Harley Davidson anyone?

Author: Dee

Summary: The team takes a two week long motorcycle adventure where Sam lead's the team, Jack meets an idol, Teal'c gets to stretch his legs, and Daniel learns to drive a hog.

Disclaimer: I don't own Stargate or the players. Nor do I own anything having to do with Harley Davidson's or the sights the team will see. I do, however, own this idea.

An Officer and a Vacation

This was a really bad idea. Daniel thought as he climbed off the Harley Davidson and watched the police officer walk towards him. The Painted Desert in Arizona was a very beautiful place, but on this May afternoon, it had grown dark and dreary. Yes, the sun was still shinning and it was very bright and almost pleasant outside, but the sight of the cop almost made Daniel sick. Last thing he needed was a ticket. He was going to kill Jack for talking him into this.

"Good afternoon." The officer said almost kindly.

"Good afternoon Sir." Daniel offered the guy a warm smile.

"You were going rather fast son."

Daniel looked at his nametag quickly before answering. "Yes Officer Lloyd, I was. I'm sorry."

"Do you have a reason?"

I was racing the leader of SG-1 back to our hotel where we left an alien and a blond genius. "I was catching up to my friend."

Officer Lloyd looked up the road. No one was in sight. "He must have been going rather fast too."

Well, when one races they do tend to go "rather fast". "Yes Sir."

The cop gave him a look over. "Are you on vacation son?"

"Yes Sir."

"Tell ya what," Officer Lloyd looked at his watch. "I'm off duty soon and I don't want to hassle with paperwork." He fixed Daniel with a stern look. "If you promise to slow down, I'll let you slide."

"You have my word, Sir." Daniel said, remaining polite. The heat was baking him and he wanted to get back to the hotel where he was sure they had food and cold beer.

"That's a warning." Officer Lloyd said as he walked back to his car and climbed back in.

He drove off and Daniel let out a sigh of relief, hardly believing the officer hadn't asked for his license, considering he didn't have one for the motorcycle. I am so going to kill Jack!

A week before:

"All right kids, we've just been given two weeks off, what do we do?" Jack asked in his best announcer voice. He was aiming for that guy in the commercials who asked pro athletes what they were going to do now that they'd just won the cup/bowl/series. He didn't pull it off as well as he'd hoped.

Sam gave him a grin, catching on, but instead of answering "Go to Disneyworld!" like the athletes, she shrugged. Teal'c raised an eyebrow in response and Daniel shook his head.

"Come on folks! Let's do something!"

"I would prefer not to go fishing." Teal'c stated.

"Well that's a start." Jack looked over Daniel. "Anything you've been dying to do Daniel?"

"Go on a dig." Daniel answered.

Jack rolled his eyes and turned to Sam. "Carter?"

Sam gave him a lazy smile and a shrug. "I've been wanting to ride my bike across the country."

Jack thought a moment. "Now that sounds like fun!" He gave Sam a grin. "All right, Danny you plot out our route, Teal'c and I will handle our supplies, Carter," he turned to his 2IC. "You get us the bikes."

"I've only got two Sir."

"We can double up and take turns."

"Uh, Jack…" Daniel waited for Jack to turn to him. "I don't know how to drive a motorcycle."

"Then you can ride with Mr. Never-tires." Jack said, pointing to Teal'c, who raised his eyebrow and nodded in acceptance.

Sam gave the colonel a bright smile before picking up her lunch. "The bikes should be ready in an hour Sir. I just need to change their oil and gas them up."

"Sounds good Major." Jack said, leading Teal'c to the locker to change into their civvies. "We'll meet at your place in an hour." He turned to see Daniel reluctantly following him. "Danny?"

"I'll be there. With maps and a plan."

"Great!" Jack beamed. He clapped Teal'c on the back and entered the locker room.