I don't own anything accept the psychopath.

this is the first time I have ever publicly displayed anything I have written. I hope it's at least interesting. dons flameproof jacket and helmet

The Letters

Yuki was having a good day. His noisy lover was off at work. He had just finished his latest novel and now that it was off being published and printed he had some time to himself. He was even toying with the idea of getting an early start on the next book. Why not, he had a few good ideas swimming around in his head.

He looked out the window at the city below. The rag tag end of winter had given way to spring. Shuichi had been living with Yuki for over two years now. They were in love despite the rocky start to their relationship. Shuichi was still annoying and Yuki was still moody, but now there was an unspoken promise that was understood even during the worst fights, a promise to stay, a promise to trust, a promise to love.

Yep, everything was really good, that is, until the mail came. A plain letter not much to look at. Yuki could see his name and address scribbled across the otherwise blank envelope. It didn't even have a stamp on it. Yuki swallowed hard. He had gotten a letter like this once before, about two weeks ago. It was a strange letter, that didn't say much. Just a note asking about the restaurant the two had been to the night before. It was creepy, but Yuki passed it off as some crazy fan that must have spotted them and wanted to mess with their heads. He didn't even bother to show it Shuichi.

Yuki looked at the new letter as a wave of nausea washed over him. He it ripped open and read:

Dear Yuki, You two were cute in the park last night after your fight. Did you have sex again when you got home? I am going to get him for myself you know. I hope he tastes as sweet as he looks. I can't wait to break him.

Yuki's mind started to race as the meaning of the words sunk in. How did this person know about last night? Where the hell did this come from? Was this guy actually serious or was he just trying to scare them? Letters from stalkers were actually nothing new, but this second letter was too frightening to ignore.

Crap, he was going to have to tell the police about this. He cursed the author of the letter for ruining his day. Yuki's mind ran over the words again. Was Shuichi really in danger? Yuki picked up the phone to call Shuichi's cellular. He didn't want Shu walking home alone. Yuki felt his throat tighten as he waited for his lover to pick up. Nothing, shit. That idiot probably forgot to charge the damn thing again.

He was dialing the studio when, to Yuki's surprise Shuichi came home early. He wasn't supposed to be done with work for another two hours, and he didn't bother to greet the blond man they way he always did. He just dragged himself trough the door and sat on the couch. If it weren't for the sound of the door closing he would have never realized Shuichi had come home at all. Shuichi normally bounced off the walls. He was chaos of energy and love, but today something was wrong, really wrong. Yuki approached his despondent partner. Shuichi was seated on the couch with his head hung over like he was going to be sick.

"Baka, what's wrong?" Yuki said as he sat down on the armrest of the chair and ran his fingers through Shuichi's mop of pink hair.

"Yuki, do you always have to call me that?" Shuichi grumbled.

"No, I don't have to call you that… Hey brat, what's wrong?"

Shuichi puffed before replying, "Do you actually care, or are you just worried about weather you will get laid tonight?"

"Hey, you don't get to be the cranky one here. That's my job. You're supposed to be the cute one, remember."

"Yukiiii you're always so mean to me. Can't you just leave me alone?" Shuichi's voice had reached 8.9 on the whine scale. It was a pitch that can only be described as, instant headache.

Yuki couldn't help but wonder, 'What did I do?.. Oh wait maybe it's something I didn't do. Maybe I forgot something.' Yuki quickly lost his patience with this guessing game and started to get aggravated. He got up and started for his office. He spoke again not looking at Shuichi "Why the hell are you so cranky? You're the one moping around like somebody kicked your puppy. I am just worried about you, but if you really don't want to talk to me then fine I'll be in my office wo..."

Shuichi pounced Yuki from behind, "Yukiiii, Something's happened at the studio. " His eyes filling up with tears. Yuki peeled him off and gathered him into a hug. He noted how good it was to feel the weight of his tiny lover's body in his arms.

"There have been some letters arriving at the studio that have everybody worried. They contacted the police about it." Shuichi choked. " It's not like this hasn't happened before but this time K said the letters mentioned things. Things about you and me." He started to cry. "Oh yuuukkkiiiii I'm so scared. I feel like this is all my fault. Please don't be mad at me. I didn't do anything wrong this time."

"Were they letters like these?" Yuki held up the two letters he had been examining. Shuichi just stared in shock looking them over mouth agape. As he read over the letters he didn't say a word, but Yuki noticed he has started to shake. This was bad. Yugi had never known his lover to be speechless before.

When Shuichi did speak his voice sounded a million miles away, "Why didn't you tell me about these before?"

The first one looked like a simple prank. The other one just came today. I was about to tell you, but we got distracted."

Shuichi slumped back onto the couch. Yuki couldn't help but notice how exhausted he looked. "K arranged a meeting with a detective about this tomorrow. Yuki will you please come with me?"

"Yea, I'll come, but you're going to owe Me."

"Owe you what?"

"You know"

"Yuki! How can you think of sex at a time like this?"

"Actually it's pretty easy. You should try it sometime, like right now."

He buried his head in Yuki's chest, "Yukiii! Stop being a pervert." He whined through a mouthful of shirt.

Yuki didn't really want sex. He just didn't want to let his lover know that he was scared to death too.

Thanks readers. Weather you love it or hate it I would love to hear from you.