Chapter 4
By shadows/of/flame
The last chapter... dun dun duuuuun! Enjoy guys!
After the last stack of events, and seems it was Auron and Rikkus wedding this time around, everyone feverently hoped that the WIBA was forever gone, and that there would be no more disaster involving cream, chocolate mousse or plotholes.
But, as this is the last chapter (the authoress dodges large amounts of potatoes and other things that should generally never be thrown), there will be much chaos, much yelling and screaming and tearing of the hair, and most importantly...
Several readers pass out from reading that mushed up sentence, but a majority of them don't, and they scream wildly.
The authoress immediately, and very sadly because she hates Mary Sues, affirms their fears.
Anyway, Yuna, Tidus, Lulu, that blitzball guy, and the blue furry dude werre setting up for, you guessed it, another wedding.
After all the other disasters with foodstuffs, Yuna had asked a Guado caterer to make and supply all the food, so no more disasters would be had with her carpet.
Speaking of which, Rikku had spent the week before her wedding selling cakes and chocolates on the streets in the sluttiest clothes ever, to pay for Yunas new carpet. Even now she couldn't live it down.
Yunas blue-and-yellow-striped carpet was far, far away, in a magical land called Besaid, where Summoners and their aeons ran free, like uni--!
The authoress coughs.
All of a sudden, a girl fell out of the sky, and landed (almost) perfectly on Wakka. She had un natural sky blue hair, which Yuna thought was the result of a pretty bad dye-job, and swirly eyes like the Al Bhed. Necklaces hung like thick chains around her neck (in fact, Tidus assumed they were chains at first because of the thickness)
We would describe the shape of her face, how many strands of hair she has and things likewhat colour her underwear is, but the authoress refuses to.
If you do not know what a Mary Sue is, please refer to the "Besaidian Dictionary Of Unnatural Creatures That Fall Out Of the Sky And Immediately Fall In Love With Tidus" for more information.
"Mary Sue: Extract of a definition form the BDOUCTFOOTSAIFILWT.
Ma-ree Sew; a male or female (usually female) that somehow gets sucked into their TV and falls out of the sky. They bring general OOCness with them, and afterwards, they are found by a famous person (Rikku, Yuna, whatever), and promptly fall in love with one of the canon characters, usually within 5 minutes. The canon characters lover is ignored, and the new character that fell from the sky (the Mary Sue) is usually the author/ess being too rabid a fangirl..."
The authoress shuts the BDOUCTFOOTSAIFILWT, and looks at the readers.
"Theres fangirl, and then theres rabid lets-stalk-Tidus'-voice-actor fangirl..."
The Mary Sue brushed herself off, apologising furiously to Wakka, who glared at her.
"An Al Bhed. Rikku is my friend, but you are not, so I hate you."
Rikku gasped, ignoring the fact that brides are not supposed to see the groom before the wedding, for fear of bad luck.
"Wakkas been attacked by the mythical Mary Sue! HES OUT OF CHARACTER!" she screamed, invoking general panic in the general area.
Auron and Tidus grabbed Wakka by the arms, dragging him down into Yunas basement and locking him in there with plenty of water and a strait-jacket, and everyone else tried to stay as far away from the Mary Sue, lest they too be infected.
The Mary Sue looked around for Tidus, immediately spotting him and squealing wildly.
"Hello Tidus! I'm Mel-Anne, but you call me sweetie-pie! Just like all my other boyfriends!" she gushed, clinging onto his hand like the world depended on it.
Tidus looked dazed, and Yuna started glaring at the Mary Sue, aka Mel-anne.
"GET-YOUR-HANDS-OFF-MY-HUSBAND." Yuna hissed, steam bursting out her ears (supplied by a very convenient plot hole).
The Mary Sue was clinging onto Tidus hand with one hand, and eating a cream cake with the other, ignoring Yuna, and the fact that Tidus was being poisoned by the MS being too close.
He started to turn blue, and by then, Yuna had enough. She took the Mary Sue by the arm, and led her through a plot hole to Besaid.
"Come into my house, theres something I want to show you called a knife..."
The authoress looks at her watch, and notices her time of authoring is up.
"Sorry everyone, but this has been a blast! You can all watch Yuna massacre the Mary Sue though!"
Blood splatters Yunas carpet, and even though it was ruined yet again, she didn't seem to mind.
Wakka got over his out of characterness.
Auron and Rikku married another day with no problems whatsoever.
And the readers smile as they EXP3CT A S3QU3L!