Disclaimer: If it's yellow, has webbed feet, says Quack a lot, and answers to Ducky, please tell my Disclaimer its not a duck. I really wished I owed Gilmore Girls, but I only own Chris III, Chris I, Cashlyn, and others who pop up. I know Rory's a little OOC, but she still Rory I swear! Therefore I don't own her.

A/N: Wow, you're about to read my story! Yeah. Okay, so this almost totally AU. All is explained and anything that isn't tell me, and I'll be sure to explain in the next chapter or so. Please review, and only give constructive criticism. As my English teacher says, "Don't criticize unless you can help with a solution." No flat out bitching.

Who We Are

By: Breanne, DevilPup9

Chapter 1: Introducing

It was a boring, hot summer day. Lorelai Leigh Gilmore the Third, or rather Lorelai Leigh Hayden, as she was now to become was sitting in her father's limo, heading towards Hartford. Her father's parents, Cashlyn and Christopher Hayden I, thought that now that her parents had reconciled they should change her name to Hayden. She loathed her grandparents.

When her mother got pregnant with Rory, as she went by, and her twin Chris, they tried forcing her to get an abortion. The twins parents were very weird and named them after themselves, making each a whomever the third. After refusing to kill her child, at the time believing there was only one, Christopher wasn't allowed to marry Lorelai. Lorelai refused to marry Christopher after his parents disapproval of him asking her to. She claimed it was too much. Knowing they were to have twins, they decided Chris would take the boy(s), and she would take the girl(s). They really didn't want to spilt them but this was the only fair way. They would spend their Birthday in Boston, were Christopher's parents were moving because of the pregnancy scandal, and Christmas in Stars Hollow, were Lorelai, without parental knowledge, was moving post-birth. At one point, Cashlyn tried to convince Christopher to try for legal custody of Rory because of how Lorelai was living in a shed, but Chris refused, and moved out on his own with Little Chris, and his parents moved back to Hartford. Chris and Lorelai would see each other off and on, but never let the kids see them.

Finally at Lorelai's best friend's wedding when the twins were 13, he showed up, saying he couldn't live without her anymore. They decided to take things slow. Now, they were married, and moving back to Hartford, so Chris could work, and so could Lorelai. They bought a huge house, okay it was more like a mansion. Lorelai didn't want a huge house, or she'd get lost. It had 5 huge bedrooms, each with a full bath and walk-in closet, a kitchen with walk-in pantry, a wash room, a dining room, a music room for Chris, a ball room, with elegant multi-person bathrooms, Rory insisted on a huge Library, a media room for movie nights, an office for Christopher, a sewing room for Lorelai, a sitting room, a recreational room, and an entertainment lounge for the hired help during breaks. There was a pool, pool house, beautiful garden, and a huge oak tree in which Rory, Chris, and Lorelai were already designing a tree house outside. It wasn't at all huge.

The house was to be Rory's new home. She loved Stars Hollow, but the thought of actually being a real family made her so much happier to move. She would also be attending Chilton Prep Academy. She tested two weeks ago, and in a week, she and Chris would be attending a school for snobs and high society children. The only reason they weren't complaining was because it increased their chances of Harvard and Princeton. Rory dreamed of being an over seas correspondent for a big newspaper, and Chris dreamed of being a graphic design and cartoon artist. Both were fields that were very risky finically.

She'd been in thought so long she hadn't noticed they'd stopped.

"Miss, we're here." The driver called to her.

"Oh thank you." She said gathering her things and getting out. Her mother would be there in a few hours, and her father was there already. Her brother's limo was coming up the drive now. She raced to him, dropping all her stuff in the process.

"Ror?" He called seeing her running his way. He ran the rest of the way and met her in a tight hug.

"CHRIS!" She squealed hugging him a little to tight.

"Need to breathe, hun." He said half choking.

"Trying to imitate mom?" She asked.

"Never." He said. As much as Rory looked like Lorelai, Chris looked like Christopher. The only way you could really tell they were twins was by their eyes and their ears. They both had Lorelai's eyes, and Christopher's ears.

They walked had in had back to Rory's things, picking them up. The drives began bringing their small suitcases and extra bedding into the house. Rory put her things on the table next to the door, and Chris removed his Slipknot hoodie. They looked at each other with a hint of mischievousness and ran toward the spiral stair case. They reached the Third floor and ran down the hall to the left. Their rooms were on the left, Christopher and Lorelai's down the middle hall, and the two extra bedrooms to the right. Their rooms were on the opposite walls of each other. They went into Rory's first.

It had been repainted since they first surveyed the house. It now had soft blue walls with dark blue trim, a creamy tan carpet and white doors. There was a king sized mahogany canopy bed, with dark blue cotton sheets, sheer blue curtains, and lots of pillows. The widow curtains were a combination of both, with a sheer full curtain, and heavy cotton ones that pulled to the side. French glass doors led to a balcony were a small table for two, and two chairs sat. She had a desk, a vanity, an entertainment center, night stands, and a huge bookcase filled with books, all made of mahogany with silver handles were applicable.

"Perfect. Let's inspect the bathroom." Rory said gleefully.

"Umm.." Chris said before being pulled through one of the white doors. The bathroom had blue tiling, with white walls, a huge mirror over the sink, a stand up shower and a huge Jacuzzi/tub.

"Okay, since you don't need to seem my closet, lets go see how your room turned out!" Rory said happy with her bathroom, and pulled Chris across the hall into his room, where he happily followed. His room was similar to Rory's, except he had red and black theme. His door was black, the walls were red, with dark red trim, the carpet was black and his bed was a black metal frame, that had points instead of balls at the ends. He refused to have a canopy bed. There just as many pillows, but they were black and contrasted against the red comforter. Instead of having to types of curtains, he had black mini-blinds, and black curtains over them. His bedroom accessories were made of dark cherry wood with black handles. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw everything in its place.

"Thank god, it looks nothing like yours!" He said deadpan.

"Jerk." Rory stuck out her tongue.

"Get out of my room." He said seemingly mad.

"What? Chris I was playing.." She said getting scared that after 10 minutes of living with her, he was mad at her. Then she saw him smirk, and she went blank. "YOU ASS!" She yelled, before Chris went running, with Rory on his tail.

Lorelai had just walked into the house when she heard Rory yell. She stood in the foyer, and heard Rory chasing Chris down the stairs, and screaming at him, while Chris was laughing. When the two came into sight, she could help but smile as Chris' face now mirrored sheer horror. He saw Lorelai and ran behind her.

"Mommy, save me." The 15 year old cried.

"Oh no, my mommy first. You can't hide behind her." Rory said stopping in front of them with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Actually, I was born first." He said mirroring her stature after removing himself form behind 'Mommy'. Lorelai silently laughed at them. It really was hard not letting them grow up together.

"Yeah, but you see, I'm her favorite, she named me after herself." Rory said like a five year old.

"Only cause she was too lazy to think of a name for you." He replied.

"And, you're named after dad." She shot back.

"He was named after his." He challenged.

"Mom was named after Great-Grandma Gilmore." She retorted.

"Well, then, I think our grandparents were too lazy to name their kids, and passed the gene on…" Chris began

"Leaving us to get stuck with their names, too." Rory finished. Lorelai couldn't believe they had the twin vibe even though they didn't grow up together.

"Well, at least my shortened name makes sense. Why mom called you Rory, no one knows." Chris said going back to the original argument of bashing each other.

"Except your name is the same as Dad's while me and mom aren't. She goes by Lorelai or Lore, and I go by Rory. And I have figured out a scientific method of how to derive Rory from Lorelai. You can't do that with Bill and William, or Dick and Richard, actually with Dick and Richard you can because you change the h to the next similar looking letter-" Rory had begun to rant.

"Ror- Nobody cares how Richard can come from Dick." Chris said seriously, before his mother and sister busted out laughing.

"That sounded dirty didn't it?" He said with a pure look of 'It figures.' before joining in on the laughing. Chris walked in and found them all laughing.

"Whats so funny?" He asked.

"We were discussing our plans." Lorelai said naturely, as if that's what they were doing.

"MOM!" The twins groaned loudly, as if she said something she shouldn't have, not missing a beat.

"What plans?"

"Well, you see Daddy…" Rory began,

"Now that we're married…" Lorelai continued,

"And we have this house…" Chris resumed where Lore stopped.

"And we're all together…"

"They're about to start a fancy school…"

"We just thought…"

"We really don't need…"

"You, so were thought we'd…"

"Just kill you now…"

"And collect the insurance money." Rory finished as if she'd said the whole thing herself.

"Well, let me shower first. I don't want to be all nasty when I die. You are going to poison me by trying to cook, right Lore?" Christopher answered good naturedly. A few maids had stopped and looked on confused by the conversation. This was definitely one weird family. The Hayden's were now laughing joyously in their foyer.

The door was still open, and a tall blonde suddenly appeared. He knocked on the door frame and stuck his head in to see them all laughing. 'This is new, a family actually smiling together that's not on TV.' He was dressed in loose but not baggy jeans, and a tight black shirt clung to him, showing off his well toned chest and six pack. Rory's breath caught as her father, mother, Chris, and somehow her, moved closer to the door.

"May I help?" Christopher asked still smiling at the slightly confused looking boy.

"Um.. Hi. I'm Tristan DuGrey. I live across the street. My parents are Lynn and Oberon DuGrey. They sent you a gift basket, I think. Anyway, I saw that you had children about my age, and thought I should introduce myself." He said beginning to ramble, trying to keep his eyes off the cute brunette before him.

"Oh well, that's very kind of you and your parents. Lorelai, did we get a gift basket?" He asked the woman that Tristan was guessing was his wife.

"Probably. We got so many, I just started throwing them in one of the closets." Lorelai answered honestly.

"Nice, Lore." Christopher said sarcastically. "OH, yes. Sorry, I'm Christopher Hayden, this is my wife Lorelai, and our twins." He said pointing to Lorelai then the twins.

"Chris." Chris said holding out his hand for Tristan to shake.

"Rory. Well actually its Lorelai, but she's also Lorelai- Rory, my name is Rory." Tristan thought she was cute, but from her mannerisms, and appearance which happened to be loose fitted jeans with a short sleeved tee-shirt, he thought of her as a Mary.

"It's nice to meet you all." He said his gaze still on Rory, making her blush and look away down to her shoes. 'Oh yeah, definitely a Mary.'

"You wanna hang out for a bit, or?" Chris offered.

"Sure." Tristan said. The family moved out of the door, and into the house more. Christopher headed back to his office, and Lorelai headed to the kitchen saying something about the elixir of life. Rory shifted uncomfortably, started heading towards the kitchen with her mother.

"You want some?" She called back to the two boys.

"Yeah, and tell mom, that she better not make it too strong. I refuse to become and addict like you two!" He answered.

"Tris?" She asked, subconsciously shortening his name. This took him by surprise, and normally he corrected the sluts that called him Tris or Trist or even the much hated Trissy. But he didn't tell her it was Tristan, instead he answered.

"Well, Mary, if I knew what you were talking about, I'd answer you." He said know full well that her name was actually Rory.

"It's Rory. And we are talking about coffee, the elixir of all life in a Gilmore Girls' life." She corrected him before explaining.

"Sure." He said confused.

"Hey, Ror, can you bring it up to my room for us?" Chris asked.

"Sure." Rory said happily turning back towards the kitchen. She entered and smelled the happy coffee waiting for her. "How'd you know?"

"He was cute." Lorelai said plainly.

"Oh, was I that obvious?" Rory asked as crimson filled her cheeks.

"Not totally. You're Dad was oblivious." Lorelai said trying to make her feel a little better.

"Duh. He's Dad." They both laughed. "He called me Mary. I do believe I said Rory like three times and Lorelai twice. How could he get it wrong?" Rory asked suddenly.

"I have no idea." Lorelai replied with a knowing smile on her lips that Rory didn't notice.

"I gotta take them up some." She said grabbing two more mugs and filling them as well as her own again. She headed upstairs.

Once in his room, Chris turned on his stereo, while Tristan stood shocked at the guy's room.

"I hope you like Linkin Park." He said as Easier To Run came on, filling the whole room.

"You kidding, who doesn't?" Tristan sitting on the bed.

"Preps, thugs." Chris said making face expression similar to Clocksworth's in Beauty and the Beast. Rory had entered and said,

"Promises you don't intend to keep." Before giggle a soft laugh while Chris chuckled lightly.

"OKay, so I'm lost." Tristan said looking between the two.

"You've never seen Beauty and The Beast?" Rory asked dead serious, with an 'Oh My God'. Expression

"Nope." Came his reply.

"We are so having a movie night later!" Rory said before leaving the room, going across the hall to her own, mumbling something about a 'Movie virgin' or something. Tristan was seriously confused.

"Okay, so you're sister is weird." Tristan said.

"Yup." Was all Chris said.

"So what did she mean by Movie Night?" Tristan inquired.

"Its this thing her and my mom have done since she was little. And also every time we saw each other we had one. Its like a pig fest, and a movie marathon night. They watch the classics, the currents, the favorites. Sometimes they have themes. I have a feeling tonight will be classic Disney's with unforgettable lines." Chris explained.

"What do you mean by every time you saw each other?" Tristan asked.

"Well, our Mom got pregnant with us at 16. At first our grandparents wanted her to abort us, then they wouldn't let Dad marry her, even though he wanted to. Mom refused to marry him, had us, Dad got me, moved to Boston, Mom got Ror, moved to Stars Hollow." Chris summarized.

"And now?" Tristan asked missing the connection between now and then.

"They stayed civil, until Dad confessed his undying love 2 years ago. They took it slow, and then two months ago, they got married. Making Mom and Ror Lorelai Hayden's not Lorelai Gilmore's." Chris said filling in the gap.

"Is that why Rory said a Gilmore Girl's life before?"

"Yeah, it was mostly just them in that weird little town. But it was cool. They love you no matter."

"So are you guys going to Chilton or Anderson?" He asked refering to The Prep school and the public school.

"Chilton. We'd go to Anderson, but a) our grandparents insist we go, and b) its better for Harvard and Princeton.

"Harvard man?"

"Nah, Rory wants to go there. I want Princeton. If our grandparents have their way we'll be going to Yale though."

"I know. I want to go to Harvard too. Get away from Hartford. But my Dad will probably force me to go to Yale."

"So do you go to Chilton or Anderson?"

"Chilton. I'm pretty much the King." He said now laying with his back flat on the bed throwing a small football in the air.

"The what?" Chris asked.

"The King, the most popular guy of the 10th grade, possibly school. The biggest player, the richest, the best looking. Defintiely most experienced." Tristan said. Still recievng confused looks form Chris, "Chilton's like a Hierarchy, You have the King, most popular, etc., and the Queen, everything the king is excepted she a slut and usually not to book smart. Devious, yes, intellectual no. Where as I, am in the Top 3 percentile." He explained. Chris got it a little better, but was still confused.

"CHRIS!" Rory yelled before heading into his room.

"What?" He asked looking up from the floor where he had begun fiddling with his guitar playing along with the Linkin Park CD.

"Where is it?" She demanded, hands on her hips. She was obviously get ready to go out because she had make up. Her eyes were smoky, her lips darker, and she had on tight black jeans with a chain or two. She stood in a green tank top also. Her hair was up in two green sticks holding a bun.

"Where's what?" Chris asked feigning innocence.

"My hoodie!" She yelled.

"You have a lot of hoodies." He said back.

"I can't find my Something Corprate hoodie, which means you have it." She accused.

"Did you check mom?"

"Mom doesn't take my hoodies, my shirts, yes, but not my hoodies." SHe said moving towards his closet.

"I don't have it, Ror."

"Yes, you do, I'll find it." She vanished into the closet. Chris stood up, and headed to her room. Tristan followed. Five minutes later Rory walked out Chris' closet sheepishly, and saw they weren't in his room. She headed towards her own and found them laying on her bed, along with a Something Corporate hoodie.

"Sorry." She said embarrassed.

"No problem." Rory reached for the hoodie as the door bell rang. "Oh my god, that's Dean, Chris go stall!" She said running back into her closet, as she was still barefoot. Chris went downstairs while Tristan followed Rory into her closet.

"Need help, Mary?" Tristan asked as she franticly looked for her socks.

"Its Rory. And yes. I can't find my green socks!"

"Why do you need green socks?"

"Okay, let me paint you a picture, Tris. Green hair accessories, green tee, green bra, black jeans, black underwear, green boots, what color do you think my socks would be?" She asked in all seriousness.

"Black." He responded holding up a pair of black socks with green stitching.

"How did you derive black?"

"Brown hair, green sticks. Green tee, green bra. Black jeans, black underwear. Green boots, you need black socks to continue the theme. Top and bottom you clash, middle you keep even." He explained as she blushed when he said bra and underwear, realizing she'd really just painted him a very nice picture. Only problem was his mind was painting a picture of her in only the bra and underwear, then nothing.

"That does make sense."

"RORY!" Chris yelled up through the mansion. Rory put on the socks and boots quickly, before running downstairs.

"Sorry, I couldn't find my socks." She said as Tristan walked down the stairs behind her. Dean, her boyfriend from Stars Hollow, looked suspicious, but it faded when Chris shot him a look. Chris never like Dean, and he let him know it.

"Where are you guys headed?" Chris asked noticing Rory's punky theme, and Dean's less than thrilled look.

"Lane's band is playing. You guys should stop by. It'll be awesome." Rory said walking out of the door.

"Who's Lane?" Tristan asked.

"Rory's best friend. Her parents are weird, but she's cool. She's the drummer of this band. They're really good actually. You wanna go?" Chris asked, looking forward to an excuse to annoy Dean all night.

"Sure. I'm guessing dress code would be similar to Rory's?" Tristan asked.


"Okay, I'll be back in a little while." Tristan said leaving.

"Yeah." Christ said jogging up the stairs.

... ... ...Okay, so in a normal Microsoft Word Document, this was six pages, and that was before the disclaimer and a/n... I hope you liked it, and please review! -Brie