Title: Safe sex

Fandom: X-Men Movie

Set: Post X2

Rating: Teen

For Hieiko

Summary: Bobby and Rogue discuss safe sex.

"Ok, hand me the scissors." Bobby said as he reached his hand blindly out towards Rogue. Rogue eagerly but cautiously put the pair of scissors in his hand.

"Do you think this will work, hun?" Rogue asked.

"It should and if not? What a way to go." He said with a shy yet cheeky smile.

Rogue blushed.

Bobby started cutting with the scissors carefully. When he finished he turned to Rogue once again.

"Ok, hand me the condom."

Rogue once again handed Bobby what he asked, her gloved hand lingering against his.

Some time went by, more snipping and sewing and finally with a triumphant look on his face Bobby jumped up and yelled.

"I'm done!."

Rogue squealed with excitement and jumped up with him, their hands holding each other as they bounced.

Logan happened to be passing by their door and stopped when he heard their cheering.

"What's all the excitement about, bub?" Logan asked as he peered into the room.

Bobby and Rogue stopped jumping up and down and gave him big goofy grins.

Bobby lifted up his invention. A full body speedo with a hole cut where the penis would be. In place of the hole was a condom. Logan raised an eyebrow in silent question.

Bobby and Rogue both replied in unison with, "Safe Sex."
