Disclaimer: I do no own Yu-Gi-Oh, manga or anime. I merely borrowed the characters Kazuki Takahashi's creative mind invented and the given storyline for this fan fiction (that's why it's called fan fiction after all)!

Title: "Torture"
Status: One Shot
Rating: T
Category: Horror
Pairing: none
Main characters: Yami no Bakura # Ryou Bakura
Warnings: Violence

Summary: Yami no Bakura hunts down his host in a sadistic game. Is it a nightmare Ryou Bakura has, or not? You decide!

A/N: I read this piece over again and tried to make it sound more fluent (Yes I did need three years of contemplation! xD). Well, this is the outcome, not very different from the original but it inspired another drabble, "Merciless".
Can be considered another version of "Torture" but for the most part I tried to approach the RB#YnB relationship like it really is while this is more of a caricature admittedly.


I don't care what you say to me and I don't give a fuck on your thoughts.
I'm independent, strong and merciless.
I don't know forgiveness and I never was afraid to do the forbidden.
Provoke me and I might kill you, the knife I carry with me will help slit your sweat-covered throat but I won't slit deep enough, just a little cut, as much as necessary for your blood to flow and make it look like you're wearing a necklace made of glistening rubies. Suits your girly looks…

Why do you still believe I will stop? I don't understand you humans!
You should know me, I'm your dark, your Yami!
I have to give you credit so far, you know that I cannot kill you. No you won't die by my hand, after all I need you as my host, but as I said I don't know pity or compassion for that matter, but I do know how to enjoy myself.

And do you know what I'm going to do next?
Remember that Van Gogh guy you told me about, the one who cut off his own ear and sent it to his beloved?
Aah, now don't scream, I promise it'll be a lot of fun and since you don't have a beloved I'll keep it.
Gracious, aren't I?

Or would you rather play a game? You know that'll add some excitement to all of this. Excitement is spice to the game!
We'll play hide and seek! I bet you haven't played that game since elementary school.
And now, RUN, RUN! Yes, run away mortal! And I will chase you!
Now, now your lead of thirty seconds isn't forever. Faster, faster...

YES, YES hide away, RUN!

…25, 26, 27, 28, 29 AND 30!

I'm coming little mortal and I will break you with my bare hands.


I would appreciate some reviews! But if you DO review please read trough my A/N above the fanfic!