Author's Notes: This story has been entirely re-edited and chapter two has been rewritten completely. So I encourage all of you (even if you've already read the story) to please re-read it. Not much has been changed, but hopefully the grammatical errors and numerous punctuation has been improved. To all of the reviewers, thank you so much for everything. Reviews are the lifeblood of my writing, and were the only things that kept me from dropping my stories like hot potatoes. I appreciate your support more than you know. Thank you.

Please be aware (if you are not already) that I am a writer prone to severe and chronic Writer's Block. I give you fair warning.

There are spoilers here if you do not know what happens at the end of the Chapter Black arc. This will be my only warning to you!

This is a hypothetical 6th year of Hogwarts. Umbridge is gone, the Ministry is uneasy and uncertain, Voldemort is gathering his forces, the Weasley twins are now running Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, and Sirius is dead. The rules made by Umbridge have been demolished, and Dumbledore is back as Headmaster.

The one and only disclaimer: Harry Potter obviously belongs to J.K. Rowling, InuYasha to Rumiko Takahashi, and Yu Yu Hakusho to Yoshihiro Togashi.

Please enjoy.

Chapter One: An Unwise Decision?

"Albus, do you really think this is a wise choice?" Minerva McGonagall asked, as the rest of the staff and some of the more prominent members of the Order were sitting around a long table, in the dining hall of the Black House. Many of them were nodding their heads in agreement with Minerva.

"I can assure you, Minerva, that this is a wise course of action. I have watchers in eighty-seven percent of the world's countries, Japan included among those. And I have been notified that there has been an unusual amount of magic going on for quite some time. I believe that it is not safe for such young persons to be practicing magic that is untrained and unsupervised. It is simply not safe for themselves, and they could seriously injure others," Dumbledore reasoned.

"But they are well over the age to be taken in as first years, Headmaster!" Mr. Weasley interjected. "They are, as you said earlier, old enough to be going in as sixth and seventh years! What about NEWTS? They haven't even learned their basic spells, let alone taken their OWLS!"

"Ah, but I have already thought of this." Dumbledore said, eyes twinkling. "You see, these students are very accomplished; they do not practice magic using wands."

A surprised murmur ran up and down the table. "What? That's impossible, Sir!" Madame Pince, the Hogwarts Librarian objected. "You have to use a wand to do magic!"

"I do not doubt your expertise in knowledge of magic, Madame; after all, you have been our Reference Professional for quite some time now and I'm sure that you are well informed." Dumbledore said, placating her. "However, these students practice an eastern form of 'magic'."

"What do you mean 'Eastern' magic?" Tonks asked eagerly, leaning forward.

"It is a different way of practicing magic. They do not use wands because they do not need them for the type of magic they practice. It is…difficult to explain. Severus?"

Snape strolled into the room and dealt out copies of two-paged profiles of to every person in the room.

"Thank you, Severus."

Snape nodded once and took a seat at the foot of the table. "Now, look at the first of these. The first page is a picture of the student, name, age, and occupation. The second page is their abilities and strength statistics. One to ten is the scoring for their strengths and abilities, with ten being the highest. I will give you a half an hour to study these and discuss with your neighbor. Please, take your time and do not fail to overlook anything. After you have taken in all you can, I think you will find that you agree with me about my decision to bring these six to Hogwarts."

Slowly, everyone in the room turned to the papers and began reading. The first packet was written as such:


AGE: 16

GENDER: male

OCCUPATION: Student, second best street fighter in Tokyo

(Second page)

ABILITIES: strength, fist fighting, excellent control of spiritual powers


Second Packet


AGE: 17

GENDER: female

OCCUPATION: care taker and healer at local temple belonging to one, Genkai

(Second page)

ABILITIES: accomplished in healing


Third Packet


AGE: 16

GENDER: male

OCCUPATION: Captain of Team Urameshi, top street fighter in Tokyo, part-time student

(Second page)

ABILITIES: Speed, strength, agility, highly developed control of spiritual powers


Fourth Packet


AGE: 17

GENDER: male

OCCUPATION: Former mercenary, current occupation unknown

(Second page)

ABILITIES: speed, agility, swordsmanship, master of his spiritual energies


Fifth Packet


AGE: 17

GENDER: male

OCCUPATION: student, former bandit

(Second page)

ABILITIES: Speed, agility, strength, green thumb


Sixth Packet


AGE: 17

GENDER: female

OCCUPATION: Student, Miko of Sunset Shrine

(Second page)

ABILITIES: knowledge of herbs, healing, and purification, archer


Exactly thirty minutes later, Dumbledore called everyone's attention back to himself. No one had said a word the entire time. Solemnly, he announced that the teens were now open for discussion and questions. The first person to speak was Tonks. "Headmaster, Sir. On a few of these, there are question marks after AGE. What do you mean by that?"

"Exactly what the question mark implies, Nymphadora. Several of the students' exact ages are not known."

"Why not?" Tonks asked, her ears twitching as they changed forms.

Dumbledore paused, as if calculating the best way to put his next words. "The students' spiritual powers have taken forms that no one in the Western world has seen before. That includes the Wizarding world. The children's natural-born abilities have been enhanced by the…quality of their powers."

"Different forms? Enhanced abilities? What do you mean? Come out with it, man," Mr. Weasley demanded.

Dumbledore raised his hand for silence. The room stilled. "I have taken every precaution to insure that these students are not dangerous--"

"So you mean to say that they are dangerous, then? Would you endanger our children just to bring foreigners in to the school, when it sounds to me like they've got their powers perfectly under control!" Mrs. Weasley's hair was sticking out on its ends and her cheeks were as red as watermelon.

Other voices joined Molly's protest.

"How do we know we can trust them?"

"The Ministry will have your neck for bringing strangers into our school unchecked!"

"And I thought the werewolf was bad!" At this, Professor Lupin's expression darkened, but he said nothing.

More and more questions were rapid-fired at Dumbledore, who sat silently until all of the shouts and accusations had died out. "Now," he said calmly. "To answer Molly's question. The children in question have all had extraordinary lives, even by wizarding standards. Their powers are highly enhanced and are not to be trifled with. However, as I said, every measure has been taken to observe them and it has been found that everything they do, they do for the betterment of their surroundings."

Snape, who had been leaning against the wall, half in shadow, asked, "…And what exactly is it that they do, Headmaster?"

Dumbledore raised a finger to his lips in thought. "That, I think, is information best kept until a later time." At that, the room became restless. "Are there any more questions?"

"Headmaster," Snape said quietly, remaining silent until he had everyone's attention.

"Yes, Severus? Please, ask whatever you wish."

"It sounds as if these 'detectives' are doing well enough without coming to Hogwarts. Why do you insist that they come here?" His monotone drawl made Tonks shiver.

Dumbledore paused thoughtfully for a moment before answering. "I think, Severus, that I want the children to come to Hogwarts because they wish to become stronger and broaden what they already know. They have nearly reached their full potential already—in their own culture, and using their own methods. Bringing them here would broaden their horizons and perhaps help them accomplish more things. Thus my invitation to them, should you agree to it."

Snape remained quiet for a moment before speaking again. "What about OWLS and NEWTS. How will they catch up?"

"I believe that they should be brought into a surrogate family and take lessons from the teachers whose classes are the most important, such as Defense, Transfiguration, Charms, and Potions; then, depending on their level of successes, they will be placed into the classes with the Year that they are best suited to.

"If they all end up with the first years, so be it, and if they all advance well enough to be a sixth year, that will be acceptable as well."

There was a pregnant pause and Professor Lupin spoke up. "I understand the chances you are taking, Headmaster, bringing in students that could very well be considered dangerous. Perhaps I understand these risks better than anyone here. It is because of this risk you're taking, that I feel obligated to stick my neck out. I would be honored to teach these six Defense this summer."

Flitwick and McGonagall too spoke up in thoughtful agreement. Only Snape was left to agree, and at all of the expectant stares, he sighed in resignation. "It would appear that I have no choice in the matter."

"Splendid!" Dumbledore smiled. I will send the owls tomorrow. If at anytime you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask. You all are free to go, but I ask that Mr. and Mrs. Weasley stay behind."

The room emptied and soon only the Weasleys and Dumbledore were left.

"Molly, Arthur, you and your family has faithfully served the Order for many years. Because of this, I find you trustworthy enough that I would ask you if you would be willing to take in the students. Of course I would pay for the renovations of your household, and the addition of new rooms. Also consider all of their fees to be taken care of. All I ask of you is the use of your home for the summer."

"Well…" the couple glanced at each other. Mr. Weasley was uncertain, and Mrs. Weasley was considering. They whispered to each other for several minutes, then turned back to Dumbledore. "We'll do it. Just so long as the renovations won't disrupt the rest of the house."

"I'll order it done as soon as I get the replies from the students. Thank you; I am deeply grateful."

"Well, when do they come!" Molly giggled girlishly and clapped her hands.