My Stranger:
Hi peeps! This is Lea again here to bring you another chapter to my story My Stranger. As you may know, Beastboy and Raven had a conversation about the whole situation with Stranger and not telling anybody about it. Raven wants Beastboy to keep it a secret but how long can Beastboy keep it? Well in this chapter Raven has a fantasy dream. I decided to put the Mumbo part in Chapter Thirteen. Well I hope you enjoy. Alright, disclaimer please!
Disclaimer: Teen titans is not my property. I don't own it. frown
Chapter Twelve: Weird Dream
That night, Raven had a strange dream of Stranger. The thing that was really weird about it was that this never really occurred to Raven before. How come Raven was getting dreams of Stranger? And why now? These type of things gave Raven a cold shiver down her back.
Dream Sequence
"Raven!" Stranger called out from across the field waving his hands in the air. The changeling was in his blue trunks holding a towel behind his neck. He smiled brightly with enthusiasm.
Raven was in the field by a bunch flowers. She turned back and forth looking to see where she was. She noticed that she was on a field of flowers and there was a lake not too far from her. (Author's Note: That's the lake where Stranger is)
"Stranger?" Raven looked confused as she drew nearer to the lake. Walking closer and closer, she felt query. Why was she even walking towards Stranger? And why was she feeling butterflies in her stomach?
Raven blushed at the sight of Stranger in blue trunks as she came closer to the sparkling lake.
What's wrong with me? Raven thought as she cringed her stomach. Come on Raven snap out of it! Although, Stranger looks kinda good right now. You have to quit it! What am I saying? Is that a bad thing?
Stranger sneaked a smile on his face as he saw Raven blushing her way to the lake. She sat by the lake's shores and hesitantly took glances at the cute hunk. Resist Raven! Resist! Fight temptation!
The brown haired teen inched toward Raven and put his arm around her. Resist!
He tried to kiss Raven but she turned away. No. I can't.
Stranger gently touched Raven's cheek and turned her face towards him. He smiled adorably and licked his lips. Raven felt her heart and noticed how fast it was drumming in her chest. She took one look at Stranger and began to melt.
After a few seconds, Stranger made his lips touch Raven's. Raven felt like she could fly but mentally. Her heart soared to the skies as Stranger kissed her.
Everything felt perfect in the world like there was no evil or anything wrong. Raven felt like she was in love by this mysterious boy who took her heart. I never knew that I could feel this way.
When Raven opened her eyes once Stranger stopped kissing her, she noticed that the beautiful lake was gone. The field was also gone including the flowers. No! What happened?
Raven turned around to face Stranger, her heart dropped. Stranger was no longer Stranger! It was...
"Told you Raven I'd make you smile one day!" Beastboy laughed.
Raven's eyes perked up at the thought of not kissing Stranger. What! Did I kiss...HIM!
"Huh? What's wrong, Raven? Didn't you like it?" Beastboy looked saddened. "You looked like you were actually...happy."
The scared Raven jumped from her spot and tears fell out of her eyes. I couldn't have! NO! This is horribly wrong!
Beastboy got up with her and tried to put his arm around her like "Stranger" had done. It didn't work. She slapped his arm off and covered her ears. "No! Leave me alone!"
Beastboy frowned and walked away. What more could he do?
"Leave me ALONE! Go AWAY!" Raven screamed and yelled til her lungs burst. She moaned and groaned at the thought of kissing Beastboy instead of Stranger. "ARGHH!"
Dream Sequence over
"ARGHHH!" Raven screamed waking up from her bed. She had sweat dripping from her forehead.
Looking all around her room, Raven noticed that she was no longer by a lake but in her room.
She felt her heart in her chest and stared at the blanks walls.
"It was just a dream. Just a dream." Raven said calmly. "It was just a dream."
Raven felt better knowing that her little scene with Beastboy was only a dream. Raven sighed a relief and went back to sleep.
The Next Day
"Wakey Wakey!" A frill voice sang. "Everybody wake up!"
Raven wiped the sleeping dust from her eyes. She glared at the clock beside her bed. It read 7:30 a.m.
"Ugh...Does he always have to wake us up whenever he makes breakfast?" Raven said as she got up from bed and made it.
"Raven! Come on!" Beastboy yelled from outside Raven's door.
Raven sighed. "I'm coming."
Once Raven got out of her room, she quickly noticed that Beastboy wasn't the only one waiting for her to come out. "Is everything alright?"
Robin looked serious. "We heard you scream."
They heard me? Quick Raven...think of something! Raven immediately turned red. "It was just a bad dream."
Starfire looked confused. "I did not know you can have the bad dreams."
Cyborg scratched his head. "Yeah I didn't know either."
"Well now you do." Raven said nervously.
Beastboy shook his head in agreement. "Dude, it must of been a bad dream. I never heard Raven scream like that before."
Raven shrugged her shoulders. "Doesn't matter. Can we please take me off topic...please."
Robin laughed. "It's okay, Raven. We know how you feel when you're the center of attention. Come on, let's go to the kitchen. I got something important to say."
Raven smiled at Robin as he paced his way to the kitchen following Starfire and Cyborg. Beastboy was behind.
"Hey I know you don't like discussing about your personal information or anything judging by last night and all ,but I got to know...what did you dream of?" Beastboy asked with the most concerned look.
Raven turned to him. "Beastboy...I.."
She stuttered words trying to make up a sentence.
"Raven, dude, you have to tell me. I mean, it must of been THAT bad to make you scream like that." Beastboy exclaimed.
Raven held her shoulders in fear as she looked at Beastboy and thought of her dream. "Oh it was REALLY bad."
The changeling giggled. "Yeah it must of been bad. Probably some big, ugly monster trying to kill you."
"Oh it was MUCH scarier than a monster." Raven added sarcastically.
Beastboy laughed nearing in tears. "Scarier than a damn monster? That must of been one hell of a dream, huh?"
Raven tried not to crack up, it wouldn't be like her. "Yeah, Beastboy, he sure was. He sure was."
"Well meet you in the kitchen, Raven." Beastboy exclaimed holding his sides in pain from the laughter he had.
The green boy kept laughing his way to the kitchen not knowing that the so called monster he was talking about was himself.
WOW! I ended this chapter quickly didn't I? I found it funny that Beastboy was laughing about himself. If only he knew that Raven was dreaming of him. Well the really interesting parts come in on Chapter Thirteen. So stay tuned. Oh and one more thing too...REVIEW! I sure do love reviews. So please give in good reviews and keep the flaming to a minimum.