Of Angels and Soldiers

Chapter 1: The Tortured

Cloud loved to work. Well, he didn't really love it, but it kept him from starving, and it gave him a reason not to think of Aeris. Two years had gone by since her death, and he relived it every night in his dreams. He missed her, and she still lived on in his heart.

He sat at Tifa's desk in her apartment on top of the bar, starring intently at a map. He scanned the area mentally, and jogged down the stairs and outside to his bike. He had just swung his leg over it when---


He turned and saw Tifa in the doorway.

"Where are you going?"

Cloud shrugged, "I have a delivery." It was his new line of work. People called him to deliver things, and they paid him. Sometimes it was minimal like boxes of food to a local restaurant, and other times it was crates of weapons to the local armory.

"When will you be back?"

"Day or two."

Tifa frowned, and gave him a look. She knows you're lying. Tifa could always spot a liar. The truth was, Cloud didn't have a delivery.

"Alright," She whispered, "alright. Be careful." She said it in a defeated tone, as if she knew he wasn't coming back. Cloud didn't have a delivery. He just wanted--- he wasn't quite sure what he wanted anymore.

"Yeah," Cloud said, gunned the engine, and was gone.

That was a week ago. He didn't know what lead him back to her church, he just knew he felt closer to Aeris there, so it's where he took refuge. He couldn't deal with Tifa right now. So what if they saved the world? He had lost the most precious thing he had ever had, and it was all of his fault. He barreled down the highway at top speed, with all of that on his mind, heading back to the church for the night. Every day since he had come to her church, he went out on his bike and tried to go to the City of the Ancients. He had gotten very close this time, but he couldn't bring himself to visit her watery grave. He hadn't noticed the debris that littered the highway. They were doing repairs. Cloud tried to break, but too late; his bike flipped him off, and landed on top of him with a sickening crunch. He woke up in a hospital, a nurse fixing a bandage across his chest. His vision was blurry, he could only tell that this nurse had long hair…. long brown hair…

"Where… Aeris?" He asked.

"Well!" The nurse cried, "Welcome back." Her voice was firm but gentle, but in a shattering heart beat, he rubbed his eyes. Was it… her? The woman before him did look very much like Aeris, but that was impossible, wasn't it?

"Where am I?" He rasped.

"Hospital. You had a nasty fall, lucky those workers saw you or who knows what would have happened."

Cloud tried to sit up, but the nurse stopped him. "Whoa there, you're very sick."


"You have internal bleeding, from where we don't know yet. You're going to be here a few days."

Cloud slumped back down on the pillows, and stared at the nurse. The light from the moon glinted in through the window upon her face. Even in the darkness, he could tell her eyes were a deep brown, not the vibrant green of Aeris's, and her face was plain where Aeris was beautiful. His heart sank. For a minute, for one glorious minute, he thought---

"A picture would last much longer, I promise." She said with a chuckle.

Cloud averted his eyes from her, and turned to the window instead.

"Is there anyone I can call?" She asked.

"No," Cloud answered, "there's no one."

The nurse put a hand on his shoulder in a comforting way. She then placed her other hand under his left peck, and he cried out in pain.

"Sorry, it's sore, isn't it?"

"Yes," He said through gritted teeth. And then, "what happens if I don't stay?"

"Why wouldn't you?"

"Just wondering," He said with a shrug.

"Well, your body will shut down."

Cloud turned to look out of the window again. Shut down… as in die. Why didn't she say that? It was much easier.

"Your tests are going to be tomorrow morning, you're lucky number one."

"Lucky," Cloud said with a frown.

"You are a brooder, aren't you?" She asked.

"Who are you?" Cloud asked, "What's your name?"

"Raine." She replied, "Nurse Raine to you."

"Why don't you just give me some Healing Materia and I'll be on my way?" Cloud asked.

Raine chuckled again, "Healing Materia… what a fad that was, wasn't it? We haven't used that in two years. Sorry, it's back to the potions for you."

"I don't have any gil. I can't afford potions." Cloud said.

"Well, lucky for you, this one is on the house." And she winked at him.

Cloud stared. Was she coming on to him?

"Raine Odell 1245, Raine Odell, 1245."A voice interrupted their silence.

She swore under her breath. "That's Maternity. I'll be back as soon as I can to tuck you in." She winked at him again before exiting his room.

As soon as he was sure the nurse was safely down the hall, Cloud sat up, trying not to scream from the blistering pain in his stomach. He dressed as quickly as he could, and checked the hallway. I don't deserve their help… I was never brave enough to do it myself, but my body will do it for me. I'll be meeting you soon, Aeris…And he slipped out of the hospital and into the dead of the night.