Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Sadly. I simply use the characters for my own adventures. However, I do own Clara.
Author's Note: Wow, I am so sorry it took me so long to update. I usually get a chapter out in about a week but I have been very busy lately. This is actually only half of chapter 4, but I hadn't finished it yet and didn't want to keep you all waiting any longer, so I decided to just post this. Now, I hope you enjoy!
Chapter Four: Preparations
Sunlight was streaming in through the window, bathing the room in golden light, but still the sleeping girl did not wake. Jody Granger smiled at her daughter as she sat down on the bed, trying to blink back her tears. She ran her hand through the girl's curly tresses and whispered quietly in her ear.
"Wake up, Hermione," she said, gently caressing her daughters face. "It is past eleven, happy birthday, dear. Wake up."
Hermione sighed slightly and rolled over. Her honey colored eyes opened slowly, blinking at her mother through the light. She sighed softly and sat up, the sheets rustling around her.
"Good morning, mum," she said quietly. "What did you say, past eleven?"
Mrs. Granger nodded. "Yes, sweet, happy birthday. Oh, you look so beautiful, my wonderful sixteen year old."
Hermione tilted her head to one side and blinked confusedly.
Jody smiled at her confusion. "Look in the mirror, darling."
Hermione's eyes narrowed as she crawled out of bed and went to stand in front of her full length mirror. She glanced at her reflection and then did a double take, gasping at what she saw. Hermione Granger didn't look the same.
She appeared to have grown about four inches, standing at a lithe 5'8". Her skin was now creamy and smooth, like her mother's, and was in direct contrast with her dark hair, which was no longer bushy. Instead, Hermione was now sporting softly curled tresses, luxuriously silky to the touch. Her lips were full and pink, and her eyes, while remaining the same honey color, were bigger, more doe like.
Hermione had never viewed herself as being beautiful, perhaps cute, or even pretty, but never beautiful. No one could deny now that Hermione Granger was stunning.
Hermione turned towards her mother in shock. "What happened to me?"
"It's your inheritance, Mi," replied Mrs. Granger. "The same exact thing happened to me when I turned sixteen. Believe it or not, I too had impossibly bushy hair up until my inheritance."
Hermione turned back towards the mirror. Her mother came to stand beside her and Hermione gaped at how similar they looked. They were about the same height now, and if Hermione had been a bit older, or Jody a bit younger, they could have passed as sisters.
"None of my clothes are going to fit anymore," said Hermione. "I'm going to have to get new robes as well."
"Don't worry about that," said Mrs. Granger. "You can wear my clothes until I arrange a shopping trip. And then you can get new robes while in Diagon Alley for school supplies. Now, why don't you get cleaned up and come on down to the kitchen. Your father made you a wonderful birthday breakfast."
Hermione nodded and moved out into the hall and into the bathroom. She took a quick shower, pulled her new curls into a low ponytail, and then perused her mother's closet for something to wear. Luckily, Jody Granger was a very fashionable person, and Hermione quickly put on a pair of hip hugger jeans and a light blue t-shirt. Hermione had often admired her mother's clothes, and was very happy that she now had the body to fit into them.
A wonderful scent wafted to Hermione's nose as she went downstairs, and she immediately knew what was for breakfast. She smiled delightedly as she sat down at the table, and her father put a plate full of pancakes with strawberries and whip cream in front of her.
"My favorite," said Hermione, giving her father's hand a squeeze.
"You look beautiful, Hermione," whispered her dad. "Just like your mother."
Hermione smiled. "Thanks,"
Hermione started eating while her parents served themselves and sat down to join her. They all ate quietly for a few minutes, before Hermione realized that her parents were staring at her.
"What is it?" asked Hermione, apprehension growing in her stomach.
"Do you remember what we talked about last night, Mi?" asked Mr. Granger.
Hermione's eyes widened as the conversation with her parents and Dumbledore came crashing over her. How could she have forgotten it already? Hermione Granger did not forget things, especially life changing things like that.
"I remember," she whispered.
"Please don't be mad at us, Mi," said Mrs. Granger. "You understand we had no choice. They would have taken your magic away. We couldn't let that happen. It is the worst feeling in the world, having your magic removed from your body."
Hermione nodded. "Of course, I understand." she said. "I just wish you would have told me sooner. I mean, if I could have prepared for this, I would have gotten close to anyone else…"
"Are you close to someone, Hermione?" asked Mr. Granger.
Hermione thought for a moment. "Well, no, not really." she finally answered. "But, you both remember my friend Harry, don't you? Harry Potter?"
"That sweet boy?" asked Mrs. Granger, her eyes sparkling. "Yes, I remember him. Who could forget about the Savior of the wizarding world?"
"Yeah, well," said Hermione, blushing slightly. "I have always sort of fancied him. I mean, we are close, very close, but more in the brother and sister sense. I don't know if he sees me as anything more. But that is the point. If he did, and we really liked each other, it would all be ruined because of this."
"We should have told you," said Mr. Granger. "I am sorry we didn't. We just didn't want to burden you with this."
"I understand," said Hermione, smiling sweetly at her parents.
"Well then," said Mrs. Granger, clasping her hands nervously. "There is something else we need to tell you."
Hermione narrowed her eyes. "What?"
"You have to go and meet with the vampires tonight." said Mrs. Granger in a rush. "Prince Aradol is expecting you to come to a ball tonight, held in your honor. It is a celebration for your birthday and your…engagement." the last word came out as a choked whisper.
"A ball?" asked Hermione. "I have to go?"
Mr. Granger nodded sadly. "Yes, but if it is any consolation, vampire balls are supposed to be the most glamorous of parties. And you won't be alone. Professor Dumbledore will be your escort."
Hermione nodded. "Okay," she said slowly. "Will I get to meet the prince there? And what am I supposed to wear?"
"You will get to meet the prince," said Mrs. Granger, smiling slightly. "And he is sending over one of his servants to dress you and do your hair."
Hermione nodded again. "Okay,"
No more was said.
The light was just starting to fade from the sky when the knock came at the door. Hermione had spent the day cooped up in her room, reading all of her school books. She was trying to find what subject her inheritance had given her an affinity for. So far she had read some of Transfiguration, Charms, and Herbology. None of them seemed any different to her.
Hermione put down her book on Defense Against the Dark Arts, which she had just started to read, and made her way down the stairs to answer the door. Her parents were waiting in the kitchen, giving Hermione the chance to open the door, which she did.
A young woman was standing there, clad in a gray dress. A brown rope belt was securely tied around her thin waist, and her blond hair was pulled up into a gray cap. Her skin was lightly tanned, and her sparkling brown eyes were staring up at Hermione. She was smiling, and Hermione noticed that she still had human teeth. The woman suddenly gasped and dropped into a curtsey.
"Forgive me, milady," she whispered. "I forget my place." she rose and smoothed her dress. "I have been sent by Prince Aradol of the Masai Vampire Clan to prepare you for the ball."
Hermione realized suddenly that she was gaping at the woman and quickly snapped her mouth shut. "It's alright," she said. "Please, come in."
The woman smiled and picked up a large basket Hermione hadn't noticed. She stepped inside and they went up to Hermione's room after a brief introduction with her parents.
"You have a lovely house, milady," said the woman.
"Thank you," said Hermione, fidgeting nervously. "And please, call me Hermione. What should I call you?"
"Whatever you wish, milady," said the woman, setting her basket down and observing Hermione closely.
Hermione bit her tongue to keep from groaning in frustration. "Yes, but what is your name?"
The woman looked slightly shocked that Hermione would wish to call her by name. "Well, my mother called me Clara."
"Alright then," said Hermione. "I shall call you Clara, and you shall call me Hermione, or Mi if you wish."
The woman nodded shyly. "Hermione," she said. "That will do. But in the presence of the prince, the servants are to address you as 'milady' or 'Your Highness'. Now, where is your bath?"
Hermione managed to close her once again gaping mouth and led Clara into the bathroom. She set down her basket and started the taps, trying to get the water at the right temperature. She pulled a small bottle of pink liquid out of her basket and poured a drop into the bath, which immediately filled with rose scented bubbles. Clara replaced that bottle and pulled out two more bottles. Hermione couldn't see their contents.
"Come now, into the tub." said Clara, moving forward to undress her.
Hermione jumped back. "I can do it myself, thanks."
Clara smiled. "I know, but I am under strict orders to wash your hair. So, how about I turn around, and you get into the tub?"
"Okay," said Hermione slowly.
Clara turned around and Hermione quickly stripped, slipping into the bath and under the thick bubbles.
"I'm in," said Hermione.
Clara came to sit by the edge of the bath and started to wet Hermione's hair. As soon as the curly locks were dripping, Clara worked up a lather of shampoo from one of the bottles and started massaging it into Hermione's thick hair. She hated to admit it, but the ministrations felt wonderful. Hermione found herself leaning unconsciously into Clara's touch, and all too soon her hair was washed and clean.
Fluffy white bath robe wrapped tightly around her body, and a towel twisted around her hair, Hermione made her way back into her bedroom and sat down at her vanity at Clara's bidding. The towel was removed from her hair, and Clara quickly got to work, separating the long curls into four sections.
"What is the prince like?" asked Hermione suddenly, after Clara had been working on her hair for a while.
"Oh, he is right handsome," replied Clara. "His hair is blacker than midnight, and his eyes are just as dark. You get the shivers as soon as you look at him. At first glance he seems delicate, almost fragile, but he has a strength not possessed by many. It is hard to describe him with words, milady, do forgive me."
Hermione just smiled. In all honesty, she just wanted to get the night over with. It all seemed part of a dream, and Hermione knew that her real feelings about this whole situation would come at a later time. For now, she was immensely curious about vampires. She had never actually seen one, though she had read much about their kind.
"Turn around, if you please," said Clara. "It is time for your makeup."
Hermione turned and waited patiently while Clara pulled different things out of her basket. She wasn't used to someone waiting on her, it was all very strange. Clara didn't bother with foundation, stating that Hermione had perfect skin already. She got to work on her eyes first, using a black eye paint to coat the edges in liner, and applying enough mascara to make Hermione's eyelashes look long and thick. A dark gray shadow was smoothed over her eyelids.
"This is for your lips," said Clara, unscrewing the lid of a small container filled with what appeared to be red paint. "It is a type of stain, and will last you the whole evening."
Clara picked up a tiny brush and started coating Hermione's lips with the red stain. When she was done Hermione tentatively reached up and touched her smooth lips, but on pulling her hand away, found no gloss on her fingers. She smiled slightly.
"Alright, Hermione," said Clara. "This will be the tough part. Prince Aradol had a special outfit made for you. Have you ever worn a corset before?"
Hermione almost snorted. "A corset? No."
"Well you're going to have to wear one now," said Clara. "I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to have to help you. It will be impossible otherwise."
Hermione nodded. "I understand."
She stood up and took off the bathrobe, trying not to be too embarrassed. Clara, however, appeared completely unaffected, and simply handed Hermione a pair of black panties, which she quickly put on. The corset was a little more difficult. Clara kept pulling the laces in the back tighter and tighter, until Hermione thought for sure she would faint from lack of oxygen to her lungs. When the top was laced up, Clara handed Hermione a floor length black skirt, made of the smoothest silk. Hermione slipped it on and with some difficulty, turned to look at herself in the mirror.
Whatever she had been expecting, it wasn't this. Her hair was pulled into four low plaits, each one hanging down her back. Her eyes were smoky, her lips full and red, and her dress exquisite. The black corset was threaded with silver, and even had a few diamonds on it. It was pulled very tight, sliming Hermione's already small waist and pushing up her cleavage. The long silk skirt was gathered at the waist and loose at the bottom, creating a very flowing effect.
Hermione realized with a start that she looked like a princess. How ironic.
"You look beautiful, milady," said Clara. "Now for your shoes."
A pair of strappy silver sandals were pulled out of the basket and slipped onto Hermione's feet. When she stood up the heels made her two inches taller. She looked glamorous.
"I've never, ever looked like this before." whispered Hermione, gaping at her reflection.
She looked so much older than her sixteen years. She looked mysterious and alluring, but still completely innocent as well. The effect was stunning.
The doorbell ringing downstairs brought Hermione out of her silent reverie. She assumed it must be Professor Dumbledore, here to escort her to the ball.
"It is time, Hermione," said Clara, picking up her basket. "Come."
They walked downstairs and found Albus Dumbledore speaking with a teary eyed Mrs. Granger and a grave looking Mr. Granger. Hermione felt her own mood darken and rushed forward to hug her parents.
"Oh, Mi," said Mr. Granger. "You look so grown up."
Mrs. Granger nodded and smiled through her tears. "You look beautiful, darling." she whispered. "Now, good luck, and don't be afraid."
Hermione nodded bravely and turned towards the headmaster. "Good evening, Professor Dumbledore." she said. "Are you ready to go?"
"Yes, Miss Granger," he replied. "Everything is set. Clara," he said, turning towards the blonde woman. "I trust you will make it back safely?"
"I will be fine, thank you, Albus," she replied. Then she turned towards Hermione and curtsied again. "Milady."
Herman Granger saw Clara out, and she disappeared down the dark street.
"How are we getting to the ball, professor?" asked Hermione. "And where is it being held anyway?"
"Alas, that is information I cannot give you." said Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling slightly. "The secrets of the vampires are best kept secret. However, I can tell you how we will be arriving there. I will be doing a joint apparation."
Hermione simply nodded.
"Now, Miss Granger," said Dumbledore again. "There are some things you need to know before we arrive. This is a vampire's ball, which means the only humans there will be you, the servants, and myself. It is most likely that some of the other male vampires will ask you to dance. You are not to accept unless the prince gives you permission. As your escort, I am expected to dance with you at least once. Upon meeting the prince, you are to curtsey. Don't drink anything, and ask me before you eat something. Is that understood?"
Hermione, who had gone into listening mode during her professor's speech, now nodded her head eagerly. "Yes, sir, I understand."
"Well, then, we best be going." said Dumbledore.
Hermione nodded sadly, hugged her parents one last time, and then grabbed hold of the headmaster as he apparated them both away.
That's it for now. Here are review answers.
HecateDeMorte - Well noted! Thanks!
Elektra107 - Thanks so much!
Sweet-single - Hermione has to marry the vampire or else he will take her magic away.
lazy person - Nah, that isn't my style. I like to take things slow, how they would be in real life. Yep, there is something about Harry and the Dark Arts that just fit together.
Lady Angelique of mystiqu - Thanks!
Kryptic Insanity - Thanks, I will.
Christhie - Glad you like it!
RoganLuvr - Thanks!
Makalani Astral - Hee, thanks!
Draeconin - Thanks so much for this review. I didn't even notice some of the things you pointed out. Yeah, I guess Dumbledore didn't really stick to his resolution did he? How could I have forgotten that? Anyway, he is afraid to tell Harry about his affinity towards the Dark Arts because he doesn't want Harry to delve too deeply in to them. Dumbledore sees a lot of Tom Riddle in Harry, and doesn't want Harry to fall to the dark like Tom did. And let's just say that Lucius is 1/4 veela. I didn't note it anywhere, but will change it when I have time.
devil's lil imp - Thanks!
anna may - I was already planning on making Harry and Hermione closer. Looks like you think the same as I do!
Danish Pastry 28 - Glad you like it!
kavf - LOL! Yeah, Hermy is pretty lucky.
angelkitty77 - Thanks, glad you like!
whogirl - Sorry for the wait.
Well, that's all for now. Thanks for all your reviews! So, would you like me to post the next part of Hermione's adventure next, or would you rather see Draco and Harry first?