by: Ude

Disclaimer: No one died yet to make me Gravitation's owner. This is an AU fic; so don't throw pitchforks at me if I alter things according to my own fancies.


"Be careful with that box! My precious Nittle Grasper collections are in there." the pink hair kid yelled to the man who was carrying his stuff.

'Man, I can't believe it. I'm actually going to be living here now. Why just can't they let me stay back in Kyoto? Why does dad have to be the new head of the Shindo Conglomerates' Tokyo branch, why can't he be just Kyoto's head instead?'

"Sorry, miss." Miss! That word made Shuichi's thoughts come crashing back to reality. Did that guy just called him miss?

"Uhm... pardon sir?" Shuichi asked the man, not fully believing what he just heard. Was he just hearing things?

"I said sorry, ma'am." The man said, giving Shuichi a courteous nod while he continued walking up the stairs, carrying the box.

Ma'am! He was just mistaken for a girl... again. It's not the first time it happened but why on earth do people keep on mistaking him for a girl? Is it because of his pink hair? His heart shaped face? His long eye lashes? His feminine curves? On second thoughts maybe those were reasons enough.

He sulked on the spot. He was curled up in a ball moping while drawing circles on the floor. He actually looked rather adorable, pouting with his lip-glossed lips with a few dried up tears on his cute face. Yup, definitely adorable.

"Kawaii!" Shuichi was brought back from his reverie by a very loud screeching voice. His mother had been watching him the whole time he sulked. He was unaware of what was happening around him and how adorable he looked. Obviously she can't hold up any longer from squealing like a teenager from the way Shuichi looked.

Shuichi sweat dropped; his mother just launched herself at him, trapping him in a tight bear-hug while squealing kawaii over and over. His mother was certainly obsessed with the fact that her son is so cute and that he could be a girl instead.

Then, someone stepped in.

"Madam, we have to go or you will be late for the..." The woman trailed of, just too shocked to continue. She was currently witnessing the wife of the current CEO of the Shindo Conglomerate in one her peculiar out of character behaviors, though she still looked gorgeous doing it.

She was squeezing the life out of her child...err... daughter? Well, the woman was not sure because she hasn't met her bosses' child before but the kid does look like a girl, and a very cute one at that.

The said Mrs. Shindo seemed to have recognized person who just interrupted her moment with her son. The woman looked like her husband's secretary but now she just looks like some fish gaping out of water.

"What?" Mrs. Shindo spat out, reverting back to cold and sophisticated persona while unleashing her poor son from her bear hug.

Said son was now able to breath.

"What do you want?" Mrs. Shindo yelled at the woman who just seemed to have recovered from her shock only to be scared to death by the death glare the she was now being given.

Shuichi pitied the woman. She was receiving the treatment from her mother. Making him wonder why when around him his mother was all so different. Sure she practically squeezes the life out of him with her hugs. Annoy him to no end when she takes him shopping only to black mail him into wearing girls clothing. Still she doesn't treat him the way she treat others, which is practically everyone except for himself, his father, her close friends, and some few chosen members of their clan.

"I said what do you want woman? Aren't you my husbands' secretary?" She spat out like venom, Shuichi had to wince from it. His mom's really scary sometimes... well maybe all time but that's not the point.

"Uhm... Ma-a...dam, I... ah... was...send...uhm... to fe..etch...the... tt... two ... of... yo... you... for the...uh... par... ty." The woman stuttered, unable to hide her fear from the way she's speaking.

'Poor woman, mom's really giving her the creeps. She's even stuttering. Anyway, I wonder what party she's talking about.' Shuichi thought, watching the two women.

"Mom, what party is she talking about?" Shuichi butted in, trying to spare the woman from her mother glare.

His mother turned to him smiling warmly. He sweats drop. 'Mom sure changes her demeanor quickly...creepy.'

"Oh! I forgot to tell you Shu-chan." She said as she approached her son.

'Shu-chan! Chan! She just put a chan on Shu. Chan is used for girls. I'm not a girl! I'm a B.O.Y!' Shuichi practically screamed in his head.

His mother was starting it again. She only dons the Shu-chan name calling when she's planning something... something that he would most definitely not like.

"Shu-chan, I forgot to tell you that you are coming to the welcome party of the company for your dad..." She trailed of, a tinged of joy very much evident in her voice.

Shuichi was now nervous, very nervous indeed. From the voice his mom was donning he could tell that his mom has something in store for him.

"Wait for us at the car, Shu-chan just needs to get dressed." Mrs. Shindo said very icily to her husband's secretary.

"Shu-chan, now come with mama."

Shuichis' worry just now escalated. His mother just smiled creepily at him. He's going to regret whatever his mother's going to do to him. And was there just a stress when his mom said that he needs to get dressed?

"No!" Shuichi screamed.

He had just been carried of, well hauled would be the proper term to it, by his mother to her room and had just been presented with his dress. It seems though that he doesn't appreciate it much.

"Why not, Shu-chan? You would look so cute in it." His mother squealed.

"There is no way that I'm going there wearing that...that dress! I have no plan of showing up in a dress! Ever!"

"But why Shu-chan, the people at the party haven't even met you before and they certainly don't know what your gender is." His mom reasoned out, very much enjoying how she teases him.

"Look at the dress will you, mom. It's a red backless tube-top long gown!"

"It's not entirely backless you know. It has criss-cross laces on the back."

"The is so low!"

"Of course it is. Do you know how graceful your back is? Mama's just showing of her baby."

"And besides, if you don't wear it you might as well... forget going to the every Nittle Grasper concert and you might as well forget singing." She just black mailed her son.

"Wha..." He tried to form the words to retort back at his mother but it's obvious that he already lose the battle.

"Oh, my son has the most beautiful voice ever ... but he can't use... cause he can't be a singer anymore... cause he wasn't an obedient son. Oh, imagine the pain of a mother stopping her son from his dreams." His mother monologues as if she were on theater play… very creepy.

"Ve... very well then mother, I'll we... wear your stupid dress." Shuichi said in defeat while his mother was laughing like a maniac (kinda like Naga of The Slayers), in any case this kind of laughter is very disturbing.