Title: Life and Times of a Socialite

Author: Lady Eliza

Characters: All Characters

Summary: Total AU Rory and Logan Spoiler Warning 5.19

Disclaimer: I do not own Gilmore Girls or any of its characters. It belongs to the WB/CW and Amy Sherman-Palladino.

Original Authors Note: Hi everyone this is my first piece of fanfiction, so please tell me if it sucks or not. And I'm from Canada so some of the spellings may be odd.

Chapter 1: Negative Emotions

Life, as Rory Gilmore knew it, was great. As she was driving from New Haven to Stars Hollow she thought about all she had accomplished that day by finishing an article that Doyle, her editor, had been pleased as punch to receive because he actually gave her a "Good job, Gilmore" There was an inkling in the back of her mind that she did great on her 'Psychology: Jung and Freud' Test and she was dating the most awesome guy in the world, one Logan Huntzberger.

She thought about the complete about face that Logan did after he had seen her at Finn's birthday party with his poker buddy Robert. But after that fateful night he was entirely different even telling her 'if I say I can do commitment than I can do commitment'. They were enjoying getting to know each other even with being put under the microscope of Hartford Society.

But Rory knew that that came with the territory of dating the Huntzberger Heir. She went with Logan to many charity events and stuffy Hartford get-togethers in the past few months that they all seemed to merge together in a huge blur. Rory also got her picture in the gossip columns of numerous well-known newspapers that she lost count after a while, but she always ended up reading them because the local paper in Stars Hollow always re-printed them so everyone in town could see all the articles and pictures of their Rory.

She was becoming quite the socialite; one could say she was giving the Hilton sisters a run for their money. It took a while for Rory to get used to the press and paparazzi but she had adjusted and now she didn't mind the press too much but the paparazzi still freaked her out. She didn't mind being called a 'socialite' or 'celebutante' as some newspapers referred to her, the reason that the press found Rory and Logan's relationship so fascinating and newsworthy was due to both of their prominent names, the whole Mayflower connection and their wild escapades.

As she passed the Welcome to Stars Hollow sign she smiled thinking about the antics of her small town and how the grapevine there was always up-to-date on the goings on of the small hamlet. She was on her way to visit her mom at the Dragonfly Inn so they could have their usual mother-daughter time together because Lorelai was complaining that she was always jetting off somewhere with 'Limo boy' to do god knows what. Rory drove up the driveway that led to the picturesque Inn that was her mom's pride and joy after Rory, of course.

Rory parked her car, got out and went in search of her mother. As she went through the doors of the Dragonfly she saw Michel talking on the phone and saying in a distaining voice, "No! We are not a bed and breakfast we are an Inn."

Rory smiled thinking 'some things never change'. She went into the dining room looking for her mother who it seemed was talking animatedly to a woman with short blond hair that looked vaguely familiar. She didn't want to interrupt but Lorelai saw her and waved her over by saying, "Hey kid, it's been a long time."

"Yeah it sure has and yes! I take part of the blame."

"Well yeah you do but since you're my favourite daughter I will forgive you this time, but it's the last time I tell you!" Lorelai teased as Rory bent down to give her a kiss on the cheek.

Lorelai introduced her companion by saying, "Rory I'd like you to meet Luke's sister Liz and Liz this is my daughter Rory."

Rory only hesitated for a moment and only Lorelai realized why after the fact, but Rory's ingrained manners made her reach for the hand that Liz proffered and replied, "It's nice to finally meet."

To which Liz replied, "Yeah, you too."

Rory not wanting to be rude sat in the chair opposite to Liz and thought to herself 'wow of all the times to meet Jess' mom it had to be now' Rory hadn't thought about Jess in a very long time and the fact that their last meeting hadn't gone so well probably added to the negative emotions his name evoked. It was quite odd how Jess' mother had been living in Stars Hollow since November and yet this was the first time that they actually met. Rory was snapped out of her reverie when Liz mentioned something about an anniversary.

"Well TJ and I were thinking that we should celebrate all our anniversaries by having a party and this way all our friends and family can be their as well," said Liz.

"Oh so this will be an annual event that the Dragonfly Inn will be privileged to host?" asked Lorelai.

"Oh yeah, me and my TJ want to celebrate every year we're together and what better way then on our anniversary."

"You know I think there is some logic behind what you just said."

Lorelai and Liz started discussing the colour scheme for the anniversary party along with the guest list and such. Rory was just half listening to the two chatty Cathy's when at the mention of a particular name she snapped to attention.

"Lorelai you remember my son Jess right, well he of course will have to sit at our table along with you and Luke, that's a given."

"Oh Jess is going to be at the anniversary celebrations?"

"I probably have to do a little arm twisting but I'm sure I can convince him to be here to support me and TJ."

"Oh umm…" Lorelai looked at Rory to gauge her reaction and all she got back was a blank stare. Lorelai knew that Rory didn't have a good memory of Jess, what with the boy leaving and then coming back and saying 'I love you' then leaving again.

And she knew that Rory had moved on with Logan, and boy did she know that Rory had moved on. Lorelai couldn't go grocery shopping without knowing that Rory had moved on, what with all those pictures in the newspapers and tabloids. All she read about were the antics of Logan and Rory and their group of blue-blooded hoodlums who had the world at their finger tips and ended up doing crazy things.

She didn't want to upset Rory so they didn't discuss the fact that Rory was dubbed 'The Gilmore Heiress' now that she, Rory, was next in line to inherit the family fortunes.

Lorelai cleared her throat and said, "Well I'll just have to make sure that your table has a spot for Jess. Will he have an escort or will he come alone?"

"I not sure… I'll ask him when I call to invite him. Oh hey Rory, if you have time why don't you come and of course you will sit at our table," said Liz.

"Oh well… I don't know if I will have the time. But I'll let mom know if I can make it," replied Rory.

"Alright then, I'm off. Lorelai I'll come by later to discuss everything and you can show me where we will have this shindig. Rory it was nice meeting you I hope you can make it to my anniversary party. See ya girls," replied Liz as she wondered out of the Inn's dining room.

"Bye," replied both of the Gilmore girls.

Revised: June 9, 2009