The reaction to the new advice columm was unprecedented in history of Fuka Acedemy.

Almost everybody involved in the latest series of troubles( everyone) wrote in to pour out their heart and soul to a notorious delinquent and a robot which has a crush on pint sized WMD control platform.

What a show of faith and trust that the two had been reformed.

How touching it is.

How Stupid.

The Sisters are here, and they want more than a Hail Mary.

ASk Sisters Nao and Miyu. Volume 1

Dear Sisters,

Help me out! I have two guys and a loli who's after me, then there's another loli who wants to kill me. ( I think). One of the guy is pretty hot, but looks really girly, like's tea and sometimes I think he's actually gay. Also he's raised to love his sister and that really freaks me out. The other one's passionate and caring, but is a wuss at relationships. Also has a loli problem. Then there's my own loli problem. She really cute, but I'm njot really interested in girls, and she has a habit of rubbing my boobs. She might also eat me into the poorhouse if this goes on.

Please help.
Burning phoenix.

Dear pyromanic,

The Book of Nao, Chp 4, verse 16 states. "When in doubt, try it out." Most girls in school would kill for a chance at Girly boy, just like why most girls like yaoi. Your problem is too many targets in too short a time. Sleep with them one by one, and if you're still undecided, it's time for a buffet of loli, bishie and hot-blooded screaming. Also remember to put out only after they have given you cell phones. Don't put out before that.

Regards Sister Nao.

Loli satisfaction rate30
Girly Man satisfaction rate30
Wuss satisfaction rate30

Conclusion Compile and execute.

"Think she'll taked our advice" remarked Nao casually to her new partner in crime.

Miyu looked up from stroking the Alyssa in her lap, with her lips curling into the faintest of smiles, "Possibilty of Valkyrie following advice is at 2.3 Recommends buying lottery if that happens"


To Sister Skank.

Have a problem with my maybe girlfriend. She used to hide her emotions for me and restricted to leering at me when I'm in my underwear. And molesting me in the lingerie shop. Now that she's confessed, she wants me anywhere,anytime. Don't even dare to wear my biker suit anymore because she's staring at my butt in it. How do I make her confine herself to molesting me in private and in my sleep.

Wolf girl.

To Biker Dyke.

First let me remind you that you're the uke of this relationship, and that means your mistress can dominate you anytime she likes. Try begging or to wear lingerie only when alone with her. Stick to sports underwear otherwise.

Secondly, I hate you and I want you to die

Go to hell Sister Nao.

"No input from you?" asked Nao as she finished the last touches of her chain letter curse she's preparing to send to "Biker Dyke"

"None required. It was addressed to Sister Skank, not Dildo, Sextoy or Vib..."

"You can stop now."snapped Nao.

To the Sisters of the Church.

My second in command is spending too much time on her laptop recently, and after she bought the new cell phone with a digicam she hasn't left her room in my mansion ever since. I also notice my underwear going missing and a strange feeling like someone is watching me. I wonder what it is?

Student Enforcer.

To the language murderer.

Firstly, for a student executive your spelling really sucks. Almost as much as how your little peeping pet would like to suck your (the following content has been removed due to excessive explicit imagery and adult language). Secondly, if you still haven't noticed who exactly can stand a screeching, dumb harpy like yourself. Then you really need to get a clue, and maybe a dictionary and thesaurus.

Regards Sister Nao P.S: In case you still have not noticed it, your friend Yukino is Gay, Gay, GAAAYYYYYY! and she would like to (censored) and (snip) with you.

Level of perception in letter writer 0.21

Would you like M.I.Y.U to start the Female Anatomy 211 slide show?

From M.I.Y.U

"I might have taken a greater interest if Yukino still had her tentacle Child."said Nao as she prepared to send another Haruka showering scene to much are you charging her this time."asked Miyu as she oiled her gatalling arm.

"I was thinking a cellphone, or maybe the answer sheets for the upcoming exam." Nao stopped typing as she noticed the android preparing her weaponry, "What's all the preparation for?"

"Read" was all Miyu would say.

To Nao and that robot which won't die.

Mikoto is sad. Mai likes stupid Yuuichi, but Mikoto likes Mai. Mikoto likes Aniu-e as well, but after seeing Aniu-e not acting like Aniu-e, more like Aneki, Mikoto not like Aniu-e so much.

What will happen if Mai stops making ramen for me? Mikoto won't share Mai pillow with others!


To Feral friend

Next time, do not use your real name. You're supposed to keep this secret.

Secondly, your pillow set seems to enjoy the attention of being in a love triangle, so try to hook up with the other annoying brat Shiho, then make out in front of her. That would make her go through a rollercoaster of emotions before finally settling on the one who got physical with her first.

Hint: it's you.

Regards Your intelligience, Nao.

P.S So, which do you like better, the "Orange Ramen," or the "Melon Buns"?

To annoying target

1400 hours, rose garden.

Bring body bag.

Will do the tango and waltz on final resting place of Minagi, Mikoto. Tombstone provided.


"Don't let Yurikako find out."warned Nao.

"There won't be anything left for her to find out."