For I am Weak
Part Zero: Forward
I don't own a damn thing. Shrugs
Author: Dimitri Aidan
Rating: Well is ain't for kids so if your mummy wouldn't want you reading it and is legally able to tell you that you can't read it, get lost. Honestly...
Summery: Snape's not a nice guy with a heart of gold but when Harry comes to his classroom one night, seeking guidance and discipline, Snape lets him in. Meanwhile Remus tries to puzzle out a naïve Ron and a jaded Draco.
Warnings: Sex, non-con spanking, a relationship Freud would salivate to analyze (and yes, we're sure there's a psychology joke in that statement), threesomes. Plus it's AU, because damn if this is actually going to happen, ever. Language, bondage, insanity, fighting, blood, rape, abuse, glam boys, possibility of cross-dressing…it's all here I suppose.
Biggest warning: This features Dom/Sub relations in a 24-7 context. AKA one guy in total control of the other guy from sex to what he does during the day to…what he wears even. And also a Dom/Dom-sub/Sub relationship, but that's what happens when you toss Remmie, Draco, and Ron together in our heads.
Pairings: Main: HP/SS and RL/DM/RW. Other: DM/RW/HP, RL/DM, DM/RW, and RL/RW. Mentions of past RL/SB, SS/LM, RW/HP, and RW/HG. (Ronslut)
Title comes from a Sarah McLachlan song. Lyrics are 'For I am Weak/And Starving for Mercy'
This was started some time ago, then deleted for lack of inspiration, revised, scraped, re-revised, edited, re-edited, thrown out one more time, and finally re-written altogether to get this. So enjoy the fun and insanity I have planned for you but please be aware this isn't for kids. In fact I don't think I'm old enough to think about this type of thing, let alone write and read about it.
Still, I once had co-authors but they kind of bailed on me and so I shall pursue it…alone. I think it'll come out okay. Crosses fingers
And remember; feed the author for he is needy.