Oh Sweet Child of Mine
Summary: When one of the League's young partners goes missing, someone they least expect picks up the mace to go find her young friend. Sequel to "Innocence of a Small Child".
Author's Note: Yea… I got so many reviews for "Innocence of a Small Child" I decided to make a sequel to it since so many people liked the interaction between Shayera and Tim. This story simply embraces the fact that Shayera and Tim have developed a very close relationship. For all you HG/GL shippers… I might throw some of that in there. Oh fine, yes it will be present in the story as will some BM/WW with a twist. I will hint that Wonder Woman will get jealous of a certain kitty if you catch my drift. A few years have passed so you note. Tim is now fifteen.
Important Note: If you have not read "Innocence of a Small Child" you are going to be terribly confused.
Disclaimer: I own… (sniffle) nothing except the plot line.
Set after "Starcrossed" and after "Wake the Dead". Shayera is a member of the Justice League once more.
Chapter 1: Part of the Team
"Your shift ended an hour ago," the Dark Knight said to his young ward and current Robin, Tim Drake as he entered that Batcave peeling off his mask and wiping some sweat of his smooth forehead.
Robin exhaled in a way that showed he didn't really care, "Sorry…"
Batman gave no response, something the Boy Wonder was far too used to by now.
Sighing, the young child began to take off his crime-fighting cloak of Gotham and replace it with the normal appearance of fifteen-year-old Tim Drake. Kicking off his boots and pushing off his gloves, which seemed to have stuck to his skin, Tim struggled to take off his night attire.
"What were you doing Timothy?" the Caped Crusader asked as Tim made his way over, "This is the sixth night in the row."
"Just double checking the city," Tim lied smoothly, "Making sure the scum stays gone."
Batman raised an eyebrow at him and Tim tried determinedly not to look him in the eye. That would give him away and Bruce would know he was lying. Instead, the boy focused on a spot that rested on the cowl near the fiercely glowing eyes of Gotham's Dark Hero.
It seemed to have satisfied Batman, "I highly doubt that… but I can't prove it."
"I'm telling the truth Bruce," Tim said sitting down in the chair in front of the Batcave's super computer.
"Lying or just no telling the truth?" Batman asked slyly.
Tim turned to face his mentor and repeated just as sly, "Neither," too bad he was lying, Bruce could be so naïve at times.
Turning a soft heel, the Dark Knight was soon roaming the rest of the cave doing what ever a Batman does. Tim, feeling as if Lady Luck had given him a good set of cards, quietly retreated upstairs to grab a quick snack and then go to bed before his luck ran out.
"I'm heading up Bruce," Tim told him.
With the cowl pulled down, Bruce Wayne nodded as he watched his ward went up the cave stairs, his shadow moving distortedly on the wall as the boy walked.
After passing the clock and closing the passage back up, Tim happily made his way to the kitchen. Once his destination was reached, and with no Alfred in sight, Tim opened the freezer door and pulled out a giant container of ice cream.
Licking his lips as if he had one a giant battle between good and evil, Tim grabbed a spoon out of a drawer, kicked it closed with his foot, and headed towards the giant Living Room to devour his rocky road ice cream.
"Yea!" Tim said jumping onto the couch and getting comfortable and flipping the remote around in his hand. He hit the 'ON' button and leaned back in the soft comforts of the sofa watching an old western movie.
With his eyes glued to the screen, the out of costumed Boy Wonder got wrapped up into his movie and didn't even see the figure moving outside the window.
-Outside Wayne Manor-
She rubbed up and down on her arms to keep herself warm. This was not good weather or time for a Thanagerian to be flying about.
She was hoping Tim remembered that they were meeting again tonight. He promised her a warm place to stay for the time being and Shayera Hol was most grateful to her small friend's efforts to help her out.
When the rest of the world had turned a cheek, Tim had been the only one will to stay face forward. He was there to help her out, make her laugh and for the past six nights, her companion in her travels.
True she had rejoined the League, but they looked at her as if she was a stray mutt in a dog show. Shayera couldn't tell which was worse… Diana's glares or John's mornuful glance as he walked by with Vixen.
It was all pain for Shayera, therefore, she tended to not stay up at the Tower. Lately she had been in Gotham using her hollo watch that Batman had made for her long before the events of her people landing on Earth. Once the watch was on her, her wings disappeared, making her appear normal. It was handy considering the world hated her.
But Shayera was wondering if Batman was getting suspicious by now. He had to be getting curious. The slightest change in someone's footstep pattern alarmed the Dark Knight.
With a fierce nip of the wind, Shayera gritted her teeth thinking that Tim, perhaps, had forgotten what he had promised. It didn't bother Shayera if he did but—
"Cost is clear," came a voice.
Shayera turned, her red locks thrown into the wicked wind and her green eyes rested upon Tim poking his head out from a bay view window of Wayne Manor.
Gratefully, Shayera flew over to the window to greet her small friend.
"Sorry…" Tim said apologizing, "I had to wait for Bruce to go to bed."
"That's okay," Shayera said as she squeezed her wings in the window as she entered the warm house.
She almost felt as his she was melting off on the floor. Shayera even looked down to make sure she didn't see herself defrosting on the black carpet.
Tim closed the window and then pulled out a blanket for Shayera. With a delicate smile from the wing woman, she took it into her chilled hands.
"Thank you so much Tim," Shayera said smiling.
Tim grinned, "No prob," he flipped over to the couch, "That's what friends are for."
Inside, Shayera felt her heart swell up with happiness.
"You can sit down," Tim said scooting over, "Sorry. I kinda sprawled out there."
"That's alright," Shayera said sitting down next to her innocent friend, "So, has Batman gotten suspicious?"
Tim nodded, "Uh-huh. I told him I was just double-checking the city. I don't think he's buying it, but he can't prove me wrong that's why he's left it alone."
"I don't want to get you in trouble…"
Tim snorted a laugh, "Ha! You won't… besides… trouble follows me."
Shayera giggled.
"I bet you're hungry. Duh," Tim said suddenly, "Where are my manners? Sorry Shayera…"
"Oh no Tim, that's—"
"What do you want?" he asked cheerfully.
Shayera tried to protest she was fine but as Tim did always, he reminded her constantly that "You're the guest" and that she had every right to eat. After two years of watching the child grow up and pull the same trick on her, you'd think Shayera would stop the small little bickering the two had over the subject.
"Come on Shayera," Tim said teasing, "You're the guest."
"We have…" and Tim began to name various dishes.
The list went on and on and after a good ten minutes of arguing about it, Shayera would be dining on chicken noodle soup to save Tim the trouble.
-In the Kitchen-
Slamming the microwave door shut, with the chicken noodle soup cooking, Tim walked back over to the refrigerator door and opened, "You want anything else? We got… ummm… yuck that's Alfred's weird casserole thing… why does Dick leave his half eaten sandwiches here? He'll come back and they'll be all gross… What's in here?" the milk dropped to the floor, "Oppps! I got it! It didn't spill… now back to… ew! What is that?"
Shayera merely rolled her eyes with a chuckle.
"That is so gross… who eats that stuff?"
"What stuff?" came the voice of Bruce Wayne.
Shayera felt her heart skip a beat. Bruce. Oh no! If Bruce saw her… she'd be a goner. Batman wasn't one to take punishments lightly. She'd surely be—
But before her thoughts could be finished, Shayera found Tim pushing her underneath the Wayne's small table with a tablecloth thrown over the top to cover her.
She sat dazed for a moment and saw through a small gap in the cloth, the figures of Bruce and Tim.
"What are you doing now?" Bruce asked, "I thought you were going to bed."
Tim looked like a child who had just stolen a million dollars and had been caught, but he made a quick recovery, "I told you I was getting a bite to eat too," he said, and then threw the comment back at Bruce, "I thought you were going to bed."
"I was, but I heard you talking down here," Bruce raised an eyebrow, "And Timothy this looks like a little more than a bite to eat."
"Ummm… I'm really hungry?" he said nervously.
"You look like your having another dinner…" Bruce eyed him, his face painted with curiosity.
Tim bite his lower lip nervously, then, after a few seconds of panic, caught himself from the fall he started and grinned, "I am having another dinner."
"With who?"
Shayera placed her head in cupped hands… he was going to tell Bruce about her…
"With myself of course!" Tim said cheerfully.
Shayera looked up puzzled. What on Earth was Tim talking about?
Bruce gave his ward a strange glance, "…what…?"
Tim placed up a finger, saying wait a moment, and ran over to the table. He sat down in one of the chairs where there was a placemat and plate set at, "Hello Timothy, how are you doing?" he ran back to the other side of the table where another placemat and plate stood ready and sat in that chair, "Why just fine Timothy. And yourself?"
He made ready to run back over to the other side when Bruce grabbed him, "Alright… I think I got the picture…"
Tim grinned slyly.
"You want me to call a doctor in the morning Tim?" Bruce asked his young child a sarcastic note planted in his voice.
Tim rolled his eyes, "Ha ha…"
Bruce started to head out of the kitchen, silently laughing at Tim, "I'll see you in the morning."
"Night Bats!" Tim said with a cheery salute.
Walking out off the kitchen, Tim heard Bruce give a silent chuckle. Once he was sure that the playboy billionaire was up and well suited up stairs, he pulled back the tablecloth to reveal a cramped Shayera.
"Okay… he's gone," Tim smiled, "All clear."
Shayera crawled out from underneath the table, "That was close…"
Tim laughed as if this was some amusing game, "I know wasn't it? My acting has improved I must say."
Shayera didn't seem to find the humor in it, "Tim… I appreciate what you are doing for me… but that was far too of a close call… I don't want to get you in trouble. I should just go back to the Tower. It would save you all this—"
"I already told you Shayera… trouble follows me," Tim laughed, "Heck… I am trouble! And I'm not having you go back to the tower. It's lonely up there."
Shayera's eyes looked down at the child… perhaps it would have better if she'd never came back? She was ruining lives… Tim was lying to Bruce and that meant if someone asked Bruce about Tim, he was lying to them. Shayera wanted to escape these lies, yet because of the love of one child, these lies were coming back.
Perhaps once Tim was safely tucked away in bed… she'd leave… for good. No more of these lies. It ended tonight. She had made up her mind.
She snapped out of her thoughts when Tim brought over the soup and the meal began.
And after that good warm meal, Tim seemed to be catching the side effects of sleep. Him and Shayera chatted for a while but Shayera could sense the sleep taking over him.
"Wanna go to bed?" Shayera asked in a motherly voice.
Tim rubbed his sleepy eyes, "No… I'm go—" he paused to yawn, "Good…"
"You sure?"
Tim looked like he was considering this.
"Maybe bed isn't such a bad idea…" he gave in, "Ahhh… going in early once won't kill me."
"It's two in the morning," Shayera smiled over her small victory, "Here… I'll tuck you in."
"Tuck me in?" Tim said turning around. Everytime Shayera had come over to the manor at night, she had always tucked him in. But he was twelve… thirteen? That was a while ago… but… no matter how childish it seemed, Tim enjoyed it.
After five minutes of sneaking past Bruce's door, she tucked Tim into bed. He asked her to spend the night in his room, telling her he'd lock the door so Bruce wouldn't find out, he didn't want Shayera out in the cold or going back to the lonely Tower, but Shayera lied saying she had somewhere to stay. Tim rolled over with a smile and Shayera placed the comforter over his thin figure.
Taking a step back she watched Tim's breathing pattern for a few moments under his blankets, his chest rising and falling like clockwork until he was in a deep, peaceful sleep. She smiled warmly at him.
It was time…
She reached her hand behind her back and grasped her wing. She plucked out a feather (with a soft, "Ouch!) and placed a small feather next to his nightstand.
On her planet, leaving a piece or memory of yourself meant goodbye. This was her goodbye… this lone feather…
Turning a soft heal she looked back at her young, innocent friend and wished him the best of luck in the future. She would not be coming back to watch him grow. She would not be coming back to watch him laugh. She simply… would not be coming back… ever.
She had caused too much trouble here already.
And trouble… always needed to be stopped and she was the only person to stop herself.
-The Next Day-
Tim rolled over and with heavy eyes full of sleep, glanced at his alarm clock. It read 7:23am. Tim was rarely seen before nine o'clock on weekends.
"Uhhh…" he moaned. Today was just… just one of those days.
Pushing the covers off of himself and allowing the cold air to wrap around his body, he made his way to his door to head down stairs.
As he walked down the hallway, he heard voices in the kitchen. Tim moaned inwardly to himself thinking of Bruce's company.
But, to his happy surprise, it wasn't anyone bad. In fact, it was some of the Justice League! Well, the normal looking version of the Justice League. He grinned and picked up his pace as he entered the kitchen.
"Morning…" Bruce said as Tim bounced by him.
Tim smiled, "Morning… what brings company?"
He grabbed a stool and sat next to Diana at the breakfast bar. Wally looked like he was inhaling what Tim thought was cereal. John was giving him disgruntled looks and J'onn seemed to be enjoying some Oreos.
Oookay… Tim thought in his head, Didn't know Martians liked cookies…
Clark was sitting next to Bruce, both who had toast and Diana had a cup of orange juice in front of her.
"Business," Bruce said simply.
Tim looked at him dully, "What kind of business?" he asked like a curious annoying child.
Bruce sipped some coffee, "What kind do you think?"
"I'm thinking business that involves Batman and Robin!" he said cheerfully, "I'll be a moment, let me grab my cape—"
"Slow down there Tim," said Clark grabbing the child by the shoulder, "We need to talk first."
"About crime fighting stuff?" he questioned eagerly.
Diana gave a small chuckle next to Bruce, "You know, he's very cute…" she whispered.
"You can have him then," said the de-cowled Cape Crusader.
Clark turned back to Tim, ignoring the two lovebirds, "Well… not exactly. But Robin is involved…"
"Really!" Tim shouted excitedly, "I get to join the Justice League! Whoo hoo—"
Clark cut him off with a smile, "No… not exactly… but we need your help with something. Bruce and I talked it over and we think it could work."
Tim felt like a million bucks… this was the big leagues it was…
"The Injustice Gang is re-forming and we need a spy," stated Clark.
Tim raised an eyebrow. They wanted him for this job? What about Batman? He was a much better spy than he was.
Clark seemed to have read his face well, "We could use Batman," he began, "But the problem is… it's a tight spot, if you know what I mean."
Tim knew exactly what he meant. Batman would attract too much attention if missing and none of the other Leaguers we're trained in spying like Batman and Robin. Plus he figured the place where they could receive information was too small for any of the Leaguers. Batman often had this problem when it was just him and the Bat-clan, Robin would always be the spy. He was small, agile and a good detective. A Batman Jr. said Nightwing once.
His lips curved up into a smile, "Yes! I finally get to be in the Justice League!"
"It's not official kid…" John reminded him, "We didn't actually say you were in the League. You're just on a mission."
"So what?" Tim said shrugging happily, then turned a trickster glance towards the Green Lantern, "And John…"
John looked up, "Hmm?"
"Don't call me kid…" he scowled.
"Woa… woa… woa… before we get too carried away in this…" said the Scarlet Speedster, currently Wally West, "He can't go alone on this mission. We all work in pairs," said Flash bringing up a key Justice League rule: No Solos, "Who's gonna be his partner?"
The League all turned their heads towards Wally. He looked taken back.
"Thanks for volunteering Wally," Clark said clapping him gently on the shoulder.
Wally looked stunned, "What! Bats can't you—?"
Bruce shot him down, "No. If the Injustice League spots me missing, they'll know I'm spying. Throwing Robin in the game will be unexpected. They wouldn't think I'd bring him into the mission. And they certainly wouldn't think we'd use you two as a partner up."
"But they'll see me missing!" protested the Fastest Man Alive.
John gave Wally a look, "You're not as big of an issue. Since when are you sneaky?" he told the young red headed man.
Wally pouted his lower lip out, "But—"
Bruce started to talk again, his voice in a matter-of-fact tone, "Flash's style isn't spying. They'll simply think you're not in on the mission."
Wally sighed, he was defiantly out numbered, "Alright… I'll baby-sit him."
"It's not babysitting. And if it is…" Tim protested, "I don't need a babysitter."
Bruce cleared his throat, "No, but you need a partner."
"Are you nuts!" Tim threw this comment out loudly, "I'll end up babysitting him! He's not a Dark Knight you know… he'll give me away! I can do it myself!"
"No you won't…"
"I won't give you away," Wally explained, "I promise!"
Tim glared out a miserable glance and took a crumb of toast and flicked it up at the youngest League member, hitting him right between the eyes.
"Ouch. Hey you little—"
"I can spy by myself," Tim said to Bruce, "We do it all the time. Why do it differently?"
"Because the rules are different here," the billionaire said sipping his coffee.
"I'm not that bad Tim," Wally said with a cocky grin, "Who knows… we might even bond or something? What do kids your age like? You like toy cars right?" he said smiling big.
Tim gave him a plain odd look and with out words, it was clear to Wally that he was in over his head with this kid.
Bruce turned back to Tim, "I understand this will be different working with someone other than me… but you do want the mission do you not?" Bruce asked slyly.
"I you mock me Masked Man," Tim said spitting his tongue out sourly at Bruce. Bruce only grinned.
-Later That Night-
Tim was up in his room, changing and preparing himself for his new adventure as Robin. It was something he had always dreamed about… being able to run around with the League. It made him feel like he was excepted. He wasn't just a normal sidekick. He felt special almost.
Grinning to himself and he slipped on his mask, allowing it to fit around his eyes nicely. His gloves slipped on his hands and arms, attaching themselves perfectly as he slipped on his bullet proof vest with the classic "R" printed on it. Once in costume, he made way to the door but stopped when he spotted something on his nightstand hear his bed.
He walked over silently and looked sadly down at the gray feather that rested before him… it was Shayera's feather…
"What?" he said shocked.
The feather… why had she… she wouldn't just leave feathers here… it meant something… it mean that she was—
"Gone…" Robin picked up the feather lightly and sunk low in his bed looking at it sadly. He knew what this meant… it was a classic silent trademark he was all too familiar with from working with the Dark Knight. This was Shayera's way of saying goodbye with out actually going through the pain of saying to him.
But why? WHY!
"Why?" Robin asked allowed, "Why did you leave? Was it something I did?"
Feeling his face sink down low, he swallowed hard as he clutched the feather in his hand. Shayera had left… and not only had she left… one of his closest friends had left…
His head hung low not hearing the Fastest Man Alive enter his room.
"Ready to go kiddo?" he asked grinning.
Robin looked up startled at him, he hadn't heard him enter but his face retorted back to a sadly expression, feather in hand, and face low.
"Hey buddy…" Flash said cocking his head to the side knowing something was up, "What's wrong? You look like to lost the lottery."
Robin felt a lump in his throat and sourly responded, "It's worse than loosing the lottery…"
Flash sat down next to him. Kids weren't his forte, but he was young enough to relate better than the rest of the League, besides Batman who probably could read this child better than a book.
"Well… what'd you loose?" he asked.
"My friend…" Robin said barley above a whisper, "I didn't want her to go…" he was trying to keep this in. Bruce never showed emotion. Tim could hold it in.
Flash immediately felt uncomfortable in this situation… but he was in too deep now to want to jump out. He was going to stay with it.
"Well… why did this… friend… leave?" Flash asked timidly.
Robin shrugged, "I dunno…" he looked at the floor. He couldn't give in.
There was an awkward silence between the two. Flash desperately wanted to break it, but wanted to let the kid have some time to let whatever was eating him, just slowly wash off. After a few moments though… Flash broke the silence.
"Look… I'm not too good on advice stuff but… maybe it was for the best," he wasn't believing his own words as he looked back at Robin, "Okay… well… am I sorry to hear about your… issue… but I think we really should get down to business on that mission munchkin," said the Scarlet Speedster.
Robin jerked his head up instantly, "Oh yea! Sorry… I forgot…"
Flash watched Robin place a lone gray feather in his utility belt. A feather? Did that mean….?
"It's all good…" Flash grinned and got ready in his classic pose, "Just try and keep up."
But before Flash could dart off like lightning, he felt something tighten around his ankles causing him to fall flat in the floor. He looked up to see Robin stepping over him holding some sort of device that shot out "ankle tiers" as Flash now called them.
Smirking, Robin walked by him, "Only if you try and keep up…" he paused, "And Flash… don't call me munchkin."
-North Point Docks, Gotham City Harbor-
"I'm cold…" Flash moaned.
Robin gave him a glare, "Shhh…" he told him, "If we're gonna sneak up on them… we can't blow our cover!" he hissed looking at The Fastest Man Alive.
Flash looked taken back, "What makes you think I'd blow it?"
"Oppps… sorry… I just—"
"I said I was sorry…"
Robin rolled his eyes. This was not what he had in mind on his mission. In fact, the mission wasn't really on his mind… it was Shayera… that was on his mind. Her disappearance puzzled the Boy Wonder.
Why had she left? Did he do something wrong? Was she upset and confused and flew off?
What was it!
Robin shot his grappling hook to the next building, swinging over silently, Flash zipping up and down the walls to get to their new location.
Pulling out his binoculars, Robin decided to explore the scene that was before him. The Injustice Gang was currently in Gotham Works Inc. and old abandoned warehouse that hadn't been used for some years.
Noting who was in the Injustice League and thanks to the information Batman had provided him with on the League's last encounter with the Injustice League, Robin took a mental note.
Okay… so we got Lex Luther at it again… The Shade… in for the money no doubt… Grundy… probably has nothing better to do… Star Sapphire and— wait… those aren't Injustice League members… he said in his head.
"Crud," Robin said out loud.
"What?" asked Flash, "What's wrong?"
"There's more than just the Injustice League in there… we're in trouble…" Robin explained. He flipped open a yellow communicator, "Robin to Batman…"
Author's Note: Action in the next chapter, I promise. Oh, and what'd you think so far? Love it? Hate it? Want to kill me for my horrid writting skills?
Drop a review… perhaps?