What I must do, for others happiness

My first Naru/Saku fic! This will take place during the ends of the Tokugawa era. Sakura's mother has passed away recently and her father is dying, so to make the money that her father need for the medicine she became a servant for the leader of the yakuza, Orochimaru. He treated Sakura kindly but with serious lust. One day his ninjas came back from a successful mission and wanted to celebrate by having some fun with Orochimaru's prostitutes. Sakura was forced to be one of them but thankfully a young blond ninja stopped the moment before Sakura would have gotten raped.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto but I do own my oc! Too bad huh! ( fists near reader's face) huh!

Bevy-chan: Shut-up! It's starting!

walks back to seat

Chapter 1:Welcome to Hell

The streets were quiet and lonely. Many people were thinking of rebellion against the Tokugawa regime. A young pink haired girl walked through the lonely streets of Edo hoping to find a job. You see her mother recently passed away and she left only a small amount of money for The girl and her father to survive on.

This young girls name was Haruno Sakura of the Haruno clan. For many years this clan was famous for having the best samurai even the women were samurai. Along the line the Haruno clan got mixed up in a serious battle which cause most of them to die. Sakura's mother and father were warriors as well but both fell ill before they could teach Sakura anything.

Sakura had been searching for a job for three months. Sakura and her father had used up all the inheritance money that Sakura's mother had left them on food and other necessities. The worst part was that Sakura's father had gotten worse. He needed serious money for the expensive medicines to survive.

" I better find a job or something horrible will happed to otousan!" Sakura was on the verge of tears. Sakura stopped walking and rested against the door of a house.

Sakura began to weep uncontrollable. Then she noticed what she was doing so she tried to dry up her tears with her worn out kimono. Sakura knew there was nothing to do but cry. Her father was one step closer to dying because she couldn't find a job once again.

While she was crying she heard a pair of zori coming her way. Sakura looked up in a rush and saw a shadow coming her way. Then she ducked down hoping that she blended with the floor.

( Ok...c'mon you can't blend with the ground no matter how dark it is! You have pink hair!)

She was always tried to get taken away by men who wanted her. Normally her father would hurt any man that came near her but her father was now ill so he could do nothing.

The sound of the zori were getting closer

" Please ... if you want my money please just take it and leave me alone." Sakura knew this was a cowards way out but if she didn't want to end up raped she had no choice.

The zori had now stopped in-front of Sakura. Sakura was preparing herself for the worst things to happed to her but it never came.

" I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you miss..." said a kind and feminine voice. Sakura looked up and saw a girl about her age but with a darker skin complection. Her skin was caramel colored with dark-brown eyes, and short dark-brown/black colored hair.

Sakura was now very embarrassed to let a stranger see her like this. The girl gave her, her hand so Sakura could get up. Sakura got off and got a good glimpse of the girl's face and kimono.

" Pardon my asking but are you from japan?" Sakura said while dusting herself off. The girl smiled a warm smile and began to talk.

" Well, my parents came from across the western seas but I was born here in Edo..." The girl said while pulling out a pendant attached to string around her neck form her kimono.

" You see this, well my mother gave it to me before she, my father and my siblings died..." said the girl with a smile still on her face.

Sakura was a bit baffled why this girl would be smiling. When her mother died she was crying for an entire month. Why would this girl not feel any sorrow unless she hated her family.

The girl turned her face so that the right side if her face could reveal a light scar under her eye when her bangs blew from the night breeze.

Wow this girl looks like she is from a high class family, I don't even remotely compare sakura thought while looking at the girl. The girl finally looked at Sakura, she then out her hand on Sakura's shoulder. Sakura looked at the girls dark-brown eyes that seemed to pierce through her emerald green eyes.

" Miss, pardon me but I over heard your problem with money..." the girl trailed off a bit. This caught Sakura's attention. This might actually help her out. It sounded as though this girl had a job offer for Sakura.

" I know of a way you can make a lot of money and in a short amount of time, but you must be willing to do whatever it takes." The girl was completely serious. There was no sign of a joke on her face. Sakura was now a bit scared but she knew there was no other way but to do whatever job they offered even if it meant risking her honor by being a prostitute. Pride was nothing compared to what her father meant to her.

" Fine, I'll do whatever I have to, to get money for my father. Please tell me what I must do..." sakura felt so ashamed but it was the only way. The girl turned so Sakura couldn't see her expression of a hurt feeling.

I feel sorry for this girl. This means something serious is really happening in her life or she wouldn't have taken this fucking job. I'm sorry girl from here on your life is not gonna get any easier, in fact it will become a living hell. That happed to all of us! The girl thought while beginning to walk down the street with Sakura following close behind.

Sakura was still thinking it over but she knew she wasn't gonna change her mind. So to occupy other things in her mind Sakura looked at the girls beautiful kimono. It was among the most beautiful things she had ever seen. It was blue with red ends on the sleeves. There was a red and gold dragon on the obi (sash). The bottom of the kimono had a giant pink cherry blossom with navy-blue ends to the flower. The top of the kimono started near her shoulders revealing a bit or cleavage. ( She was no A cup size either ! She's around a B going on to a C).

" Umm... excuse me but I never quite got your name..." Sakura said to the girl who said nothing but just kept on walking. After a few minutes they stopped walking and had reached a giant mansion.

" Here we are... and to answer your curiosity my name is Castell Bevy... and this is the Orochi mansion run by our boss Orochimaru..." said Bevy semi turning to sakura then turning back towards the mansion. There some guards who looked like they were expecting Bevy and even Sakura to go over there.

" Miss Bevy please enter. Lord Orochimaru is expecting you." Said one of the guards while opening the door. Bevy and Sakura entered the mansion without a word to each other.

As soon as they went inside they waited in an empty room where there a collection of Katanas and art. Many statues of nude women. ( Gross! oO)

Bevy sat on a cushion along with sakura. Then she looked ar Sakura and spoke.

" Listen to me, please don't say anything rude... because lord Orochimaru doesn't take crap..." With that said she turned and closed her eyes. Sakura knew that Bevy had some thought on her mind which she knew she didn't want Sakura to join but had no choice.

"Umm, Bevy-san... my name is Sakura...and what's happening is not your fault..." Sakura then gave Bevy a smile. Bevy noticed this and smiled back then nodded and was about to say something but someone walked inn the room.

" Bevy... my faithful girl, you have done what has been asked of you..." Said the man who looked around his early thirties. He wasn't all that ugly. In fact he was sort of handsome. He had long black hair that went past his shoulders and hypnotizing yellow eyes. He walked over to Bevy and slightly touched her chin with his index finger. Then he planted a small kiss on her lips. Her expression didn't change, he just smiled.

" That's what I love about you, your cold expression." With that said Orochimaru turned his attention to sakura who looked very scared. He seemed intrigued by this new girl. She was unique to the others in appearance. Orochimaru could smell her fear which really got him going.

" Well, what do we have here..." said Orochimaru going to Sakura. He looked at her then smiled. Bevy noticed that Orochimaru had a plan for Sakura and stopped him before he got any ideas.

" Lord Orochimaru, someone is in need of your services..." Bevy had kept this news to herself until she knew she would need it. Orochimaru looked at Bevy then smirked. He knew what was going on.

" I like you a lot and this new girl...take her to go see Ato, Bera, and Azuka. They will help this girl get the job I wanted. Now leave." Orochimaru left the room along with Bevy and Sakura.

Sakura was relieved that Bevy said what she said.

" Don't worry ,I wouldn't let him touch you. Besides for now you will only clean the mansion unless there is a special event. Thank god for this sakura-chan." Bevy said with a smile to Sakura. Sakura followed Bevy to a room near the end of the mansion where a girl with reddish-brown hair and light-brown eyes.

The girl turned to see Bevy and sakura then smiled lightly revealing her light makeup.

" Bevy, you went through it! I really must thank you...you didn't have to do it..." said Ato as she got up to reveal her lavender kimono with a golden fan emblem on the bottom.

" What?" Sakura said. Bevy looked at her with sad eyes.

" Sakura-chan, Orochimaru-sama said that he would kill Ato-chan's family if I didn't find another person for his shitty business." Bevy was angry to do this but she had too.

And I thought I had it bad...Poor Bevy and Ato-san...Sakura thought while she saw them both.

" Don't worry Sakura! You'll get used to the bad treatment..." said a blond haired at the door.

" Ino, not now! The girls had a hard time..." said bevy while looking at Ino who put her hands up in defense.

" Ato-chan! Your mother is dead! ATO!" said a girl who looked much shorter but obviously made up for it in voice.

" That ass Orochimaru killed her!" The girl fell because her kimono got in the way. Everyone looked at Ato. Ato was crying softly then spoke up.

"I already knew..."Ato said. Everyone tried to get around Ato but then they knew, bad news came from bad to worse.

" Bevy!Orochimaru's ninjas came back and it looks like they finished the mission..." said a girl who looked a bit more Chinese with her hair in two buns. Sakura looked at Bevy for her reaction...

" Oh...no..."

That was the first chapt but please tell me if you like it so I can update it! Reviews is what will help! later! Ohh and the girl who appeared were obviously

Sakura Haruno

Bevy Castell

Ato Hyokai

Bera Juel



Ino Yamanaka!

Couples will appear along with the guys!Later!