Solemn Lives- Part 1: Tidal Motions
-A Yu Yu Hakusho Fanfic.
Chapter 1: Meet The Crew
Before I start off this story, which is what I really want to do, I believe it would help the reader, in this case you, if there were stats to help you fully understand the story and the new characters that will be appearing in this story. This will most likely be four-parter, one story for each character that I have created with extreme consideration and thought. No, they do not take after each character and therefore fall 'in love' with that character. No, they don't have similar weapons to them and are therefore going to 'become friends' with that someone. And no, they are not simple minded creations, they are well-thought-out, so I would appreciate it if you didn't criticize their, well, 'not very strong' points because everybody has them and if they didn't, they would be something that we call, 'impossibly perfect'. Also, I want it to be known that I their names are NOT made up, they are named after different people from my family tree that are or were alive. So, take a look yourself:
(Re-say) Urata (U- rata) a.k.a. Aki (Ah-kee)
Classification: ½ water demon, ½ human being- Father was human, Mother was water demon
Age: 15 years old- birth day: April 19th
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 105 lbs- she is NOT obese
Mental Description: calm, but can also be fierce due to her short temper. Mostly stoic and devious
Physical Description: Dark brown eyes and hair- has blue hints when light hits just right. Wears fake glasses and usually wears ripped-up jeans, t-shirts and a hooded sweatshirt. Also wears biker gloves
Demon Power: can change water of any form into a solid object- also controls water. When pushed too far, is transformed into full water demon- hair is a distinct blue, eyes are ice blue and power triples.
Weapon: daggers/star spikes- far away and close combat
Bow and arrows- far away combat
Tattoo: A dark blue water sphere on left inside wrist
(Hero-she) Tuchida (Two-Cheetah)
Classification: Fire demon
Age: 12 years old- October 12th
Height: 4' 6" (he's shorter than Hiei)
Weight: 65 lbs- he's not skinny, he's very lean
Mental Description: can happy-go-lucky, loud, obnoxious, yet can be intelligent when it is necessary; also is sly
Physical Description: has short, limp, straight, maroon hair, bright fiery red eyes and has a pale complexion. Usually wears slightly baggy long sleeve shirts that are usually orange/red/black with a black/maroon/gray vest and plain old black pants/shorts that are slightly baggy as well. Also wears fingered gloves.
Demon Power: creates and controls fire- can also create fire monsters. Also has the power to create temporary illusions. When angry, worried, badly damaged, or feels that loved ones are in danger, he then transforms into a 6 ft human that has the instinct to kill, has spiky red hair, cold red eyes and power multiplies.
Weapons: none
Tattoo: black and silver ember on upper left arm
D. (Dawn) Ingot
Classification: lynx demon trapped inside an American girl's body (like Kurama) except the girl had been hit by a car and she was unable to bring the girl's spirit back to her body
Age: 16 years old- January 4th
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 125lbs- she is a tomboy that is crazy and actually wears girl's stuff
Mental Description: Human girl- out-going, loud, enthusiastic, bubbly. Always jokes around and is hardly ever serious; scarcely good at sneaking
Demon- cold, quiet, arrogant. Never is seen with a smile on her face- was previously (as in when she was little) obsessed with Youko Kurama... she was actually training to be like him, but failed miserably.
Physical Description: striking yellow hair worn down around her shoulders, golden eyes, sharp nails. Usually wears a yellow shirt that shows her navel, and capris kaki pants.
Demon Power: is able to control lightning, and is very acrobatic. Has the natural ability to be able to call out her demon self. When she appears, she has yellow hair with black stripes and wears a yellow tunic that travels down to the knees with a black belt. Keeps the yellow eyes.
Weapons: num-chucks and karate- she surpasses a black belt (no duh)
Tattoo: silver and white wildcat on inner right ankle
(Ken-e-gee) Hakkai (Ha-kai, like Genkai)
Classification: unknown demon/unclassified demon- has the power to transform into animals that he has come into contact with- the human version and/or animal version
Age: 16 years old- March 1st
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: varies depending on animal form
Mental Description: Normal Form- innocent at times, but mostly a trouble maker
Tiger Form- calm and relaxed/ arrogant
Grizzly Form- clumsy, bored/ fierce
Wolf Form- restless and hyper/ serious
Shark Form- cold and furious/ distant
Eagle Form- nervous and always jumpy/ pleasant
Physical Description:
Normal Form- mouse brown hair, green eyes, skinny and slightly muscular- wears long pants with holes in the knees and a green baseball jersey with white undershirt- The Tigers
Tiger Form- black mixed with white w/ black specks/brown hair w/ orange specks, yellow eyes, lean and powerful- wears forest green unbuttoned T-shirt with white undershirt, black cargo pants, Indian wristbands
Grizzly Form- shaggy brown hair, dark brown eyes, dark skin, buff- wears muscle shirt, biker gloves with gold knuckles, baggy jeans
Wolf Form- sleek gray hair, gold eyes, lean- wears gray T-shirt w/ devil logo, baggy cargo shorts, sweat bands on wrists and head
Shark Form- flat pale blue hair, dull gray eyes, slightly buff (more so than the other forms, but less than Grizzly)- wears navy blue long-sleeved sweater w/ wide neck w/ white undershirt, kaki blue pants
Eagle Form- pure white hair, silvery yellow eyes, lanky and light- wears white long-sleeved button up shirt w/ white undershirt (top three buttons undone), black dress pants
Demon Power:
Normal Form- Transformation into demon animal form or plain animal form
Tiger Form- attack: Claw of The Putnar
ability: super speed, fangs and claws
Grizzly Form- attack: Grizzly Claw (from the Dr. Ichigaki team)
ability: super strength
Wolf Form- attack: Wolf Bite
ability: endurance, fangs, and claws
Shark Form- attack: Solar Wave
ability: breathe underwater and sharp teeth
Eagle Form- attack: Chaos Current
ability: ability to fly, slight power over wind
Weapons: None
Tattoo: feathered Indian headband on upper outer right arm
(Amy-ko) Urata (U-rata)
Classification: human female- Rise/Aki's stepmother
Age: 37 years old- May 4th
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 145 lbs- on the slightly heavy side yet still fit
Mental Description: caring, determined, and loving. Enjoys eating chips like Doritos.
Physical Description: short, poofy black hair, dark eyes and a tan skin tone. Usually wears scoop-neck sweaters and jeans.
Demon Power: none- she is a human
Weapon: preferably a bat or whatever is in the surrounding
Tattoo: none
a.k.a. Rikku (Re-ku) Urata (U-rata)
Classification: human male- Rise's birthfather
Age: 37 years old- May 29th
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 162 lbs- a faint settled-down look
Mental Description: easygoing, polite, and thoughtful. Never sees any reason to punish unless it would somehow teach a lesson.
Physical Description: short, choppy hair, calm soothing chocolate brown eyes, dark skin. Usually wears a short-sleeve T's and kaki's
Demon Power: none- he's a human
Weapon: manly power. Not really, whatever is fine for him… it's never come up.
Tattoo: none