Connor sat on the plane slightly nervous, unsure of himself. Had he really made the right decision? It was too late now, no turning back. That's what he told himself at least. This was his path what he had decided, since that day in Wolfram and Hart when his father, his real father told him to leave after they killed that guy… Hamilton? Yeah it was Hamilton. He hadn't heard from Angel since. He had probably died as morbid as that sounded he knew it was likely that as well as many other things that had happened strengthened his resolve into making this decision.

He had left College. That wasn't his path he wasn't supposed to be a Student, an Intern or anything like that. Wasn't supposed to have a Nine to Five Office Job. He was a Champion of the Powers That Be. He knew that now it was what he was meant to do. That didn't make it any easier though, not being able to say goodbye to his parents. Leaving them a note that was it he couldn't face them it was to hard.

So he sat on this plane headed for a far away land, though not the kind in fairytales but still talking geographically it was far away. The other side of the world pretty much. Australia, more specifically Sydney. According to a particularly powerful Seer of a Coven at College now that Sunnydale's Hellmouth had been closed this had taken over as most Powerful Hellmouth, after that it was Cleveland. Australia was where the Powers obviously wanted him to go he didn't now what would happen when he got there and that uncertainty made him even more nervous. There was one good thing about going to Australia though, the legal drinking age over there was 18, he'd be old enough to drink there. He smirked he may be a Champion but he was still a teenager.

He shifted around in his chair, trying to get comfortable as it was going to be a long flight. A can of coke was held in the arm of his chair as he took a swig diverting his attention to the TV Screen the in-flight Movie was starting. Dracula 2000 he'd seen it before he'd always had an obsession with Vampire movies. They all seemed kind of fake now so many inconsistencies with what he knew to be true. He doubted if Dracula actually existed but knew that the myths could have come from an actual vampire but it seemed unlikely.

His eyelids starting getting heavy, he hadn't slept for a while he'd been to pumped with a mixture of Excitement and Anxiety he hadn't been able to sedate himself enough to sleep but it was starting to catch up with him he let his eyelids fall completely closed his head leaning back against the chair as he let sleep take him. At Best it would take a couple hours off the flight.