This is a sequel to my first fanfic The Joy of School. Read it before you read this. This story takes place a year after The Joy of School ended, which means its now five years after the movie ended and Adam (My character) is now 16-years old. I'm writing this story one chapter at a time so I have no clue how its going to end that means that the rating might change along the way. English is not my first language so if the spelling sucks that's why.
I don't own them, the belong to Marvel.
Pleaaaaase review it.


It had been a year since Logan and Rouge became my guardians and they kept their word, as far as they were concerned I was now their child. It was great to have a family again but it also meant that I did not have the same level of freedom as before, even though they never said it all their actions showed that I was now on their microscopic list of people Who.Must.Be.Protected.

I soon discovered that these two ass kicking, violence addicted action junkies worried if I was late getting home from town. And when I got the influenza with a high fever they acted as if it was the plaque. Logan was the worst.

" Marie! Shouldn't we get him to Jean he's burning up!" He panicked.

" I don't know if we should she said that that's normal with this kind of influenza. Adam you should drink something. Mrs. Summers said that was important" She said that even though I had just forced down several glasses of juice.

" Leave me alone. I'm fine I'm just a little sick Remy can get you if there's a problem," I said hoping they would stop crowding me. No luck there.

" You're not fine you have a fever," Logan said. "Marie…" He looked at her with pleading eyes.

" Perhaps we should take you to Mrs. Summers" She said to me.

" No! Fuck! - Look I'm fine, I just have to sleep it off and then i´ll be fine"

Somehow they managed to translate that into that I was dying and before I knew what was happening Logan wrapped me in my blanket and picked me up. Then he kicked the door open and RAN!

To get to the infirmary he had to go through the main hall. So everybody got to se my 16-year-old ass being carried through the school like some kind of giant baby - humiliation, thy name is Wolverine.

In the infirmary Mrs. Summers took one look at me and told Logan and Rouge to wait outside.

" How are you feeling Adam?" She asked.
" They're driving me insane Mrs.Summers. When Rouge isn't forcing juice down my throat, Logan is pacing the room. He seems to think that the moment I'm left on my own I will fall out of the bed and into my early grave. "

" They do it because they care about you Adam and you know Logan have never been sick himself so he have no way of knowing what its like."

" I know. But could you please tell them not to worry so much. Logan just carried me through the whole school. And as much as I want the girls to se me in my underwear, that was not what I had in mine"

"Adam!" she laughed. " I will go talk to them.

She told them, that No, Adam wasn't in any danger of dying and that she would keep me down in the infirmary with her so I could get some rest. The finally left and I got some much-needed sleep.

" Homme!"

"Leave me alone!"

" Adam, wake up"

" What the fuck! Remy what are you doing here"

" I'm sorry I woke you up. But this is the only chance I had of seeing you. Rouge and Claws said I am not to disturb you."

" Why are you here then?"

" Do you realise the mood their in? Claws almost broke my arm when I joked about you being sick and Rouge are in the kitchen cooking some kind of awful polish dish, she says Magnetos mom used to make when he was sick."

" You woke me up to tell me that Logan has a temper and Rouge can't cook, that's not news"

" You will have to get well soon if you want the boys of this school to survive their next self-defence class"

" Why does everyone always assume that I can control Logan and Rouge."

" Just hurry up and get better"

In the next couple of days several persons came down into the infirmary to tjek up on my condition. Their mouth said "rest and get better" Their eyes begged for me to get the hell out of bed and calm the maniacs of the mansion down.

So as soon as I felt up to it. I was kicked out of the infirmary and everyone could relax again. Everyone except me.

Oh! What's that down there? Could it be? An easy way of reviewing stories for the readers?
Try it, make a girl happy and review my story. Thank you.