Disclaimer: I own Naruto! yes! bwahahaha.. (random person walks up to me and whispers in my ear) NOO! I don't own Naruto. (sits and cries in my corner)

A/N: actually the real madness starts here.. and it's more OOC than I wanted.. but it's for the sake of it! There's a slight touch of Nejiten here, but it's not very obvious.

Chapter Five: Where the Hell is My Book!

On their walk Sakura clung to Sasuke's arm and he felt contented with her there. In his other arm was a familar book with a pen clipped in its spine. They strolled together until there was an empty bench. Sitting on the sun-warmed plastic Sakura was happy, the last thing on her mind was the surprise Sasuke had for her. Sasuke gave a light sigh and leaned back. He set his book on his side and and relaxed.

After their lunch Hinata waved goodbye to Naruto in front of the Ichiraku and they headed their separate ways, Naruto to the park. He walked and whistled a merry tune. His zori (japanese sandals) skidded to a stop when he saw Sasuke and Sakura together.

"Heh, heh, heh.. Sasuke's not watching his book too closely.." Naruto rubbed his hands together and grinned evilly, then he disappeared into the shady darkness.

Neither Sasuke nor Sakura saw the black-bound book slip off the bench and disappear. The park was pretty much empty so Sasuke couldn't help but stare at Sakura's kissable lips. He pulled her a little closer. Sakura leaned her head on his sturdy shoulder and closed her eyes.

They sat still for a few moments. Sasuke used his index finger under her chin to tilt her head toward him. She opened her eyes as he brought her lips to his, kissing her slowly and gently. Sakura closed her eyes again as Sasuke's bangs brushed against her face. What is he doing! Sakura fought for freedom and breath.

He started to open her mouth and chewed playfully on her lip. Sakura's hand went to his cheek and lifted to tuck a stray strand of hair behind his ear, still fighting against his hold. Although it seemed a long time, the kiss broke to allow them air. Sasuke's normally paleface was flushed, and he craved another kiss, but felt it was too implusive so he put his hand to his side, making contact with plastic. Sakura was still dazed. What made him do that? He's just my friend.. right? As Sakura thought Sasuke put two and two together; handplus plastic equals?. NO BOOK. He stole a glance down hoping his hand landed in the wrong place.

"Gah!" Sasuke bolted off the bench and started running around in circles.

"Yahahahaha!" Naruto yelled in triumph. He had run all the way to the Ichiraku treating himself in victory. Just as he was about to open the book Konohamaru appeared.

"Hey big guy Naruto!" he exclaimed.

"What.." Naruto's neck cranked toward the third Hokage's grandson.

"Let's go play ninja!"




"Why not?"

"Go away."


"NO!" Naruto screamed, sending Konohamaru flying off.

Konohamaru landed with a thump. He was rubbing his backside when another boy walked up to him.

"Hi, I'm Inari, who are you and where did you come from?"

"I'm Konohamaru and this guy named Naruto yelled at me and I flew here?"

"Big brother Naruto?"

They got along nicely.

Naruto grumbled and tried to find his happy place. Finding it he smirked and was about to open the book when.. Kakashi appears.

"Hey Naruto have you seen my Icha Icha Paradise books anywhere?" Kakashi asked oblivious to the Kurenai chibi standing behind some random corner laughing evilly.


"Are you sure?"


"Fine, be that way, I'm making you do extra training after I find them." Kakashi walked away still oblivious to the Kurenai chibi snickering in the corner.

"Stupid Kakashi sensei, stupid Konohamaru.." Naruto spent another two minutes trying to find his "happy place". With a sigh he started to open the book yet AGAIN, when... Jiraiya appears.

"Crap, PERVERT SENNIN! GET AWAY FROM ME! I'M BUSY!" but Jiraiya wasn't going to bother Naruto, he was just sitting next to him to peek on some beautiful women eating ramen. Naruto stopped yelling when he realized that. He blurted out a whole array of curses and proceeded to the routine "happy place" finding.

"NOO!" Sasuke screamed as he looked under every rock, tree, bench etc. in the park.

"What's wrong Sasuke-kun?" asked a clueless Sakura He's acting so weird.

"I lost my book!"

"Can't you just buy another one?" stated an oblivious Sakura.

"NOOOOO!" screamed Sasuke causing Sakura's hair to blow the other way like in cartoons. "Please help me search, I'm going to turn all of Konoha upside-down if I have to." Sasuke explained what the book looked like and the two went off looking in a manner of odd places.

"I'm going to kill whoever bother me next.." Naruto spoke out of his gritted teeth.

"Naruto! Let's explore our inner youth and train!" Lee came running up to Naruto.

Naruto was about to beat the crap out of Lee but he did some simple math, insane stupidity + beating the crap out of him? more bothering.

"Why aren't you ann- I mean training with Neji or Tenten?" Naruo thought he should find out why this weirdo was bothering him before killng him.

"Hm.. because they said they both had errands to run, to the same restaurant, at the same table, a weird coincidence isn't it?" Lee did his good-guy pose and Naruto twitched. Suddenly a light bulb appeared over his head.

"Why don't you go ahead to the forest? I'll be there in a few mintues, I just need to pay for my ramen."

"Sure! We will express out youth together!" Lee sped off.

"Forget finding my 'happy place', I'm opening this stupid book so I can read Sasuke's deepest thoughts!"

Sasuke and Sakura walked by Naruto who was warding off some other person who was bothering him. Sasuke was suddenly digging in a nearby trashcan for his book also.

He's acting weird.. they both thought eyeing each other. Something familar caught Sasuke's eye. His book! Taking a few seconds to devise a plan, it was simple.

"Sakura, will you go ask Naruto if he has a rubber ducky I can borrow?" Sasuke smirked as Sakura walked up to Naruto.

"Hey Naruto, I was wondering, do you have a rubber ducky we can borrow?"

Naruto was on the end of his nerves.

"WHO TOLD YOU! Mr. Duckeroo IS MINE! ALL MINE!" Naruto shrieked. All too busy to notice the book that was on the counter slip off and Sasuke creeping away. Behind a safe corner he gave a signal to Sakura to stop beating the crap out of Naruto for yelling at her.

Naruto glared at Sakura leaving. Who told her about Mr. Duckeroo? He looked at the empty space on the counter.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" the book was gone. Naruto cursed everyone: Konohamaru, Kakashi, Kurenai, Jiraiya, beautiful women, Lee, Neji, Tenten, Sakura, and Sasuke.. wait.. Sasuke! Shit.. he must have taken it back.. must concoct another plan to get that book.

"So, Sasuke, what was that for anyway?"



"Wait, uhm, I needed a rubber ducky, so we'll have to find one elsewhere."

"I thought we were looking for your book.."

"Found it." Sasuke grinned and held it up.

"What kind of book is that anyway? It has no title, author, or summary written on it!"

"Don't judge a book by its cover."

"So what kinda of book is it? Action, adventure, horror, drama, angst, humor, romance?"

"Better than all of those put together."

"Uhm, okay, tell me about when you're done then." Sakura gave a slow smile. The two went to a nearby store and got a rubber ducky, then returned to Sasuke's house.

End of Chapter

A/N: haha.. watch the chaos. next chapter will probably be more NaruHina-ness and I might and NejiTen here if I can find it to fit, and what is Sasuke planning with that rubber ducky..