A/N: This story starts during the fight between Luke and Lorelai in her garage during episode 5:15, Jews and Chinese Food. This is my take on how the fight should've turned out. One-shot. Hope you like it!
"Hey, what is your problem?" Lorelai fumed.
"My problem? God Lorelai! My problem is that I'm in love with you!"
She just stood there, eyes wide with shock. A month ago she would've killed to hear him say that to her. But now…
He put his face in his hands. This was not how this was supposed to go, dammit! "I'd better go." He turned to leave, trying not to focus on the now blue and pink walls of the garage that used to house his - or his father's, depending on how you look at it - boat.
Lorelai stared after him, speechless. She willed her vocal chords to work. She wanted to call after him; to make him come back. But for some reason, she couldn't seem to form the words. She just stared as she watched him climb into his truck and whip out of her driveway.
(Luke's, that evening)
Lorelai tentatively entered the diner, ignoring the 'Closed' sign hanging on the door. Luke had his back to the door when she walked in. Hearing the bell, he called "We're closed."
"I know."
When he heard her voice, he turned around. Before he had a chance to speak - though he wasn't planning to - she blurted out "I'm sorry."
Her apology caught him off guard. He knew she never apologized, whether it was her fault or not. But he was still confused. "For what?"
"For not saying what I wanted to say when I had the chance."
"Which was…?"
"I love you." After the words were said, she realized what an uncommon phrase that was to hear from her. Besides to Rory, she never said 'I love you'. She never even told Max, and they had been engaged!
He didn't respond right away, and Lorelai took this as a sign that he didn't feel the same way. She silently turned to leave.
"Lorelai, wait." He called.
She spun around to find him right behind her. They hadn't been this close in weeks.
"I love you too." He whispered, and they kissed. It was slow and gentle. They pulled apart, and Lorelai spoke up.
"You still all in?"
"You bet I am." And he wrapped his arms around her and they kissed again, oblivious to the growing crowd outside the diner. Lane had her phone pressed to her ear. "Rory? Guess what?"
Sorry for the shortness. But when I saw Jews and Chinese Food, where Lorelai says "Hey, what is your problem?", I thought that I had an idea for a better reaction from Luke. Tell me what you think!