face. Pride stung Leon replied.

"No, it's just that…um,"

"Yes," D breathed encouraging the nervous mortal. He didn't have to wait for long. Soon his soft delicate lips were captured in Leons full and rugged ones.Hmmm D sighed in satisfaction. Mortals have all the fun

"Ack, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..," Leon abruptly pulled away appalled by his own actions. It wasn't, couldn't be possible that D felt the same way.

"I'm not sorry Leon. Not at all," D said his name for the first time the L rolling off his tongue like butter.

"You're…you're not,
Leon asked surprised at the actions of the Asian shop owner.

"No," D answered. Then eyes glimmering in lust he flipped the sign from open to closed. Turning with a feral grin he said "come now Detective let me show you to the Back of the shop…..

The end? Well that's up to you. Want sex well then you my friends must review.