
"You must find him Gennai he is our only hope to combat this evil!"

"I will find him Azulonmon, I will not fail!"

"Go then, my friend will meet you at the rendezvous point and with her help you will be able to complete your quest. Good Luck, my friend!"

As the battle ranges on and the great sovereign gives him the distraction he needs, Gennai hurries to meet Azulonmon's friend.

3 days later….

Gennai has been traveling along a path in a woodland area near Mount Fuji in Japan for the past 3 days and after 3 days of hellishly long walking and climbing he finally reached his destination.

"Why Azulonmon would want me to come here I do not know?" He asked him self as he finally stops to rest.

Suddenly he senses someone behind him and turns around, but sees a pair of legs instead of a person but he looks up to find that they belong to a woman who looks to be in her mid 20s but seems much older, wearing a blue black sailor fuku with a black bow ending with an impossibly short skirt that barely comes to mid thigh length, has ruby red earrings, a golden tiara on her forehead, and holding a staff that looks like a giant key.

"Who are you?" He asked the mysterious woman cautiously.

"I am the guardian of time and space, nothing happens in the universe without me knowing about it, my name is Sailor Pluto. Now follow me, because we are running short on time."

As he got up to follow her…

"And don't let me catch you looking up my skirt again" She said to him coldly.

"Y-Y-Yes m-m-ma'am."

They both walked for another hour down a very long staircase before they reached a door that was beautifully carved with crescent moons and planets of different types and sizes.

"What is this place, Sailor Pluto?" Gennai asked.

"We are at this worlds dimensional gate and they are the keys to open the door." She replied pointing at the digivices in his hands.

"What, a Dimensional Gate! That could only mean that this problem is more serious than I first anticipated. What the hell is going on here, and who was Azulonmon fighting back in the digital world? Because it looked like Piedmon and that's impossible because he was destroyed by the Digidestined!" He asked with rising anger. "And what did you mean back there about us running short on time? Running out of time? For what?" He asked her forcefully.

"Very well, I shall tell you what it is you want to know. 15 years ago there was a woman by the name of Beryl who, along with her kingdom called the Negaverse tried to rule the world. She was later destroyed along with her generals by a group of girls called the Sailor Senshi, which I am apart of, we thought that she was gone for good but something happened that I could not detect in the time stream, it seems that your Dark Masters were some how resurrected along with MaloMyotismon and Beryl, they are now more powerful than ever. The devices you have are different than the ones that you are used to they each have a very special power that can only be unlocked by the new Digidestined."

"New Digidestined?"


"But what does the gate have to do with this?" Gennai asked.

"By combining their powers, The Dark Masters as they will be referred to as of now, have found a way to travel to different dimensions. So as to combat this threat Azulonmon and I created these digivices that have a combination of Senshi magic and Crest energy, to give the new Chosen eight an edge that will help them win."

After she finished explaining the situation she started an incantation in a language Gennai didn't know of, soon the doors opened with an explosion of light that covered the entire room. The digivices in his hands glowed then lifted by themselves then flew in side the door at different points then the door shut itself as quickly as it opened.

"Sailor Pluto?"

"Yes, what is it Gennai?"

"What do we do now?


To Be Continued….