This was actually written for a competition (which I got second place in!) so it isn't a songfic. But it still is a one-shot, which, ya know, is always good in my book. I hope you like it. I'll do responses later, but it is 1:13, and I have school tomorrow, so I need to write this note :D

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Well, I own Mike. But that isn't exactly something to be proud of…


How did I end up living in London again? Oh, yes, now I recall. My father. You see, my father's insane fascination with muggles is somewhat of an obsession. That is why he decided that his children would take a year off from the Wizarding World, to go try our luck as muggles. He also decided we would do this about a year after graduation, starting with my brother Fred and I. But, the "rules" stated we couldn't live in the same city. "How will you be able to gain all that you can from the Muggle World if you are too hung up with living with Fred?" He had said.

That is how I ended up in London, with my brother in Brighton. Needless to say, I was pretty upset.

That is, until Ronniekins and his two best friends, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger graduated from Hogwarts themselves. The final battle had been merely a month and a half ago. Ron and Harry went straight into Auror training.

Hermione, however, had a bit more difficulty. Her parents had asked her to also take off a year from the Wizarding world and go back to living like a muggle. They said that they wanted Hermione to make sure she knew what she wanted before she made a "full time commitment as a witch." Hermione was upset about it of course, but she wanted to make her parents happy, so she did it.

That is how the two of us ended up sharing a flat. Neither Hermione nor I had enough money to pay for a flat by ourselves, so we had come to an agreement to split rent.

The trouble started after we moved in. I had never lived with a girl that wasn't my sister. And even living with my sister didn't leave that much of an impression on me as far as girls go because even then, Ginny shared a bathroom with all boys and made sure she had everything well hidden that could possibly embarrass her.

Hermione was a bit different. She put her things in the medicine cabinet alongside mine. A few things were rather private things I wish not to see.

I wasn't angry that she had put her things out like that. It was just odd. I had never met a girl who was so open. And at Hogwarts I had thought she was shy!

Oh, I'm getting off track again. Anyway. So we had been living in this flat for about two months. I had gotten used to her feminine products invading the bathroom. She had gotten used to my messy habits. We had fun living together. Sometimes I feared we had a little too much fun. Why? Because I found myself starting to fall in love with her.

I know, I know. Totally bad move. Shouldn't fall in love with your brother's best friend, but trust me, it's hard when you are in such close quarters!

It's kind of hard to say when it happened. I just know that it did. I think I first really realized it was the day that I got my job. I had just been fired from my last job as an intern (what company doesn't like pranks? Gah, I didn't like working there anyway) when Hermione made me go and apply at some places.

I ended up getting a job at a tea house. I was so excited. I remember getting home, ecstatic to tell Hermione. Only, Hermione had company.

Hermione had been working at a little restaurant near our apartment. I had gone to visit her down there a few times. One thing I learned almost immediately was that her coworker, a bloke named Michael had a mad crush on her. Hermione couldn't tell. She was oblivious to his feelings, even though it was so blatantly obvious.

And when I walked in, who should I find sitting on my couch but him?

"Hello George." He said, with obvious distaste.

"Michael, what a pleasure it is to see you." I said pleasantly.

Michael scowled and was about to say something rude when Hermione walked in.

I would like to think that her face lit up when she saw me. "George! How did job hunting go?"

My face fell. I was so excited about telling her, but not when bird-brain was sitting right there.

She took my silence the wrong way. "Oh, George I'm sorry."

I quickly shook my head. "No, no I found a job."

She grinned and ran over and gave me a hug. "George that's wonderful!"

Michael cleared his throat. "Hermione dear, if we don't leave now, we'll be late for the show."

Hermione pulled away. "Oh, right." She said to Michael. Then she turned to me. "Michael asked me to go to the cinema with him."

I scowled. "Oh."

Hermione turned away from me and said to Michael, "Can we take a rain check? I want to celebrate with George." I knew that my face lit up. She wanted to celebrate. She wanted to celebrate with me! Not just with me… for me!

Michael glared at me. "I'm sure George will be fine by himself. We'll be back in less than two hours."

I glared right back at him. I really disliked this guy.

Hermione glared at him too. "I don't think so Michael."

Hermione lead him to the door and showed him out. She did it a bit to politely in my opinion. Scumbag should have been thrown out.

Hermione came back into the living room. "I'm sorry about that George. Mike was a little testy today."

"Don't worry about it. Not like I expect you to be able to control him."

We spent the rest of the night talking, watching movies, and drinking in celebration of me finding a job. When I woke up the next morning, I realized what I had pretty much known all along. I was in love with Hermione.

A few weeks after that, I came home from work to find Scumbag sitting on my couch again.

"You again." I said to him.

Scumbag gave me a dirty look.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I live here you dolt." I told him.

"That isn't what I meant. How do you know Hermione? Why do you live with her? How do you feel about her?"

"I don't think that is any of your business, now is it? And in any case, what are you doing in my apartment? I could easily throw you out, but won't, out of respect for Hermione." I asked. Scumbag told me where I could go, not that I cared, and suddenly Hermione ran into the room.

"Mike, that is it! How dare you talk to my boyfriend like that!"

I stared at her, more shocked then Scumbag was. I liked the sound of that. Boyfriend.

"Boyfriend? Since when!" Scumbag screeched.

"I don't believe that is any of your business, is it?" Hermione asked, deadly calm.

Scumbag glared at the two of us, then stomped out of our flat.

I looked at Hermione, and noticed she was blushing uncontrollably.

"I-I'm sorry about that. I can't believe that he would talk to you like that. I said the first thing that I could think of that would get him out of here."

I approached her slowly. "Hermione, why would that be the first thing you thought of?" I said carefully, hoping her answer would be what I wanted it to be.

Hermione bit her lip. "Well… you see…"

I smiled at her. I wasn't about to make her say it first. She was already embarrassed enough. But that didn't mean that I wasn't nervous to say it.

"Hermione, I…. I want to be your boyfriend." Hermione looked up.


I began regretting my decision to say anything. What if she didn't feel the same way? I'd have to move out of the flat. I'd have to make more money to pay for a flat on my own… But I couldn't just leave it at that. I had to tell her.

"Hermione, I'm in love with you." Her eyes went wide, and she broke into a grin.

"George, I'm in love with you." My heart stopped, and I closed the gap between us. I kissed her. I put every ounce of myself into that kiss. Every ounce of what I felt for her. And she kissed me back.

How did I end up living in London again? Oh yes, I recall. My father. My father is a bloody genius.


Well? What do you think? Review! Gracias!

