Meanwhile, back at the elves' cottage, the seven elves came home and found Snow White under the sleeping death curse, and were terribly sad. Finding her so beautiful, even under the sleeping death, they could not find it in their hearts to bury her. So, they built a glass coffin in the forest and placed her in it. Every day, they would go out into the woods to her glass coffin and place a flower on it.
But, it just so happened that one day, the young, handsome Prince William from the neighboring kingdom, was riding through the forest and came upon the seven elves standing by Snow White's glass coffin.
He asked them, " Excuse me, my seven tiny good men, but pray tell can you show me the way to Rapunzel's tower? I need to rescue her from an evil witch."
"I'm sorry, sir, but we don't know where Rapunzel's tower is," replied Gabby.
"Perhaps you might recognize her. The chick with the red hair that's about 25 feet long."
"No, I don't know her, sir," said Gabby. " We just have the princess Snow White here under an evil spell."
"How do you know she's under an evil spell?" Prince William asked.
"Because it happens to almost every princess in fairy tales," responded Tubby.
"Oh," said Prince William. "Well, I guess I'll be on my way then…"
But, as the Prince was about to ride off, he took one look at Snow White through the glass coffin and instantly fell in love with her.
He leaped off his horse, ran to her side, and exclaimed, "Yowza! Forget about Rapunzel, Snow White is where it's at." Turning to the seven elves he asked, "So how I do break the evil curse?"
"We don't know," said Sniffy.
"Evil purse!" shouted Deafy frantically, not hearing Prince William clearly. "Where! Where!"
"Not evil purse! EVIL CURSE!" bellowed Crabby at Deafy.
"Why not try kissing her?" Gabby suggested to the Prince.
"Will it work?" Prince William asked.
"I'm not sure, but it usually works in almost every fairy tale. Besides it if doesn't work then there won't be a happy ending."
So, Prince William opened the casket and kneeled down and kissed her. Well, sure enough, Snow White's eyes opened and Queen Grimhilde's evil spell was broken.
The Prince then looked into her eyes and said, "Hello, baby. My name is Prince William and I'm from the next kingdom across the way. Would you be interested in getting married and becoming my bride?"
Snow White, being the impressionable young bimbo she sometimes is, replied, "Oh, yes I will."
Prince William then took her into his arms and they mounted on his horse, and the couple galloped off into the sunset.
"Goodbye," Snow White called back to the elves as she rode off with the Prince. "I'll send you invitations to our wedding."
"Goodbye," the elves called out in joy, except for, of course, Crabby, who just stood there with a giant frown on his face and his arms folded.
"Ha!" he grumbled. "I told ya she was a no good hussy. Rides off with the first pretty boy she sees, and doesn't even say thank you to us for letting her stay at our house."
So anyhow, Snow White and Prince William were soon married, and moved into a spacious 200-room castle. So Snow White, Prince William, and the seven elves (excuse me, make that six out of the seven ) all lived happily ever after.