Title: Kaoru's Music


Rating PG-13 to R

Disclaimers:Not mine in any way. Just borrowingthem for awhile.

Summary:AU Modern Kaoru is considered a piano virtuoso and Battousai is a leading mob boss. What happens when the two worlds collide?

Chapter 1: The meeting

Kaoru Kamiya took a deep breath and her sapphire blue eyes drifted closed. The auditorium was silent and empty, the air smelling of history and disuse. Her fingers caressed the keys beneath her fingers for a brief moment before slamming down on them. The chords hung in the air, quickly followed by more as Kaoru fell into Beethoven's music. This was one of her favorite pieces. The music was tortured and dark, yet underneath there was a sense of hope. Her ebony hair flowed over her shoulders, moving with the force of her fingers striking the keys.

Her entire body vibrated with the music, muscles tense as she bent closer to the old piano. It didn't matter that it wasn't the grand that she normally used; it was enough that she could feel the music again. The music swelled around her and enclosed her in a world where nothing existed but this. The music flowed through her soul and wrenched her emotions as she poured everything into the keys of the piano.

From behind her closed lids Kaoru could see brilliant flashes of light and the picture of agony that her favorite composer had poured into his music. Time passed unnoticed, sweat poured down her body and her silk shirt clung to her skin. Kaoru was oblivious to everything as she continued to play. With a final flare the music faded into nothing, its echo still hanging in the air as she rested her hands in her lap.

Her chest heaved as she dragged air into her lungs, head tilted back as she delighted in the coolness of the air against her skin. There was something about auditoriums that called to her. Whether it was the largest stage or a school like this. Magic hung in the air, ghosts of past performers and music. For as long as she could remember, music had called to her.

The orphanage where she had been raised had a beautiful piano in the lobby. She had fallen in love with it and one of the nuns had taught her to play. Music had seemed to flow from her fingers, creating a world that reflected her moods and desires. She could hear music in everything, the wind in the trees, the water rushing over a waterfall and the rain drumming on her windowsill.

By the time she was 10 years old she had been enrolled in Julliard, considered to be a child prodigy for both the piano and her compositions. Kaoru had never really understood the glances and the whispers that had followed her there. She had tutors to teach her and when she had graduated at 16 from college and Julliard she had been hailed as one of the world's top virtuoso's. Since then she had been touring as both a pianist and a composer. There was never any time to think or feel for anything but music.

Now at 21 years of age Kaoru had all the symptoms of a burnt out. She was having trouble eating, sleeping and her temper was more uncertain that normal. Her blue eyes opened and glanced down at her watch. Just after 3 p.m. and she was performing at 7. By this time she knew that her manager, Saitoh, and bodyguard, Soujiro, would be going insane. It was time to return to her cage, Kaoru sighed and rolled her head around on her neck. Sometimes she just wanted to get away, from the noise, the expectations and the demands on her time. The fact that she was in a foreign county didn't lessen the need for escape.

They were currently in Tokyo, Japan and while Kaoru's grandmother had been born here, Kaoru had never set foot in Japan. But tonight Kaoru was visiting for a concert series that encompassed the best of the best. While Kaoru was honored that she had been chosen, she just wished that she could sleep. Taking a deep breath Kaoru pushed the bench back and stood, her arms stretching above her head before she folded at her waist and reached for her toes. Her muscles stretched tightly then slowly began to relax. She straightened and brushed the hair from her face before turning on her heel.

She came to a stop when she slammed into another body. The breath was knocked out of her and she clutched at the person in surprise. The feeling of muscles and warmth seeped through her clothing before Kaoru took a quick step back.

"Sorry," Kaoru apologized as she bowed quickly. She straightened and got her first glimpse of the person that she had run into. To her surprise the man was a couple inches shorter than she was with flaming red hair pulled into a high ponytail. His amber eyes burned into hers, a glint of amusement appearing in their depths. "I didn't know that anyone was here," Kaoru explained as she bowed again. This man made her nervous for some reason.

The man's lips quirked as he stared at the woman in front of him, her brilliant blue eyes were burning into his. Her ebony hair was like a silken waterfall, flowing easily around her figure. Her breasts were clearly outlined by the wet silk shirt and tucked into a tiny waist, where black jeans nipped in and then flared out around her hips. Definitely a woman, Battousai decided as he ran his eyes back up her body.

When the music had first sounded, everyone had immediately tensed up. They had decided to have this meeting in an abandoned school and the fact that there was someone in it had caused quite a stir. When the guards had reported back they had found a lone woman playing the piano, Battousai had been curious. Her music had reverberated in the air, calling forth emotions and swaying everyone present. Even the normally taciturn Aoshi had closed his eyes as the music had flowed over him.

Now Battousai was confronted with what was obviously an American. Who had no clue whom he was or what she had stumbled into. Any other time he wouldn't have hesitated to have her killed but now he was filled with an emotion he hadn't felt since Tomoe had walked out on him. Something within her calmed him and called to him at the same time.

"The school was empty," Kaoru was trying to explain. She gestured to the empty auditorium, "I am sorry if I did something wrong. But the door was open."

"Really now," Battousai drawled lazily. His voice was warm and dark as it wrapped around her. "Still that doesn't mean that you should be here. Or do you make it a habit to break into places?"

"No I do not," Kaoru flashed at him. Her blue eyes flamed and narrowed as they stared into his smirking amber ones. Her fists clenched at her side as anger pulsed through her. "I was talking a walk and happened to notice the door was slightly opened. I looked inside and spotted the piano. If I have offended anyone I apologize," Kaoru continued. She struggled to contain her anger as the man in front of her continued to smirk. There was something about him that made her nervous and she didn't appreciate the feeling.

"But there is the damage to the piano," Battousai went on casually.

"What damage?" Kaoru looked over her shoulder and watched as the piano exploded. She flinched back, mouth dropping open in amazement, and watched as pieces of the piano rained down. "There is no way…" she started only to stop when the dust cleared enough that she could see a man standing just behind the piano.

He was tall, dressed all in white, with his hands wrapped and his brown hair sticking up like a rooster. He causally brushed off his hands and grinned at her before nodding at the man behind her.

"As you can see you did damage the piano," Battousai assured her. He waited to see what she would do; the confusion was bright in her eyes when she finally looked back at him. To his amazement there was no fear only anger as the confusion disappeared.

Her hand shot out and caught him across his cheek, the same one branded with an X. "How dare you!" Kaoru bit out, anger turning her eyes to blue flames. "I don't give a damn who you think you are but you have no right to destroy that piano just to prove your point!" Her chest was heaving in exertion and she was too enraged to realize that there was stillness to the air that hadn't been there before. "Get out of my way!" She commanded as she made to step around him.

She hadn't taken two steps before a hand suddenly shot out and caught her wrist. She was pulled off balance and against his chest. She looked up at him, supported only by his arm around her waist. His amber eyes were gleaming as they glared down at her. And for the first time a fission of fear slipped down her spine.

"You need to apologize," Battousia gritted out. He was amazed that this woman had actually struck him. And over a stupid piano! There was something about her that made him want to tame her, contain her and make her his.

"I will not!" Kaoru flamed and tried to pull away. His arm tightened around her and his other hand dug into her hand. She gasped as he tugged on her head and tilted her head back. "Let go!"

"I don't think so my little flame," Battousai murmured as he stared down at her. Slowly his head began to descend.

Kaoru stared up in shock. He was going to kiss her! His head was slowly tilted down to meet hers, a smile touching his lips. She could feel his breath against her skin and she tried to pull away again. He easily contained her and touched his mouth to hers. A tingling warmth began to spread through her veins and her eyes were wide and shocked as they stared into his.

Suddenly she became aware of his tongue, gently bathing her lips. She tried to pull away again, determined to ignore the warmth or the way her body wanted to melt into his. She kicked his shin and jerked from his grasp. He cursed and glared at her. Kaoru could feel her heart pounding in her chest and she gasped for air as she glared at the man standing across from her.

"What do you think you are doing?" Kaoru gasped out.

"Obviously if you have to ask then I did something wrong," Battousai told her with a slight smile. "Why don't we try it again?"

"Why don't we not!" Kaoru told him as she began to back away. He was taking a step to match each of hers, his black clothing seeming to highlight the menace of his hair and eyes. "Stay away from me!" Kaoru commanded as she risked a glance behind her.

"Oh I don't think so," Battousia told her as he watched her glance over her shoulder. She was getting closer and closer to the edge of the stage and then he would have her. Satisfaction filled him at the thought of holding her close again.

"You are a beast!" Kaoru hissed.

"You have no clue my little flame but you will learn," Battousia promised silkily. A smile touched his lips as she growled at him and then came to a stop as she reached the edge of the stage. He stalked closer, relishing the fact that he would have his arms around her soon.

And then she was gone. He blinked, unsure of what was happening. Behind him there were gasps of surprise from his men that had surrounded the stage. Battousai growled as his eyes searched the auditorium and found nothing.

"Are you looking for something Battousai?" The voice was pleasant, no hint of the mockery that the person must be feeling. It was voice that he had never expected to hear again.

"Soujiro," he greeted as he turned to face the young fighter.

Soujiro smiled at him pleasantly, arms holding Kaoru high against his chest. They were standing in the center of the stage, well out of reach from any immediate attack. Kaoru's arms were wrapped around his neck and she rested easily in his embrace, as if comfortable in her currently position.

"It has been awhile," Battousai mused as he walked closer. "Almost 10 years right?"

"Close to that," Soujiro agreed. His blue eyes twinkled with good humor and his blond hair shimmered as he tilted his head to contemplate Battousai. "You look well."

"As do you," Battousai inclined his head and allowed a small smile to touch his lips. "But you have something that belongs to me."

"I do?" Soujiro asked in confusion. "I don't know what that would be." He shook his head and smiled.

"The woman," Battousai replied calmly. He ignored the sudden explosion from the woman in Soujiro's arms as she protested. As he watched Soujiro whispered something in her ear and she subsided but continued to glare at him. "She trespassed."

"Did she now?" Soujiro tightened his arms around Kaoru and faced Battousai calmly. "I am sure that she is very sorry and will never do it again."

"Damn straight!" Kaoru burst out and fell silent again when Soujiro flashed her a warning glare from the corner of his smiling blue eyes.

"That's not good enough," Battousai replied. His amber eyes burned brightly at both of them. "I've decided I want the girl."

"Oh dear," Soujiro responded with a sigh. "I was afraid of that. Then we do have a problem. You see I can't let you have her."

"Really? Why not?"

"She's under my protection."

"Hmm," Battousai hummed under his breath. "I did hear that you left Shishio for a bodyguard position."

"Indeed I did," Soujiro smiled pleasantly at Battousai. "I can't let her get hurt."

"Don't talk about me like I am not here!" Kaoru flashed and smacked Soujiro upside his head. "I don't even understand what is going on."

"I know you don't Miss Kaoru," Soujiro soothed. "That is why you must let me take care of it."

"Well what took you so long in the first place!" Kaoru exclaimed huffily and crossed her arms over her chest, still held securely in his arms.

"It took me a while to go through all schools and auditoriums that held pianos," Soujiro told her. "I only found you because I heard the music."

"What did you think?" Kaoru questioned eagerly.

"It sounded as beautiful as always," Soujiro assured her. "You have definitely found your fire again."

"Oh good," Kaoru sighed and relaxed against his shoulder. "I'm sorry for sneaking away."

"It's quite alright Miss Kaoru," Soujiro replied and smiled. "I knew you would."

"You know me way too well Sou," Kaoru complained as her eyes fluttered closed.

"That I do Miss Kaoru," Soujiro told her and snuggled her closer.

His blue remained locked on Battousai as he wondered how they were going to get out of this. While guarding Kaoru had never been easy, he really hadn't planned on having to deal with one of the largest mob bosses in the world. Though he wasn't surprised that she fascinated the Battousai, Kaoru had always been a spitfire and afraid of absolutely nothing. Soujiro shifted her in his arms and glanced at the door.

"You aren't going to be leaving here with her," Battousai told him casually. "All the exits are covered and I don't see any weapons on you."

"What did you once tell me?" Soujiro mused as he glanced around the stage. "You should never judge anything by appearance."

"I did didn't I?" Battousai laughed and crossed his arms over his chest. "But I do have you surrounded and even with your abilities you are quite outnumbered."

"Maybe," Soujiro admitted. "But that doesn't mean that I am just going to hand her over. I do have a pledge to uphold."

"I admire loyalty," Battousai mused as he walked closer to the couple. "Why don't you join me?"

"NO!" Kaoru burst out and jerked herself free of Soujiro's arms. "You will not drag him back into your world. He's mine now! I won't let him hurt like that again," Kaoru jabbed her finger into Battousia's chest and glared at him.

"Kaoru," Soujiro cautioned and reached out to grab her arm.

Battousia used Kaoru's rage to his advantage. He grabbed her arm and spun her behind him and into Aoshi's waiting arms. He held out his hand and member of his gang tossed him his sword. He placed the blade against Soujiro's neck and smiled grimly at the man. Behind him came the sounds of a scuffle, Koaru's angry voice demanding to be let go.

"Let me go you Neanderthal!" Kaoru's demanded and tried to jerk her arms from the gentle but firm grip on her arms. When there was no reply her head tilted back to look up at her captor.

Deep blue eyes stared down at her, calm and without emotion. His face was pale and his hair as black as night. He was at least 6 foot and he carried twin blades at his side. She glared up at him and looked back at Soujiro. His blue eyes were as calm as always, the permeant twinkle sparklingly and Kaoru could feel herself relax. While Soujiro always presented this front Kaoru had been with him long enough to look for the telltale signs of stress of worry. And this time she had found none despite the fact he had a sword against his throat.

"Who uses swords in this day and age anyway?" Kaoru muttered to herself as she relaxed back against her captor. "Couldn't you use guns or wooden Bokken's?"

"Not as effective Miss Kaoru," Soujiro called to her. "Besides there is an elegance to the play of a sword."

"I suppose," Kaoru sighed and glanced down at her watch. "It's just after 4 p.m. Sou, we should be going soon."

"Of course," Soujiro nodded at her and returned his attention to the Battousai. "We have an engagement we must keep."

"You seem to be under the impression that you have a choice," Battousai replied softly and laughed. "I am the one holding the sword."

"Indeed," Soujiro agreed and then disappeared.

Battousai cursed and spun towards Aoshi. Only to find Aoshi in a heap on the ground with both Soujiro and the girl gone. A door slammed closed and Battousai chuckled to himself. He had underestimated Soujiro, obviously in the time that he had been gone he had continued to train. His speed was beyond the God like speed his own style promoted. As for the girl, he had a pretty good idea who she was know. And that meant that he knew where she would be later.

He couldn't wait to see her again.

A/N:This is an idea that has been bouncing around in my head for awhile. Let me know if you think it is worth continuing. And thanks for reading the story.