A/N: OK I only got like 4 or more reviews but oh well I'm still going to write the lemon. dances Ok this is my first lemon ever so please don't be mad if it suck.


Yami's POV

I sat on my koi's bed waiting for him as he said a hurried good night to Gramps. As far as the old man new I was already in bed. He rushed in blushing a deep red as he closed the door behind him. Oh how beautiful he was when he blushed.

"Oh come here koibito." I cooed quietly to my shy uke. "I promise I'll be gentle." He blushed a deeper shade as my words caressed his soft pink lips. I quickly closed the gap between our lips and as he gasped quietly I pushed my tongue past his glistening white teeth. He tasted like sweet candies which to me was not surprising. As that's all he ever seemed to eat. I pulled him onto the bed caressing his hips as he moaned quietly, unknowing to him how much his moans made me want to jump on him with no remorse. I held back my desires for now. Pushing him under me I began to undo his blue shirt and slide it off his shoulders and moving my hands to undo one of his two belts. I soon felt him doing the same thing.

Soon both of us were unclothed and pressing our aching bodies closer together. I groaned as he brushed his throbbing erection against my own.


"Yes koibito."

"I'm ready now…" He blushed. It was hard for my little hikari to be so blunt. But I understood what he wanted. But soon one thought came to mind, I had no ludricant. We were in his room and my lubricant was in my room. But before I could say a thing I saw my hikari slither one hand under his pillow and come back with a small white tube.


"I went into your room before dinner." He blushed deeper as I smiled. I captured his lips in a sweet kiss and took the lubricant from out of his hand. Placing a good amount onto my fingers I messaged his entrance carefully. Soon pushing one finger in I heard him gasp and tighten his fingers around one of my arms. "more…" he moaned quietly. Not about to disappoint my love I placed a second finger in and began a scissoring motion with them. Hearing him moan and gasp every time I hit his prostate was driving me so crazy that soon I could not hold back. I pulled my fingers out and heard him mew in protest but soon he stopped as he felt me position my self between his legs. I carefully slid into him and stopped hearing him almost scream in pain. He winced slightly but soon nodded his head for me to continue. I began a rocking motion with my hips. He continued to push against me and mew wantonly. Before to long I could feel myself coming so close to my climax and I felt his control slipping as well. "Yami….. oh…. I'm..." Before he could finish his mewed complaints he arched his back and spilled over my chest and his. I soon followed and collapsed above him on the bed. Pulling out I leaned down and began to lick the secretion off of my loves slender pale chest and abdomen and whipping it off my own.


"Yes Yami?"

"Aishiteru hikari." I cooed at last lying next to him seeing a blush cross his face again.

"I love you too Yami." He snuggled close to my chest and I felt his breathing steady as he fell into a deep slumber. I had my hikari…just I had always wanted him with out my knowing. I was simply misunderstanding my feelings.

A/N: TA DA! MY FIRST LEMON! YAYNESS! LOOKY ALLY-CHAN! snuggles Yami hee hee hee I like it actually. I did pretty good for my first lemon. At least I hope I did…. Heh heh…