The Dentist

Thanks for the reviews! Here's the next chapter, hope you like it!

Chapter 2
An Unexpected Discovery!

Everyone was asleep in the Dojo except for one…

Hiromi's P.O.V

It was quiet… too quiet, that STUPID MOVIE why did it scare me so much? It's not fair… The others were able to fall asleep…

Tyson ate so much of the snacks he passed out… Kenny was a bit jumpy after the gory movie but he still fell asleep… Rei fell asleep after a glass of milk…? Max just curled up into a ball and instantly was asleep… As far as I knew Kai was asleep as well, but I wasn't sure because he's the only one who doesn't snore…

I looked at the clock… 01:13am… it's been a whole hour and I still cant sleep!

I got up and went to the bathroom to splash my face with cold water, "Ok… now go back to bed and … forget the movie and go to sleep…" I told my self.

With a sigh I left the bathroom and started down the hall towards the dojo-training room…

"Huh!" I gasped, "what is that noise?" I turned around and looked down the dark empty hall way…

The sound was very clear it wasn't my imagination, I walk in the direction of the sound, as I got closer, "that sounds so… familiar…" I thought.

Closer and closer the sound got louder and louder… "It almost sounds like"… my feet stopped and I froze… "Like… a Dentist… drill…" as soon as I identified it the sound stopped and everything fell silent…

I couldn't move at all, I was trembling… suddenly I felt someone grab my shoulders, "…" I tried to scream but… I was so terrified no sound came out of my mouth…

I felt warm breath against my ear, "What are you doing up? You should be asleep…" that voice… Kai! I turnaround to see that it was him and… HE'S NOT WEARING A SHIRT!

Oh no… I'm blushing now, "I umm…I heard a noise and…" how could I tell him I heard a Dentist drill… he'll think I'm some kind of wimp or weirdo.

"Whatever, now go to bed you need to get some sleep…" he said to me and gently pushed me down the hall… he can be such a jerk but he's a sweet jerk…

Normal P.O.V

Kai ushered the brunette down the hall but he suddenly stopped and listened as the drilling sound started again…

"What the hell is that noise?" Kai asked.

Hiromi felt worried, "That's the noise I heard before… so you hear it to?" she asked him.

"Duh! Of course I hear it!" Kai snapped.

"Well Sorry!" Hiromi said sarcastically

"Don't get snippy with me!" Kai warned her.

"You're the one who snapped first!" Hiromi shot back.

"Just shut up will ya!" Kai hushed her.

Hiromi stopped her on the floor, "Don't tell me what to do! You stupid-" Kai put his hand over her mouth.

"Shhhhh… go back to bed…" Kai he said softly. Hiromi shook her head… "Go…" he said more forcefully.

Kai removed his hand from Hiromi's mouth, "I want to see… what's making the noise… and you cant make me," she whispered.

Kai sighed in defeat, "Ok… fine!" he said.

Kai and Hiromi silently walked to the living room where the sound was loudest… slowly Kai reached for the doorknob… CRASH!

"What was that…?" Hiromi gasped.

"Shh… be quiet…" Kai growled.

Hiromi scowled but stayed silent… as the two entered the pitch-black room.

"I can't see anything, it's too dark…" Hiromi whispered.

"Shh…" Kai was getting tired of shushing her.

"Hee… hee…" Kai could hear a faint laughing sound come from the kitchen and it was getting closer.

Hiromi looked at Kai, "What's the matter…" She started but Kai pushed her to the side between the wall and him. "Whoa! What's he doing!" a million thoughts ran through her head.

Kai's P.O.V

"Someone has broken in, now be quiet…" I said.

Hiromi said nothing.

The mysterious person entered the living room from the kitchen… "Hellooooo… is anybody here… come out, come out wherever you are…" it was a man, his voice was high pitched and creepy.

I could see around the side of the wall, the man was in a white coat, white hair and his voice reminds me of someone but I don't know who, he had an electric dentist drill in his hand… no way this is stupid, it was a movie… its not real.

"I'm gonna find you… Bladebreakers…" he said, how does he know us? Who is he?

I pulled Hiromi closer to me, I don't want her hurt, "Kai!" She gasped.

"I hear you… I'm coming for you…" The man came towards us, damn girl can't keep her mouth shut… "I found you…" he's seen us!

Normal P.O.V

The white haired man jabbed the drill towards the two teens…

"Get out of the way!" Kai pushed Hiromi down on to the floor.

Kai grabbed a strange donut shaped trophy that Tyson had won in a donut-eating contest and hit the man.

The man scrapped the drill across Kai's right shoulder and he fully saw the mans face, "Dr. D?" He gasped and fell down next to Hiromi,

"HAHAHA!" the man ran down the hallway laughing.

"That bastard!" Kai growled.

Hiromi sat up "Are you ok!" she gasped at the gash on Kai's arm.

Kai sat up, "It's nothing…" he said.

Hiromi sat closer to Kai, "It is something…" She reached for his arm.

Kai stood up, "I said it was nothing!" He snarled.

Hiromi also stood up, "And I said it was something!" she grabbed his hand and examined the wound.

Kai winced at the pain, "… son of a…" he cursed under his breath.

Hiromi smirked, "Did that… hurt?" She gave him an innocent look.

Kai glared at the brunette, "… no!" He said.

Hiromi smiled, "We should bandage this…" she said.

… CRASH! BANG! "AAAAAHHHH!" the rest of the team's screams could be heard.

Kai clenched Hiromi's hand, "No time for that!" he said as he dragged her down the hall.

When they reached the room Kai swung the door open, "Hey! You guys ok!" he turned on the light switch.

Rei was sat up with his messy hair all in tangles with a stunned look on his face, "Ah? What just… happened?" he asked.

Tyson and Max were huddled together in the corner, "It… it was the MAD DENTIST!" Max cried, "He had a drilly thing! And he was soooo ugly!" Tyson whined.

"Oh, there're ok…" Hiromi sighed with relief.

Kai looked around the room, "Wait!" there was someone missing.

"What's wrong!" Hiromi asked.

Kai saw that the door on the other side of the room leading to the garden was smashed. "Where's Kenny!" he asked.

A cliff hanger… BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! How was that! Did you like it! Did you hate it! Please review if you want to know what happens next!