Disclaimer: Star Wars isn't mine.
Time: 1700
Kriffing seed-partner ceremony is going on right now. I should be there. This Sekot doesn't know me. How could Kyp get some and not me? I'm a better pilot than him! This is some cruel joke. It has to be.
Uncle Luke just arrived. I better
go see what he wants.
Time: 1900
They are attacking Corescant.
And I am can't fly.
there is a ship contaminated with Alpha Red out there.
I'm stuck here while my squadron is fighting for the survival of the galaxy. Jag is up there, fighting. He needs me. He could be hurt! This is some cruel, sadistic joke. I haven't fought this war since day one to sit back while the victor is decided!
I will find a way, I promise.
Force, keep Jag safe.
Time: 1200
I am on my way to Corescant as I write this. I'm on the Falcon.
Shimrra's causing the World Brain to send fire all over the planet. I wonder what will be left. Will anything?
Dad is calling me. Its time. I hope that I will survive this to tell about it. I can't believe the war will end. I don't know if we will win or lose, but its almost over. This five year nightmare is coming to an end. Will another nightmare begin?
Jag, I love you. I know I don't say it enough, but I do. You'll probably never see this, but it's true.
Its time.
We won! Holy Force, we won! I can't believe it. I hope this isn't a dream.
Actually seeing Corescant was worse that I had expected. Its not my world. Its not. It's a strange alien planet. The Vong should just keep it. So many memories destroyed. My home is gone. It will never be the same, no matter what people do.
We made it to Shimrra's. Jacen, Uncle Luke, and I went inside. I found a Shamed One. I went after him. I had sensed him through the Force. Zonoma Sekot says that the Vong were stripped of the Force. Somehow, this one had gotten it back. His name was Omni, by the way. He had managed to capture me with some poison. He truly believe that I was Yun-Harla. I guess I preformed that charade a little too well. He believed that Yun-Yammka is Uncle Luke, Yun-Shuno is Jacen, and Yun-Ne'Shel is Tahiri.
Uncle Luke killed Shimrra. He decapitated him, but was poisoned severely. He's still in a healing trance.
Jacen saved me and destroyed the true leader, Omni. It was the strangest thing. Jacen was somehow so attuned to the Force that he was using Omni's self created poisons on to harm him. Omni is dead.
What I don't understand is that Anakin also did something like that. He reached that level, yet he died. I'm not saying that I want Jacen to die; I just don't see why Anakin couldn't have lived.
After Jacen's amazing feat, I demanded to know why he didn't let me help him. He told me I needed to help myself. I guess that's true. I was trying to keep myself alive.
Dad and Mom came during Jacen's display. Dad made Nom Anor lead us to an escape. We were actually on a ship! We made it off, but Nom Anor died. Good. I know its wrong, but I'm glad he's dead.
Mom just came by. Uncle Luke is coming out of his
Time: 1500
Uncle Luke is okay. The Jedi children arrived. Ben is adorable. Aunt Mara won't let him out of her sight.
Uncle Luke had a discussion with the Jedi today. He said something about there not being a Dark Side. There is a Dark Side. There is a Dark Side to everything. Under a rock is a shadow. I know there is Dark and I have been there. I don't want to go back again. Something has changed in Uncle Luke. Maybe its the toxins that will never leave.
Jacen is different, too. He seems so much older. I've changed. I know I have. I can't explain it. Everyone has grown harder.
I haven't heard from Jag. I know he survived, but I want him here with me. We have to figure out what to do about the future.
That is the big question now. What next? The warmaster is meeting with High Command. Sekot is welcoming the Vong home. I guess they originated from the parent to Sekot.
Jacen went to Corescant to help with the World Brain, but it will never be the same.
Nothing will.
Time: 1600
It's been several weeks and I am plagued with only one question.
Did I do the right thing?
Jag came yesterday. He is going back home, as he should. He is on his way now. He asked me to go with him. I told him I couldn't. I love him, but I said no. I said I needed to figure out the future. He is the liaison to the GFFA so we will get to see each other. We had a wonderful night together. It was magical.
I said I couldn't go. Was I wrong? Should I have?
I already regret it. The doubts are killing me.
Am I wrong?
Time: 2200
I'm on Kashyyyk with my family. Dad plunged Anakin's lightsaber in a tree. We put Anakin and Chewie to rest today. Finally, peace has come. My family is healing.
I am still plagued by doubts. Did I make the right decision? What will I do now? Should I have gone with Jag?
Only time will tell.
I love you, Jag. You promised me you wouldn't go anywhere. You didn't. You are still here, in my heart.
The war changed me so much. I spiraled down into hell. Jag, you brought me back. I love you for it. I love how you make me feel. No matter what happens, I will always love you.
War changes us all. I'm
only glad it brought me to you.
Wow, its over. This fic helped me grow as a writer. I truly enjoyed writing this. I was going to do some more fics like that, but I changed my mind. I have some great ideas I would really like to do.