Modern Inconveniences

Scare 1: Automated Toilet

Erik, who was taking bit of a tour of the outside world, and was in the odd paradox world of Phangirls, so, obviously, in 2005, was still alive, had to use the bathroom. He had no idea how he had gotten here. One moment, he was singing, 'It's over now, the music of the night' and the next… he was in this odd place, of things he didn't know. There seemed to be quiet a few girls staring and snickering at him, and one with green eyes and brown hair, who was rather short and pale had actually ran up and hugged him. He hadn't caught her name... was it… Amanda? And her friend… Sandra… who had actually tried her hardest to get him to take off his mask. He had ran to the nearest building he could find.

Of course, everyone was staring at him, he was, after all, the only normally dressed person here! The girls were wearing men clothes… and he had seen quiet a few boys in things that he wouldn't be caught dead in. He sighed, and looked around. The place was small, and smelled of food, and… there were great golden arches around…

"Must be a safe house…" he murmured, and then looked around confusedly, really REALLY needing to use the bathroom.

He finally spotted a sign that said bathroom. He made his way in.

A series of screams sounded, and he was roughly slapped out of the bathroom by a bunch of ladies… "I'm sorry!" He shouted after them, as they closed the door in his face… All he had wanted to do was use the bathroom, for heavens sake!

He turned, watching a man walk into the other bathroom… maybe this way was safe…


Amanda looked over at Sandra…

"Did you plant the device?"

Sandra nodded… "Yes, I did…"

Amanda laughed evilly… "Let us watch."


Erik finally found a bathroom he could use, though the thing was great big and white, and didn't look at all sanitary. He sat down carefully, and looked around to make sure that no one was looking at him. Nothing would surprise him in this place. Finally, he did his business.

After, he looked around, and found a roll of toilet paper. He reach for it, and pulled.

"Remember to wipe, from front to back! Come on now, wipe that crack!"

Erik screamed, tried to jump up, and fell into the toilet, reaching desperately for his Punjab lasso.

"Whose there!" He shouted angrily, trying to hoist himself out of the automated flushing. The water under him swirled around, as the bodiless voice continued as he tried to desperately scramble out by grabbing the toilet paper dispenses…

"Come on now, almost through, get another wipe and clean that poo!"

He screamed again in aggravation, and then finally managed to pull himself out of the toilet. Now, thoroughly drenched, and embarrassed, he stalked unhappily out of the bathroom, where the two girls were snickering…

"Did you get that on tape?" Amanda asked Sandra innocently.

"Oh yes…"

Erik stalked out of the place to wander around, wondering how to get home…