Yes! Finally, another story, i've been trying to get this one out for a while. I would like to thank Firecat925 for proof reading and co-brain storming this story.

The first part is giving a discription about two OCs, then the story. Anyway, without further adu, Firecat925 and Oralindie's 'Mischif from Above'!

Warning: This story was created by two high school girls during PE, so any insanity is entierly notour fault.

Disclaimer: We own nothing but this odd idea for a story; which, I would like to point out, was thought up in gym class right before a mile run test. So if it's crazy, blame the need for something else to think about!

Oralindie aka Ora a smart girl who prides herself in her hacking abilities and computer genius. She has developed many new programs that no one has ever seen before. Has very minor martial arts skills. She loves to annoy and confuse people, especially if she doesn't get caught.

Firecat aka FC a complete and total nerd when it comes to English or history. She is a black belt in Karate, and enjoys using her knowledge and skills to embarrass and taunt the people around her. Also is a bit of a pyro, a sucker for romance, and takes gleeful pleasure in frustrating people.

Two girls sat on a grassy hill watching an eagle fly by as they sighed simultaneously, both clearly bored.

"There is absolutely nothing to do today," Oralindie said, laying down on her stomach and propping her head up with her elbows to watch a butterfly that was passing, as the eagle was no longer able to hold her interest.

Firecat moved to the same position so she could talk to her more easily. "Ya, the people here are so boring; it's no fun any more!" she put on a fake pouty face as an attempt to cheer Ora up.

"No kidding, talk about no sense of humor," Ora pouted. Suddenly her face lit up. She grinned and turned to Firecat, "I have an idea of what we can do."

She leaned over and started to whisper into Firecat's ear. At first she looked happy at the thought, but then her face darkened in deep thought as Ora continued. Ora moved back to her previous position and impatiently waited for Firecat to say something.

"Ora, we can't; that would just be so...evil," Firecat said, faking a troubled look at her friend sitting next to her.

Ora grinned as she absent mindedly plucked a piece of grass, "I know."

Lieutenant Colonel Samantha Carter glared at the machine in front of her. She just couldn't figure out what was wrong with the bloody thing! It had been working fine until yesterday night, when it had suddenly gone caput. Oh for the love of God! I can build and fix a hyperspace window generator, but this simple thing is just too much, she gave herself a mental kick and continued to try at the impossible task of fixing her VCR.

General O'Neill walked by and stopped at the doorway, watching the humorous seen for a moment before clearing his throat. Sam looked up, then rushed into an automatic salute. Jack sloppily returned his, not caring much for formalities when they weren't necessary; it took too much effort. "How's the new naquadah generator coming?" Jack asked casually, trying hard not to show his amusement at the scene in front of him.

"I'm actually finished, sir," Carter replied, turning back to her current project.

"Um, ok," Jack stammered, believing it and not believing it at the same time. I mean Carter's smart and all, but a month! That had to be a new record! he made a mental note, that was $15 extra bucks for him! Sometimes he loved the bets that ran throughout the base. But what's with the VCR? She should be done with that by now, after all, she had been working on it all morning, and it was currently 13:00.

He turned to leave, but stopped as he saw what Colonel Carter was about to do.

She threw her screwdriver down and reached for her hammer. She felt a hand grab her arm as she tried to relentlessly pulverize the object in question. She turned and saw Jack standing behind her.

"No reckless hammer pounding in my base," he calmly said. "So why don't you just set it aside, or toss it?" Slowly, he let go of her hand.

Reluctantly she put the hammer aside and moved the VCR to another table. Sighing, she rubbed her face and yawned, "Sorry, sir. I guess I just didn't get much sleep last night." Jack gave her an odd look. "Trying to fix that piece of junk," she added quickly, and pointed toward the broken 'piece of junk'.

Jack looked Sam in the eyes, "If you're tired, just go ask Daniel what he's doing right now. I'm sure all his historical talk will have you out in no time." Sam shook her head laughing as Jack left the room, a wide grin on his face.

Forgotten Closet on Sub-level 17

Two figures huddled in the dark, waiting to make sure no one was outside in the hallway on the other side of the door.

"Can I move yet?" a voice asked, trying not to whine as she whispered the question to the person next to them.

"Ya, it should be safe by now. The guard isn't due back for another couple hours."

"Thank God! Why did we have to wait so long! It's been half an hour!" FC waved her hands in frustration. As she stood up she cringed, "Not to mention the fact that I'm going to be sore for a week."

"Fine, if you want to get caught, just go make a racket!" Ora said, not trying to hide the annoyance in her voice. Her mode changed soon, however. "That is, unless, you want to get caught before we have a chance to do anything."

FC looked at her in mock shock, "What, me do something to show our presence, never," she retorted, her voice thick with sarcasm. There had been many occasions when FC had just gotten fed-up with background confusion, and had gone in, head first.

Ora just rolled her eyes and opened up her laptop. She leaned close to the screen, opened a window, and started to type furiously. FC sat there impatiently thinking, Does she have to take forever with everything!

"Ora, if you're such a genius, can you at least get some lights on in here?" Without looking up, Ora continued. Suddenly, the lights in the closet flickered on. As FC looked around, she decided the place looked better in the dark. Old rusty water pails, mops, and brooms littered the walls and floor. A sink that looked like it hadn't been used in fifty or sixty years hung on the wall opposite the door. Eewwww…. FC thought as she saw all the cobwebs, "Are you sure this is a top-of-the-line military base? It looks like the janitors closet that was at school."

Ora raised an eyebrow, "And how would you know that?"

FC blushed slightly, "Umm, I was just…aahhhhhh… hiding there once…ya…hiding," Ora grinned as she saw FC's embarrassment, and decided that trying to dig any deeper would be suicide.

"Ok…I'm in!" Ora flashed a grin at her success. "What do you want to do first?" she motioned FC over, and brought up another window as her friend joined her. It showed a bunch of tiny boxes, each showing a different part of the base.

"Security cameras, nice," FC grinned, thinking about all the havoc they could cause. Rubbing her hands together in anticipation, she thought. "Where are Dr. Jackson and General O'Neill right now?"

Ora nodded, and started to type, "Lets see… the General is in his office, and Dr. Jackson," more typing," is in his office. Both are on their computers."

FC smiled happily, "Bring up General O'Neill's office." Ora did so and looked at FC, curious about her idea. As she looked at the screen, Ora saw the General sitting in his chair, glaring intently at a letter he was reading. The computer next to him was on. "Can you get into his computer?" Ora nodded, many pranks flashed through her brain; she wondered which FC had in mind.

"Ok, what do you want me to do?" Ora asked as soon as she had gotten into his system. So far, she was rather disappointed; she had thought that one of the highest security facilities in the world would have, well, better security. What she had seen so far was child's play.

"Alrighty then!" FC cried gleefully; obviously happy with their progress. "save all his files to a disk, then wipe it."

"All of it?"

"Everything," FC thought a moment, "Do his e-mail too, but back it up like the others."

Ora grinned, she loved some of FC's ideas. "Ok, saving…" she hit a couple keys, "and…deleting." She hit 'enter' to confirm the action; then both of them sat back, ready to watch the hopefully humorous action that would follow.

Jack stared at the letter in front of him. Some senator was asking where all the money was going, again. Damn, I hate politicians. Do they ever stop asking questions! Rubbing his temples because of a sudden head ache, he set the letter aside and reached for his computer mouse. He clicked an icon to bring up his e-mail.

"No new messages," a computer created voice said flatly. Jack frowned; that couldn't be right, he had sent a report this morning so he wouldn't have to deal with a disk. Confused, he clicked on his inbox to see if it had just been a mistake. His frown became shock as he saw all his messages were gone, all of them; even the ones from the Pentagon. He clicked on the trash can (hey, he might not be a technology buff, but he knew enough to know where it all went).

Empty. Nada; nothing; zip; zilch. What the hell? He hit the monitor out of frustration. What was going on? This better not be some joke by Carter. He opened Microsoft word, deciding he'd deal with it later. He moved the mouse and opened the 'open folder' folder. Nothing, again. What the bloody hell is goin' on here? Was all he thought as he tried to kick the computer under his desk. He missed and stubbed his toe on the desk. Silently cursing, he wondered why he hadn't worn his steel-toed boots this morning.

As he held his foot, futilely trying to massage his toe, a window popped up on his desktop. It showed a skull and cross bones, suddenly the speakers emitted a shrilling pirate's laugh. The message 'Catch me if you can!' appeared below the image. Startled, Jack just stared at the screen rather stupidly, not completely comprehending what was going on. The skull stopped laughing and the sudden absence of noise brought him back.

Jack picked up his phone, "Get Carter here, now!"

Unbeknownst to him, and the rest of the base as well, two girls in a forgotten closet on sub-level17 fell over laughing, both unable to breath from the hysteria that held them hostage.

First part DONE! I have no idea when the next chapter will come out, but please know that I am trying. Any complaints of me not being able to update fast enough should be forwarded to any and all of my teachers who asign way to much HW. If anyone wants to know,I got the idea forSam and the VCR at http/cartoons. was made by Leah Rosenthal, and she has some great stargate toons!

Please review! flames are welcome.