Hey peoples! Sorry for the long wait. Everything is quite busy around here.This is the second chapter in my new ficie! Thanks to all of those that reviewed. I'm trying to update each story at the same time but unfortunately that's not really working out. Expect the next chapter in Between to Worlds soon though. Anyways enjoy!

+ means thoughts

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, Squaresoft does. Nor do I own any of the brand names mentioned either.


Chapter 2: 1st Day Jitters

Bi-coloured eyes shot open at the sound of the alarm beep at 6:45 a.m.

Yuna sprung from her bed and stretched her tired body trying to keep sleep from consuming her again.

She made her bed and laid out her clothes for the day. Yuna made her way into the bathroom and peeled her pajamas off, taking a short, quick shower. By the time she finished showering and blow-drying her hair it was 7:25. She hurriedly dressed in the clothes she laid out. They were a baby blue, rhinestone, studded Guess t-shirt and a pair of dark- denim Silver jeans and a pair of high-heeled sandals.

She went into her kitchen, grabbed her purse, backpack and keys and set them by her garage door while she waited for her toast to pop. After eating, she brushed her teeth, and suddenly remembered what she had discovered the night before in her medicine cabinet.

Contacts. A pair of blue and green ones. She didn't want to be an outcast on the first day of school for her, ever, so she put the blue ones in. The contrast with her dark hair and light eyes looked hypnotic and she liked it. Yuna hurriedly went to apply a light dusting of makeup before she was out the door at 7:50 a.m.

She walked into her garage and noticed something quite unexpected. Not only was there a nice red convertible in there but a motorcycle as well.

+That's what this extra key was for…+

However badly Yuna wanted to ride this bike to school though it was impractical so, she decided against it and decided to take the car.

She locked her door and backed out of the driveway after opening the garage, and closing it as she was leaving. She put her top down, and turned her radio up, as she drove to school, using her GPS system to guide her.

School. She was finally going there. This is where all the 'big kids' were. Yuna had never got to experience school as a child since the 'incident'. 'They' had schooled and trained her instead. But she had always wondered what it would be like to live a normal life for once, and now that she was going to, she was savoring every moment of it.

Yuna arrived at school with ten minutes to spare, so she headed to the guidance department where they gave her, her schedule, locker number, and a map of the school.

People kept staring at her. Could they already tell that she wasn't one of them?

The bell rang as Yuna finished putting her books away in her locker and was beginning to head towards her first class of the day. It happened to be one of her favourite classes known as English. When 'they' had taught her, they had always said she was good at it.

She walked into the class, just as the teacher, Ms. Fede, began taking attendance. Everyone began to stare at Yuna again, but she wasn't afraid this time. She just set her mind into knowing, that they would never be able to beat her up, because she would have killed them all before they laid a finger on her. She smiled at this comforting, yet disturbing thought.

"Are you the new student?" Ms. Fede questioned.

"Yes. I'm Yuna." She replied.

"Good. I welcome you to Zanarkand High."


"We were just arranging everyone in alphabetical order and you happen to be behind… Mr. Jewel."

Mr. Jewel snapped his eyes open at the sound of his name. English wasn't exactly his favourite subject; he preferred it more as a napping class than anything else. But this never managed to slip his grade because he always paid some nerd to do any assignments and notes for him anyway.

"I swear Miss., I wasn't doing anything," he began to argue.

Everyone in the class began to laugh at him including Yuna.

The teacher began to frown. "Mr. Jewel, what exactly were you doing then?"

"I uh… whatever you think I was doing wrong in uh… your presence of course!" Mr. Jewel gave her a smile.

Yuna smiled at the exchange between the two. Boy this guy seemed like an idiot. It was really becoming a wonder that a supposed mafia ringleader could produce… well him she supposed.

However, this was not describing his good attributes. He was devilishly handsome. His eyes sparkled with mischief, and they were a lovely strong blue. Layered golden hair framed his face, and he had a nice tan to complement these features. It also appeared that he worked out, guessing from the fact that his arms had reasonably sized pipes, and you can see ripples even underneath his Abes jersey. He wore baggy jeans, and a silver Zanarkand Abes necklace to show more support of the team. He must have been a really hard-core fan, or perhaps- no, but his face did seem awfully familiar…

The teacher sighed and rubbed her temples, "Miss. McKenzie, you can take your seat now," she said while pointing to the desk behind. Mr. Jewel.

"Yeah, sure," Yuna replied, and keeping her cool, she walked to the back of the class, a pair of marine eyes on hers.

The announcements started and she watched as a student beside Jecht's son reached out and punched him in the arm.

"Good going Tidus!"

+Tidus eh…+

"Ya, I'm well aware of how I made myself look like an idiot, Wakka. You don't need to rub it in," Tidus replied.

Wakka was a completely different story than Tidus. He sure seemed strange. I mean how was he able to get his hair like that? It was all spiked towards the back and he wore a blue bandana, but the strangest part about his hair was this one part that stuck up in the front that defied all laws of nature. His hair was a fiery copper, and he had a very strong Besaidian accent. She hoped he wouldn't arise any suspicion. He also seemed like he jock type.

+Time to put some moves on…+

If she needed to start getting close now was the perfect opportunity to move in on her target.

"Hi. I'm Yuna," she said while giving the guys a smile.

They looked at her as if she was a mental institutional patient at first, but as they looked her over again Tidus began to have a smirk on his face and Wakka a goofy grin.

"Pleasure to meet you Yuna. I'm Tidus," he said already putting the charm on.

"Wakka, ya," Wakka simply said.

"Nice to meet you both," Yuna replied.

"Excuse me, but when you're done flirting with my boyfriend and his friend, will you introduce yourself to the ladies of the room?" an exotic voice said smugly.

Yuna gave the girl a quizzical look. "Um, sorry. You are?"

"Donna Melo."

This Donna Melo character did not seem very pleasant at all. She seemed to be a bitch to put it simply. She had dark long hair and chocolate brown eyes. Donna was a tramp and that was all there was to it. She wore a black and white tube top and a mini-mini skirt. Yuna already knew in her mind that there was going to be a conflict, already knowing too that Tidus was taken.

Yuna stared her straight in the eyes and said confidently, "Nice to meet you too Donna."

Sensing the tension between the two, Tidus abruptly cut in. He knew there was something different about this Yuna girl. Whatever it was, he liked it and if she could stand up to Donna, it was all the better. "So, Yuna, where you from?"

She smiled gratefully at Tidus and began, "I'm from Besaid, I was born here, but my parents moved there to get away from the city bustle."

"I'm from Besaid ya!" Wakka began enthusiastically. "What part you from?"

"South." She hoped to Yevon he wasn't from that area. It would blow her cover for sure.

"Aww that's too bad. I grew up in the North. But it's strange ya. I don't remember you from school," he said scratching his head in a confused manor.

+Shit! I forgot Besaid only has one school+

"Uh, well my parents home schooled me…"Yuna started to say, but the way they were giving her funny looks she added, "then after that they sent me to Kilika High."

They looked like they believed it and Yuna was glad she was out of the woods until Donna decided to ruin Yuna's split second of happiness. "My cousin goes to Kilika High. I should ask them about you." Donna grinned.

+Ohh shit on a stick…+

"Donna you don't have a cousin in Kilika, ya. Your parents are only children and weren't you born in Luca?" Wakka asked.

Tidus started to laugh and Yuna broke into a grin.

Donna glared at Tidus and turned around in her seat, pretending to be interested in what the teacher was saying. That was defiantly the end of that conversation.

Yuna smiled as she took notes from the board, noticing how Tidus would steal glances at her, thinking she didn't know. Things were starting to get interesting. Maybe high school wasn't as bad as it was made out to be.


The rest of class flew by fairly quickly for Yuna. She also noticed that Donna was glaring constant daggers at her, but whatever like she really cared. If something so trivial could get Donna so upset, well let's just say Yuna was going to have an excellent time pushing her buttons.

The bell rang and she watched as Donna said her quick apologies to Tidus and clung onto his arm as they walked out of the class together. Yuna also watched as Donna's cronies followed a short distance behind, trying to give the couple some 'personal space.' Yuna rolled her eyes and left the room, going to her next class of the day, drama.

Drama. Yuna wasn't fond of it at all. When 'they' taught her they had always told her that she was excellent at it. But in her opinion the only reason she made she sure she was good in it, was to be a better agent. Guessing her classes had something to do with Tidus though, she knew she didn't have much of a choice.

She walked down the hallway, books under one arm and a purse in her other. Whispers were all around her and eyes were upon her. It wasn't like all the high school movies she had seen, where the new girl was often very innocent, pushed around, and ignored. Yuna on the other hand was just being ignored.

She spotted an exotic brunette being dragged into the cafeteria by a red- head in the opposite direction that the man she was clinging to. It was obviously Tidus and Donna. Poor Tidus. How did he ever get stuck with her?

Once Donna was gone, Yuna casually walked up to Tidus and asked him where the auditorium was.

"Hey I'm headed there!" he exclaimed.

"Really?" +Surprise, surprise…+

"Yeah. What else you got this semester?" he inquired.

They compared schedules, not new news to Yuna, everything was exactly the same.

Tidus furrowed his brow. "Why are you taking auto?" He looked at her strangely.

She needed to cover fast. "Uh… well, I wanna know how to fix my car of course. I don't want any mechanic to rip me off." She smiled at him, hoping he was going to buy it and not think she was a psycho. Wait. Since when did she care what he thought of her?

He nodded in understanding. "Damn straight. Those bastards are ripping everyone off these days."

She smiled at him as they walked off to their next class together. They walked into drama and more eyes were staring at them.

+Yevon! What's with these idiots? Do they have nothing better to do+

She still kept that smile plastered on her face, but frowned when she noticed that Tidus had disappeared on her. She looked around the room.

The auditorium itself was very big. All the students of Zanarkand High could probably fit in it. It had long rows of seats that slanted lower as it got closer towards the stage and the sealing was made entirely of glass. Yuna noticed black, metal shutters covering part of it at the ends however, which she figured extended during performances to block the light. It also had a second floor with balconies aligned along the walls. That's where she spotted Tidus and a few others.

He noticed her and shouted, "Yuna up here!" and he waved to her to come up.

Yuna made her way up the stairs and onto the balcony.

There three others were there with him.

A short, skinny blonde, Al-bhed, who looked oddly familiar, stood next to Tidus and another Al-bhed stood next to her. She was wearing a short khaki skirt, and an orange tight t-shirt that said, 'CUTIE' on it in yellow. She had her hair up in a high pony- tail, and she wore yellow flip-flops.

The Al-bhed beside her, had blonde spiky hair, and wore an eye-patch over one of his eyes. He put his arm around the girl, and grinned cockily at Yuna. He wore baggy jeans and a loose fitting t-shirt.

Then there was Wakka, on Tidus' other side, still with a goofy grin on his face.

Tidus smiled at her. "Guys this is Yuna," he said.

"Hey," she said.

"I'm Gippal," the guy Al-bhed said.

"And I'm Rikku!" the girl said bouncing on her toes.

"Tidus and company!" the teacher began to yell, "Get down from there now!"

Gippal rolled his eyes and grabbed Rikku's hand and they were shortly followed with Wakka, Tidus, and Yuna on toe. They sat down beside each other near the stage.

"Class, today I'll be assigning you some group work," the teacher Mrs. Aguire, began as murmurs went around the class. "However, I've already made your groups."

Everyone moaned. Since when have they ever been aloud to choose their own groups?

She began assigning groups. Yuna waited patiently for her name to be called. She heard her name finally, and was slightly disappointed as she noticed she wasn't with any of Tidus' friends. However, that didn't stop her from smiling as she noticed that none of them were together either.

Yuna walked towards her group, while the teacher explained what their assignment was. It was something to do with making a dance up, but Yuna was only half-listening because the girls she was headed towards looked very familiar to her. They gave her an all-knowing grin.

Who were these girls? And second, what exactly did they know?


Well, that's the second chapter for ya! Read and Review!

Until, next time
