Death Angel's Shadow: Hi everyone! Hope you enjoy this story so.0

KK: Yep! hope ya enjoy it!0

Chibi Confusion

Chapter 1 The Begining

"Arrrggghh! I'm Late!" yelled Tyson as he ran towards his house.

It was now 2:10 and he was now late for a meeting in his dojo.

Tyson burst threw the door at exactly 2:15.

"Tyson!" Exclaimed Hilary."Oh great what now" Tyson just managed to get out of

his mouth before Hilary butt in saying "How can you be so irresponsible as to be 15 minutes

late, we had to be with Mr.Dickinson at exactly 2:00". "Aww come on Hilary do be so up tight"

said Tyson. "Hilary's right you know" Ray stated, "Yeah Tyson what made you late anyway?" asked Max.

"Alright Max who's side are you on anyway." I was late because a kid challenged me to a beyblade match and being the champ

I couldn't refuse" explained Tyson.

"Well it doesn't matter now Tyson we have to get over to Mr. Dickinson fast he, said he had somthing important

to tell us" exclaimed Kenny.

The bladebreakers headed over to Mr. Dickinson .

At the BBA headquarters...

"Hey Mr. Dickinson!" said all the Bladebreakers (except Kai) in unison. They walked

into his office. "Well hello there." said Mr. Dickinson. "So whats the big news all about Mr. D?"

asked Tyson. "Well, since you guys have been training so hard these past few weeks, I decided

to send you guys on a little vacation for a while" Mr. Dickinson said. Everyone was excited, they

were jumping up and down (except Kai, of course),"Great" thought Kai.

The next day...

The Bladebreakers were getting packed and Tyson well Tyson was sleeping in.(Typical Tyson)

Finally Kai went in there to wake him up. His method was to use a bucket full of ice cold water and it

worked. "UGHHH, thats cold!" yelled Tyson. "Well I had to get your lazy self up somehow" Kai sneered back.

"Yeah Tyson, get up and pack, Hilary and all of us are ready and the bus is coming in 15 minutes". said Kenny

With that Tyson was up quick and ready which is unusually (for him).

On the way to the airport...

In the bus Tyson sat next to Hilary and across from Max, Kenny, and Ray. Kai was sitting far

away in the back of the bus. "Soooo" where we vacationing at Chief?" asked Tyson. "Well" started

Kenny. "I thought we could go to Florida I mean its warm and everything it would be perfect." answered Kenny

"Well that sounds ni.." "Yeah well I guess its okay." interupted Tyson.

"Tyson, I wasn't done speaking yet! argued Hilary "It doesnt matter." said Tyson. "You think everything nice."

"Well" said Hilary "Hey guys come on we have to get off or we will miss our ticket to get on the plane."

Everone got out and got on the plane. Well and of course Hilary and Tyson argued the whole time until they got there to Florida.

At the hotel...

"Ok everybody pick a room and thats where your staying" exclaimed Tyson. Everybody got in their rooms and with it being so late

went to bed. In the morning Ray woke up to a loud crash coming from the kitchen so he went to investigate. There he saw a kid about 6 years


Death Angel's Shadow: Called me DAS, instead. Hope ya enjoyed it!

KK: Yeah, Hope ya enjoyed it!o Plz review!