Disclaimer: See chapter 1.
Author Note: The system did not send out an author alert for the last chapter. I don't know why. Ffnet is changing some things around. So it must be a glitch. But anyway you might want to check and see if you've read nine before you start here. Major tissue warning for this chapter.
Review Responses: Well even though no alert was sent out a couple of my faithful readers found the chapter anyway and reviewed, so here goes.
Larien: Yeah one of my reviewers mentioned that Atavus might have affected Éowyn's attitude towards women in combat and well I liked the idea, so I stole it. Now who was it I stole that from?
Anyhow, yes the poor girl is blind. For now, and maybe for a while, but probably not forever. Yeah well I'm not gonna tell you how long.
Karone Evertree: You sound suspiciously like a certain elf we all know and love. But thank you, thank you, and thank you.
Saying Farewell
"Well Legolas at least this is one way for you to insure that I go back to Rivendell." Atavus said smiling at her friend.
"This is not how I wanted it to be Atavus." He could not see how she could joke in the situation she was in. Her wound was completely healed, and the poison had left her system, but her eyesight had not returned.
"I know Legolas. Please don't worry too much over me. Ada will have some idea of how to reverse this. I have faith in him." She tried to assure her friend.
He almost asked her what if it could not be reversed, but the words caught in his throat. It wasn't right, and it wasn't fair. Elves did not suffer blindness. She was packing a small bag of cloths to take with her back to Rivendell. She was lucky that one of the Lorien elves had volunteered to accompany her there. Otherwise she would have had to stay in Rohan indefinitely. He could see that she was getting around rather well without her sight, but that was to be expected with her other heightened senses.
"We will be leaving for Minas Tirith soon." She could hear that his voice sounded hollow. She knew he was torn between his duty to go with Estel, and his want to see her safely home.
She turned to him, and took his hand in her own. "Legolas I know you feel bad about not being able to go with me, but Estel needs you more. His greatest challenge is at hand, and I don't think he will survive without you."
"I know. I just don't like the idea of you trying to get back to Rivendell the way you are." He explained.
"I will be perfectly fine. Terlon the Lorien elf that will escort me is one of the three who were with me when I was wounded. He defended me until I could gain my feet again. If not for him I would be dead now. I trust him." She did not want him to worry over her. He would need his full concentration for what was ahead of him, and Estel would need him.
As if her thoughts could conjure his very presence Estel entered her room. She could hear his footsteps, even though they were almost as light as elves. "Estel will you tell him to stop worrying over me." She said crossing her arms expecting her adoptive brother to take her part.
"He has every right to worry about you, just as I do." Aragorn informed her smiling at Legolas when he saw the shocked look on her face.
"You men are insufferable." She finally said turning to finish her packing.
She was stopped though as she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Mellon-nin." She stopped packing ready to hear more arguments about her intentions to travel to Rivendell. "We will miss you."
The words of argument she had meant to say drifted from her mind. She turned and wrapped her arms around Estel's torso burying her face in his chest. They could hear her muffled reply. "I will miss you too." She stood like that for a few moments, wanting nothing more then for them to be able to take her fears away. Then she drew back wiping the tears from her face. "I feel robbed somehow. Sixty two years without you, and now I have to leave you after just a few days together." Had it only been a few days since they had found her again? It seemed so much longer, but not nearly long enough. "But I promise, whether Ada is able to reverse this or not, I will be in Gondor for your Coronation Ceremony."
"You're getting ahead of yourself some aren't you?" Estel said laughing at her complete confidence in him.
"No, I'm not. It will be Estel, and I for one can't wait to see it." She over pronounced the word 'see' to insure them that she had every intention of seeing it with her own two eyes.
"Terlon is waiting for you." Aragorn reminded her.
She finished packing a few items she might need. "Is that everything?" She asked not sure if she had gotten everything in the pack.
"I don't see anything else." Legolas said taking a look around. But he did notice something. He stepped over to the corner and picked up her weapons, deciding she should take them whether she could use them or not.
She nodded as she felt him place her bow in her hand. "Hannon le." She whispered securing her weapons. They each took a position on either side of her like they had the first night they had found her in the dungeons of Edoras, as they made their way to the bottom of the stairs outside of Meduseld. Terlon was waiting there for her, holding her horse.
Éowyn was the first to say her farewell. "I will miss you Atavus. Will you eventually come back?"
"I'm sorry my friend but I'm afraid this chapter of my life is finished. I will no longer be a Healer of Rohan. I am going to simply be Atavus. But perhaps some day we will meet in Gondor." She leaned forward hugging the woman, and whispered for her ears only. "Just remember what I said on the way back from Helm's Deep. You will know the time."
As Éowyn pulled away she nodded, not thinking that the woman could not see her. Then she wiped away the tears that were touching her cheeks. She turned and made her way back into the hall, knowing there was much to prepare for.
Gimli was next. He had grown rather fond of the woman that his two closest companions cared so deeply for, and had also learned something from Aragorn, which raised his opinion of her immensely. "My lady, I wish we had, had more time together. You are one of the most intrigue persons I have ever met."
"Thank you master dwarf." She blushed at the charming words.
"And I promise that when all this mess is over and done with, and I go back home to the Lonely Mountain, that I will mention you to my cousin Garin." He said surprising her.
"Garin is your cousin." The shock in her voice was evident.
"Second cousin actually. But cousin none the less, and I have heard many a tale from him concerning a beautiful red headed elf maid, that he thought of like a daughter. I always thought he was daft for caring for an elf so much, until now." He said looking towards Legolas.
She knew whom his words referred to. She leaned in close and whispered a request. "Watch out for him, please. I can't bare to lose either of them."
"I most certainly will, my lady." He said patting her hand. He too left, wanting to give the three friends their privacy. She had already said her farewells to the King, and his nephew Éomer.
"Well this is it." She said with a brilliant smile on her face.
"Yes it is." Aragorn said stepping forward first. "You already know how I feel." He said taking her hands in his. "Please be cautious. No recklessness this time." He said teasing her only half-heartedly.
"I promise. I will tell Ada that you send him your best, and I will see you in Gondor in a few months." She hugged him again not wanting to leave the protection he offered, but knowing she must.
She pulled back and he moved a slight distance away so Legolas could say his goodbyes also.
Legolas stepped forward taking her hands as Aragorn had. "You still remind me of Estë. Healing all the hurts of those you care for."
She was surprised to hear his words. It had been many years since she had heard that name, though it had been in her mind almost every day. "It is daytime now Legolas. Estë must rest and so must I."
He knew she referred to much more than the time of day. It was time for the healer to be healed. "You will find the rest you need in Rivendell, and hopefully your body and soul will find the healing they need also."
"That is what I depend on." She answered. She reached up and touched his face, wanting to see if there was a smile there for her. He obliged by giving her one, which in turn made her smile. "Remember your smile is the light that brought me from the shadows in the first place. I will not remain there any longer than I must."
He pulled her to him in an uncommon display of affections. "Remember hope." His voice was choked with emotion.
"I always will." She said pulling away from him, and making her way to where her horse was waiting.
Terlon was waiting for her, and he helped her mount the steed. She turned back to them almost as if she could see them, then faced forward as the other elf mounted and led her horse away.
Authors Note: Well my friends there is one more chapter after this one, and then it is on to my next story, which is the fourth installment in the Blood series. Yes I promise that I will start on it immediately.