A fic for raffi
By shadows/of/flame
Genre: Humour, and like 2 seriousness
My friend on LJ was feeling down, so I wrote this fic! Not to be taken seriously XD.
"Yunie! Come on, I need the cream for Wakka and Lulus wedding cake right now! Or the icings going to set!"
Yuna grumbled as her younger cousin yelled out to her yet again, making her drop the stack of name tags she had been, until a few seconds ago, holding.
Everyones nerves were running high as Lulu and Wakka, the first out of the group of friends, were to be wed the next day, and the last minute touches were being put on decorations and misc.things like that while they still had the chance.
OF course, Auron, being the big "meanie" that he was, had taken order of everything (at Yunas orders) and had given Rikku food duty.
Yes, that included looking after the cream.
Cream, the dairy product of all evil, as it would later be known.
Yuna was panicking, and Tidus wasn't helping much by trying to smooch his love as she tried to pick up the tags, so inevidably, Tidus got a nice Blizzaga right in the face.
For a few hours after that, Tidus could be seen prancing around, yelping, with an icepack on his nose.
How can icepacks help one that has been inflicted with a Blizzaga spell, the readers ask.
But no one knows, so the fic continues.
The summoner didn't even apologise as she whisked the name tags away to put the finishing touches on the tables set outside, knocking over a vase on her way out, which led to even more chaos.
Auron slapped a hand to his forehead, wishing Yuna had never ordered him to take care of the wedding party situation in the first place.
It was becoming quickly chaotic, and Rikku was becoming very annoyed as the cream simply refused to stay put on top of the cake - it kept falling off in large blobs and onto an already large pile of cream on the floor, where the other blobs had landed.
"Auron! How about you actually help?" she screeched, her anger getting the better of her, and she smacked the cream down on the benchtop... while the lid was off.
Cream sprayed EVERYWHERE, particually all over the nice, new, clean black carpet that Yuna had purchased and had laid down that very same day.
Also, Yuna had specifically said NO food was allowed anywhere NEAR the carpet, and she had her "I-am-going-to-eat-you-if-you-disobey-me" face on when she said it to a very pale Tidus, Rikku and Auron.
Oh boy, would the summoner be VERY unhappy when she saw this?
Of course she would be. What good, respectable female would NOT be, is the more obvious answer to this question.
Auron could not believe his eyes!
Well, eye.
All he could see was knee-deep cream, splattered ALL over the place and in the middle of it Rikku, standing as though she were a snowman, well, woman and wringing her hands nervously.
"Oh boy Rikku, when Yuna finds out you have left cream all over her lovely black carpet, there isn't going to be much left of you when shes finished." Smirked Auron in mock-sadness.
"What are we going to do with all this cream! Sure, the cream on the cakes fine and all, but this is cream ALL OVER THE DINING ROOM AND KITCHEN? What are we going to do?"
Auron chuckled, licking some cream off the hilt of his katana, and making Rikku shudder.
"What do you mean, what are WE going to do? I wasn't the one in charge of the cream in the first place."
Rikku glared at the older man, and as he was about to leave the mess that the fiesty blonde had made in the kitchen to herself, he felt a ball of cream whap him straight in the back of the head.
'What a waste of good cream.' Rikku mused, but before she had time to muse some more, a large ball of cream smacked her in the face.
She blinked, and looked at Auron, who was currently licking the offending cream splotches off his hands.
"Why, YOU---!"
Auron didn't even have time to react, as Rikku bowled him over, straight into the sea of cream.
Yes, the author realises the word cream has been used a lot in this fic, but she must cater to the fangirls desires.
He spluttered and coughed, as small, fruity tasting lips were pressed to his, and to his utter amazement, he for once didn't object.
'Whos been eating more fruit than they've put on the cake?' the stoic guardian mused as he wrapped his arms around the young girl, all but lost in a sea of cream.