Author's Note: Ahhhhh! Finally, I can start typing this story. I was so bombarded with deadlines before that I couldn't even find the time to type this. How annoying!

Chibi Syaoran: You're annoyed? How do you think I feel? Your fic is way overdue!

Kawaii Authoress: Hai, hai. Gomen, gomen. So, now, without further ado, I give you the following information:

Disclaimer: NOOOOOOOO! That word should be considered a foul word! What a cruel, cruel word it is. I don't own Cardcaptor Sakura! –wails in one corner- And, I also don't own McDonald's. Obviously, I do not own the Oscars... I wish I did, though…

Summary: To earn enough money for college, Kinomoto Sakura has been trying different jobs. When she recieves a very unusual offer from Syaoran Li, to be his son's mother! How can she continue as a professional when her job needs her to be personal?

Legend: "speech" 'thought' dreaming

Chibi Heero: I thought you were going to start the fic! –aims gun at the poor cute authoress-

Kawaii Authoress: I'm sorry! I had to put the Disclaimer or someone might sue me! (dodges the gun) OKAY! OKAY! START THE BLASTED FIC BEFORE HE KILLS ME!

Chapter 1: Mommy

In the middle of a beautiful garden, a tall tree stood proudly. A young mother and her child were playing hide and seek. The young boy had deep gray hair and eyes and had been dressed in a black uniform that closely resembled a sailor suit. His mother, on the other hand, had long, curly auburn hair. Her laughing eyes were hidden by her bangs, and she wore a long white gown with draping sleeves.

"Mommy, I found you!" The little gray-haired boy cried, jumping up and down in excitement. His mother laughed sweetly and caught him in her arms. She lifted him up and began to spin, her dress flying about her legs and her son giggling madly.

The two continued to play and laugh and love in the sunshine-filled garden. It was without a doubt an endearing scene; a mommy and her baby experiencing life together. The mother set her child down and covered his eyes as he squirmed. But when the trees, the bushes, the flowers, the squirrels – everything became covered with shadows, the scene was not quite so wonderful as before.

The young boy felt the hands slip away from his eyes and gawked at his surroundings, stunned at the swift change from play area to darkness. "Mommy?" he squeaked, fear in his tone, and looked around. He caught a glimpse of auburn hair from the corner of his eye and turned to see his mother fleeing away from him.

"Mommy! Wait for me!" He raced after her, grinning, believing it to be a new game. But when his mother didn't stop, didn't turn and pick him up and kiss him while laughing, he became truly frightened and grabbed for the trim on her gown. His fingers clutched only empty air as he tripped and sprawled on the ground. When he looked up again, his mother was gone.

He was alone...

"Mommy!" wailed the child, tears welling up in his eyes. "Mommy, come back!"

"CUT!" The director shouted, frustration in his eyes. He glared in the direction of the child. "Somebody, get that kid off of my set! He's ruining the most important shot!"

"Yamato, you're scaring him." The famous actor Syaoran Li released the hands of the woman before him and strode to his crying son. He lifted the four–year–old into his arms and rubbed his son's back. "Sssh, Yukito, it's okay. Go back to sleep," he soothed.

"My apologies, Li–sama," sighed Yamato. "I didn't mean to scare him; I just want to complete this film. With an Oscar–winning actor like you for the leading role, my movie is bound to win an Oscar for Best Picture." Stars shone in the director's eyes. "Maybe I'll even win Best Director, and of course, Li–sama, you will receive Best Actor once more..." he trailed off and frowned when he realized Syaoran was not listening, and waved a hand. "Five minute break, everyone."

"Daddy, I miss Mommy. When can she come home?" Yukito asked, looking up at his father with imploring eyes.

Syaoran's heart twisted. Yukito's mother had died when the boy was only two. Therefore, Yukito's memories of her were vague at best, but he still missed her desperately. He was still too young to understand the concept of actual death, and often thought his mother had merely left him. The young actor thought hard and finally said, "Mommy's on a long trip, sweetheart. She won't be coming home for a long, long time."

To Yukito's child–like mind, a "long, long time" wasn't really very long at all. Therefore, he came to the conclusion that his mother would be returning soon. The small child even knew how he would know her – although he did not remember his mother well, he easily recalled her tumbling auburn curls because they had been his mother's pride and joy. She had brushed her hair for exactly one hundred strokes every night, and often had allowed him to help. Yukito wondered if, when his mommy returned, she would let him brush her hair again.

"Syaoran, I think Yukito's just getting bored. Why don't I take him over to the amusement park?"

"Thanks, Meiling. I think Yukito would like that." Syaoran set his son on the floor. Yukito grabbed his aunt's (1) hand firmly in his own and smiled up at her.

"Ooooh! You're so kawaii!" Meiling cooed, eyes sparkling as she led her nephew out to the car.

"Bye, Daddy!" Yukito called, waving. Syaoran chuckled and waved back. As the car drove away, his expression darkened. Would Yukito ever get over the loss of his mother?


"Oto–san! Onii–san and I are leaving for the amusement park now! Byyyyyyyye!" Kinomoto Sakura waved enthusiastically towards her father with one hand. The other she wrapped firmly around her brother's waist as he revved up the motorcycle.

"So, Onii–san, what will I be doing at the amusement park today?" asked the energetic teenager with a brilliant smile.

"You'll be handling out balloons to kids."

"What! But that's Aiko's job! I don't want to wear a big penguin costume. It's too hot for that!"

"Stop complaining, kaijuu," Kinomoto Touya replied with exasperation. "At least we gave you a job."

"Why can't I get a job like yours?" she complained. "I mean, yours is in an office and you get a way higher salary! Not fair!"

Touya pretended that he had not heard his baby sister because of the wind. In reality, he did not want to admit that the reason Sakura could not get the same job was because she was only a High School graduate, while Touya had a college degree. Touya had tried to help her earn enough money to send her to college, but he had a family of his own and his son, Eriol, was just about to enter pre–school, which didn't leave a lot of extra money laying around.

"Oi, kaijuu, we're here!"

"Stop calling me a kaijuu!"

"Oh, right, I almost forgot, you're a penguin today!"


Meiling clutched Yukito's hand tightly as they entered the packed amusement park. He looked about with wide, interested eyes, then up at her as she squeezed his hand. "Yukito, make sure you stay close to me today. I don't want to loose you. Some stranger might take you home with him instead!"

Yukito giggled. "Okay, Auntie."

"So, what do you want to do first, kiddo? Do you want to go on the rides first? Or do you want something to eat?"

"I'm hungry..."

"Okay, food it is!" Meiling answered cheerfully, pulling Yukito along with her. While she spoke to the hotdog stand seller, Yukito continued to look around. He saw many children his age laughing happily with their mommies, and an overwhelming jealousy came over him.

'I want my mommy...'

Yukito could hear a nearby mother giggling. It sounded like music to his ears, and he craved hearing more of it. He wandered after the parting sound of amusement, but froze when he realized that he was no longer hanging onto his aunt's hand. Fear filled him and tears brimmed in his eyes when he saw no sight of Meiling.

A giant penguin appeared in front of him, seemingly out of nowhere, and thrust a blue balloon into his hand. Yukito gave the balloon a frightened look and released it up into the sky. Then he turned to the person and started to cry.

Inside the costume, Sakura panicked. Her eyes went wide and she almost let go of the other balloons in her hand, herself. 'Oh, shoot! I must've scared him!' she thought.

"Hey kid, don't cry! I'm not going to hurt you," she said quickly. "I was just wondering if you wanted a balloon, but I guess you didn't, huh?" She knelt before the young child, who was wiping his tears away with the sleeve of his shirt. He sniffled and regarded her with teary gray eyes.

"But, you're a stranger. My auntie told me to stay away from strangers because they'll take me home with them instead!"

"Well, I'm not going to take you home with me," Sakura assured him confidently, imagining her father's and brother's reactions to that. She patted his soft hair and smiled, although he could not see it. "Are you lost? 'Cause if you are, I can help you find your parents."

"But... But you're a…penguin."

A small sweat drop formed on Sakura's brow at this, and she wondered if she had had that sort of imagination when she was a kid. "No, no, I'm just wearing a costume, see?" she offered, removing the head. She shook her head, glad to be free of at least part of the sweltering suit, and blinked stunning jade eyes as she ran a hand through her long locks of coppery hair.

Gray eyes widened at the sight of this now familiar woman. A strong sense of warmth invaded his small body and a beaming smile lit upon his little face. He dove forward onto the shocked girl dressed in a penguin suit with a happy cry.



Author's Note: Don't worry, once I finish the introductions, the next chapter will be bursting with humor. It's not much yet, but it WILL get better! Honest.

R/R and please tell me if you liked it. If you don't, I'll throw Syaoran in a pit with alligators in it! To save his life, leave a nice review on your way out!

(1) Meiling here will be Syaoran's sister.


Syaoran: Guys! Come on! Somebody, please! She's crazy! Just leave her a review! PLEASE!

Oto-san – daddy

Onii-san – big brother

Ja – see ya later