The Fallen Angel

By: Ernilriel

A/N: Okay some people persuaded me into starting the next part in the Angel Chronicles. So here it is.


Over the streets and allies of Konoha the moon shone bright and full casting eerie shadows. Then a dark figure streaked across the sky and landed on a roof top. He wore black robes and wore a hood. Blonde hair poked out and his eyes shone and gleamed a blood red.

"Close, very close," he whispered gruffly to himself. He leaped again and was gone.


"Naruto, why did you leave me," a pink haired ninja sighed to herself. She sat by her window and looked out into the horizon. In between her fingers she twirled a white feather. The feather her former lover, and now angel, left her. Then a sudden gust of wind ripped the heavenly feather out of her grasp and sent it fluttering lazily in the wind.

"Oh, no!" gasped Sakura jumping out the window and chased after her precious down. But after jumping from roof top to roof top the feather was just mere inches from her grasp. Then a dark blur swooped in front of Sakura and caught the feather. The dark shape was a man wearing black robes and a hood, blonde hair poked out from underneath the hood and blood red eyes gleamed. He examined the feather, and then looked at Sakura.

"Who are you?" Sakura asked, "And can I please have my feather back?"

"Why should I? What's in it for me?" the man in black asked in a menacing tone with a wicked grin that sent shivers up Sakura's spine. She saw that his canine teeth were more like fangs.

"Please that feather is of very important sentimental value to me, and it would hurt me gravely if you did not give it back," answered Sakura trying to keep from collapsing from the fear this man instilled in her.

"Do I frighten you?" asked the man in black with a sneer, he started to walk around Sakura. She started to shiver.

"No, I am not afraid of you," Sakura denied, she started to fiddle with her hands.

"You lie," replied the stranger, he put his face close to Sakura's neck, taking in a deep breath, smelling her, "I smell your fear, and oh how sweet it is."

Sakura couldn't move, she was afraid of this man, had no clue who he was and she wanted to run but she just couldn't. The stranger indulged in her scent, feasting on her fear and innocence.

"This feather, it wouldn't belong to Uzumaki Naruto, would it?" asked the man, he licked up the side of her neck, Sakura nearly collapsed.

"How do you know?" asked Sakura. The man started to laugh.

"Uzumaki Naruto was an angel, and I killed his angel form," the man boasted in triumph, "His soul now burns in hell!"

"No!" Sakura protested, "Who are you?"

"I am Kyuubi! And as proof of killing your beloved Naruto-kun, I have taken his body!" Kyuubi revealed lowering his hood showing Naruto's face just something was wrong, his face had a demonic resemblance. Sakura couldn't hold her tears, she fell and cried.

"What's the matter Sakura-chan?" asked Kyuubi.

"Don't call me that you monster!" hissed Sakura through her gritted teeth.

"Wait, how about this: What's the matter Sakura-chan?" said Kyuubi in a voice that sounded eerily the same as Naruto, his tone full of love and care.

"Why are you doing this to me?" cried Sakura helplessly.

"Just making hell worse for Naruto! That bastard!" spat Kyuubi, he knelt and put his face close to Sakura's, she looked away.

"Look at me Sakura-chan," commanded Kyuubi; he cupped her face in both of his hands so she looked into his eyes, "I love you Sakura-chan."

He then pressed his lips against hers. He forced his tongue in her mouth, she made protesting noises but Kyuubi continued. He finally broke the kiss. Sakura cried harder. Kyuubi supported her head in his hands.

"Shhh, don't cry," Kyuubi said in mock comfort, "I'm here, your Naruto-kun."

"Don't you dare defile his memory!" hissed Sakura.

"Oh well, good night," replied Kyuubi and Sakura's world went black.


Sakura woke up in Naruto's apartment.

'What am I doing here?' Sakura asked herself, all the windows were boarded up. Then she remembered the night before.

'I've got to get out of here,' Sakura thought frantically. She got up off the bed and went for the door but a hand grabbed hers before she could open the door. It was Kyuubi.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," warned Kyuubi menacingly.

"Why do you keep me here?" Sakura asked tears welling up in her eyes.

"Because Naruto's hell is in me, every thing I do he sees, and he can do nothing. Can you imagine that, watching the ones you love and hold dear suffering, and you can do absoluty nothing to help them, it's true torture," Kyuubi answered, he grabbed Sakura's shoulders. He forced another kiss. Kyuubi then forced her back on the bed.

"He started to remove articles of clothing. Kyuubi started kissing and tasting down her neck. Sakura moaned in protest, she would have rather died that go through this torture.

"Please stop!" Sakura begged, she was helpless, and she hated it. Kyuubi started to chuckle, he could sense her feeling of despair and he relished it.

'I'm sorry Naruto-kun,' Sakura thought and she blacked out.


It was white, a brilliant blinding white.

"Am I dead?" asked Sakura as she opened her eyes. She then saw a young boy about 12 walk up to her. He wore white robes, he had four beautiful angel wings, and he had black hair and wore goggles on his forehead.

"No," the boy answered, "One of our fallen angels has called for help."

"Fallen angel?" Sakura asked confused.

"It's what we call angels that have been defeated by demons, they become what you call guardian angels," explained the boy.

"This is hard to understand," Sakura said puzzled.

"Naruto has never left you; he's in your heart not in that demon Kyuubi. He says things like that to get you down, try to break your heart, don't let that happen. For if your does break, Naruto would truly die from you and you would never see him again," continued the boy.

"But how do we stop him?" asked Sakura.

"You must kill the body that Kyuubi is residing in," answered the boy.

"But I can't, he's too strong and he's too much like Naruto.." started Sakura but the boy gently slapped her on the face.

"Don't put Naruto on his level! Naruto is nothing like Kyuubi. Naruto is one of the most noble and good natured angels I have ever had the privilege and honor to work and fight along side with. Kyuubi is evil foul and not worthy of being mentioned in the same breath as Naruto!" Said the boy defensively, but then he smiled, "You won't be alone, I'll send help. Don't worry."

After that everything turned black.


Kakashi was in his apartment, it looked like he crashed and fell asleep on his couch while reading one of his older volumes of 'Icha-Icha Paradise'.

It was white, a brilliant and blinding white.

Kakashi looked around and saw someone that looked familiar walk up to him, he was 12 wore whit robes and had four brilliant angel wings. He had black hair and he wore his goggles on his forehead.

"Obito?" asked Kakashi surprised to see his old friend.

"Hurry, there's not much time left! Your old student Sakura, she's in danger!" warned Obito.

"What, what do you mean? What's going on?" asked Kakashi confused.

"If you don't hurry she'll die! This is Naruto's final request to you! Save her!" Obito said with urgency.

Kakashi felt a jolt surge through his body like electricity, from the base of his spine to his brain. He jumped in surprise and fell off his couch, and he heard Obito's last words ring in his head.

Kakashi got up and tried to shake of the felling of urgency and a need to be somewhere. He was a little shook up by the dream to, for some reason he also felt scared. He paced his living room.

"That was just a dream Kakashi, get a hold of yourself, Sakura's probably just fine, at home or with friends, Yeah that's it," Kakashi told himself rubbing the back of his neck. But Obito's words kept on ringing in his head.


Sakura woke up; Kyuubi was sitting at the edge of the bed watching her. He bent close to her ear.

"What will I do to you next," Kyuubi whispered in her ear, he closed his eyes and took in her scent. Kyuubi got up and left the room.

Sakura looked in the drawer in the nightstand, knowing Naruto she remembered that he kept a spare kunai in the drawer. And sure enough it was there. She pulled it out and his it under the pillow. Just then Kyuubi entered the room; he had something behind his back.

"Did you miss me?" said Kyuubi with a smirk. He sat back down on the bed. Sakura took this opportunity and went to plunge the kunai in Kyuubi's black heart. But Kyuubi easily grabbed the kunai and held it.

"Thought you were clever bitch?" barked Kyuubi, then quick as a flash he dropped the kunai and pinned Sakura down and revealed what he his behind his back; it was a syringe, and it contained a dark bluish green liquid. Kyuubi held the needle close to Sakura's neck. With his other hand he put it over Sakura's mouth.

"You know what this is?" Kyuubi asked menacingly, Sakura shook her head.

"Let me tell you. It's a drug, in small doses it can make you anywhere from numb to minor temporary paralysis. But a large dose, like I have right here can cause permanent paralysis, and brain damage," explained Kyuubi, "But I've also added a few of my own ingredients I added a poison. A very slow poison, it'll take about 3 months to kill you, but there is no antidote."

Kyuubi then slowly pushed the needle into Sakura's neck, tears welled in Sakura's eyes, not because it hurt, but she was scared. Then Kyuubi injected the drug in Sakura's system, a tear rolled down Sakura's cheek.

"Don't cry Sakura-chan, I heard it's painless," Kyuubi said in Naruto's voice again, whipping the tear with his knuckle. Then the apartment started to rattle, Kyuubi got up and looked around frantically. The drug had taken effect on Sakura, she felt dizzy and slow, her vision got blurry and all went black.


"How is she doing?" asked a strangely familiar voice.

"Well we did a blood test and we found traces of a deadly drug in her system," answered an unfamiliar voice. The other person sighed.

"Would it be alright if I visited her alone," asked the familiar voice.

"That would be fine," the other answered and then footsteps.

"Sakura, Sakura-chan can you hear me?" asked the voice, Sakura felt cold and heavy, she couldn't move. Then she felt something warm touch her hand and warmth spread throughout her body, she could move. She opened her eyes and saw Naruto sitting next to the bed. He was wearing a black white shirt, blur jeans and a brown jacket. She could tell it was the real Naruto because of the look in hi eyes.

"Naruto?" Sakura asked not sure if she could believe her eyes, she sat up. He moved closer and put his arms around her, he was so warm, and his touch was gentle.

"I'm here," he said resting his chin on top of her head.

"Naruto, where did you go, and what's with all this angel stuff?" asked Sakura tears started flowing down her cheek. Naruto sighed.

"It's not yet your time to know," Naruto answered simply, "I am so sorry you had to go through that Sakura-chan."

Sakura was silent, she started to feel cold again; she shivered. Naruto took a deep breath and then two magnificent wings sprouted from his back and wrapped themselves around Sakura. Naruto closed his eyes.

"Naruto," Sakura said uncertain.

"Hmm?" replied Naruto opening one eye, Sakura looked up at him.

"Uh, never mind," Sakura said quickly. She had heard what the stranger had said and was worried.

"If it's about what the doctor said, don't worry, you'll be fine," said Naruto knowing what Sakura was thinking.

"But I thought there was no antidote," replied Sakura.

"You're forgetting one thing, you're talking to an angel, and not just any angel, but your guardian angel, I'll watch over you," Naruto said gently as he started to stroke her pink locks. Sakura then felt better inside. Naruto then let her go and he stood up.

"Don't leave me," begged Sakura.

"Who said anything about leaving Sakura-chan? I'll always be here," replied Naruto and he gently put his hand over her heart.

"But, who saved me?" asked Sakura just realizing that she had been rescued. Naruto sighed again.

"Kakashi did," answered Naruto.

"Do you know where he is so I can thank him?" asked Sakura, Naruto then looked sad.

"He's dead," answered Naruto sadly, "he and I'm going to show him the way."

There was a long silence, Naruto then walked next to Sakura and plucked a delicate feather from his wing and handed it to Sakura.

"Here your old one got destroyed, keep it close," said Naruto and then he bent down close to her ear.

"Keep me close, and I promise to protect you," whispered Naruto, "I love you"


A/N: Okay the next part of the Angel Chronicles finished. Now click on submit review and tell me what you think.

Alright reviewer replies!

IamLuffy: Thanks Luffy and you still have my other stories to review!

Dan Inverse: Thanks

Akkikage: Well I think I will write a few chapters that take place before The Angel Feather, but as for your questions, I won't tell you how he died, that will be in later chapters, but I will tell you no he doesn't get a second chance at life, he gets something much better! -

Hott-lil-devil67: Thank you and you will get more!

Sasuto: thank you, I have a hard time writing happy stories by myself; I have to have help with those.

Hisoka316: well I am dyslexic and I have a spelling disability, but I do the best I can! Bet yes, that scene took forever to write. Now it's kind of a collection of one shots 'cause you can read them individually but better when read as one story. But I think I'll keep it Naruto & Sakura 1) I'm a diehard Naruto & Sakura fan and 2) I can't write anything else no matter how hard I try. But thanks.

Raidin: That's as graphic as it's gonna get! I can't add more. I can't spell for crap! But thanks.