This story is purely for my own amusement. I am testing an idea I had. It is extremely AU, and will focus primarily on the younger generation of Go players, as well as some of the Haze Go Club members. I have tweaked ages of a few of the characters so they can fit with details of this world.

Saeki, Ashiwara, Kurata - 6 years older than Shindou

Isumi - 4 years older than Shindou

Ko Yong-Ha, Kaga, Tsutsui - 2 years older than Shindou

Waya - 1 year older than Shindou

Shindou, Touya, Mitani - Shindou's age

Hong Su-Yeong - 1 year younger than Shindou

This story will be dark. It will be long. None of these boys will have easy lives. There will be superhuman abilities, government plots, mpreg, and homosexual relationships. Details are still sketchy at this point.

I am not asking you to read this. I am not asking you to review (although I'd like it). Again, I am writing this to satisfy my own morbid curiosity, and I am putting it in a public place like this so others can read it if they so choose.

Most importantly, I do not own the main characters/personalities that will be driving this story. I am merely placing them in a world of my own creation, and watching what they do in response.

The basic premise for this story is that it takes place in the future… yet things still look pretty similar to what's around right now. The world has divided into several large superpowers, including America (which now consists of both North and South America, as well as a good portion of Australia), EU (all of Europe, most of Russia), Africa (the entire African continent as well as the Middle East and India), and Neo-Orient (China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, eastern Russia, and various other countries in that area). This story is only really concerned with the Neo-Orient, where the government is enormous, invasive, and run by a handful of elite people. Taxes are high, food supply worldwide is rapidly dwindling, pollution messed up a lot of the world, and the human population is beginning to crumble.

I think that's all you really need to know to get started. This chapter is a collection of excerpts to further setup the world. Currency conversions into US dollars are at the end of the chapter.


"…Our forefathers set up the walls of this nation, ignoring the crumbling foundation. Our ancestors established the government that now dooms us to failure. Our ancestors did not look ahead to our generations. It is no longer our ancestors' places to govern these lands. This is our time! We must correct the mistakes of our ancestors!..." (rousing cheers)

Excerpt from speech by Emperor Wong Mitsu as China, Korea, Taiwan, and Japan came together to form the superpower Neo-Orient in 2148

"…To ensure a healthy race of Neo-Orientals, a mandatory physical regimen will be established for children between the ages of four and eighteen. All children are required to participate, unless a genuine disability, verified by three government officials, inhibits the child's ability to participate. This regimen is designed to encourage healthy lifestyles in children and prevent obesity, among other sedentary lifestyle diseases…"

Excerpt from report by the Neo-Orient Committee of Health and Wellness in 2197

"… and in response to the declining population of Neo-Orient, a fund has been set aside for mothers. Upon the successful delivery of a healthy, live child, the mother shall be paid ¥20,000, with an additional ¥10,000 for each additional child in the birth up to and including the ninth. Therefore, a single birth would be rewarded with ¥20,000, twins would be rewarded with ¥30,000, triplets with ¥40,000, and nine children will be rewarded with ¥100,000…"

Excerpt from speech by Emperor Jaoling Kota, establishing the Birth Fund in Neo-Orient in 2203

"… three new orphanages will be opened in the city of Tokyo by the end of the year, bringing total capacity for orphans in Tokyo up to 48,000 children. At the age of 18, if not adopted, children are removed from the orphanage program and given ¥50,000 to begin their adult lives. New laws allow harsher punishments for Birth Fund violators – i.e. women who give birth, collect the Birth Fund, and then abandon/kill/disown their children…"

Excerpt from speech by the Minister of Tokyo, Honda Ruri, in 2213.

"… The Bionics are dangerous, but they are also expensive government projects. Try to do as little damage as possible when capturing them, but if need be, do not hesitate to kill them. It is far better to lose twelve Bionics then to let them run loose among humans. Above all else, do not inform anyone else about the true nature of the Bionics. The general public is not yet ready to know."

Excerpt from briefing to a special police force assigned to round up twelve escaped Bionics – manufactured superhuman beings – in 2213

"I am entrusting you with the care of my son, Isumi Shinichirou. I fear for his safety if he remains by my side, for his father has been stalking me and made many threats on my child's life. Since I am relinquishing the responsibility of raising my child, I have also enclosed the Birth Fund of ¥20,000. Please make sure Shinichirou knows his mother loves him, and only gave him away for his own safety. Please also make sure that he is aware that it would be dangerous to try to contact his father or myself once he is older. I hope he can have a good, safe life within your walls. I hope he can find a loving family who will care for him.


Note enclosed with 3-month-old baby boy on doorstep of St. Mark's Orphanage, in Tokyo, in 2216

The story has been amended, Yashiro will no longer show up. I am sorry if this disappoints anyone.

¥10,000 $92.81

¥20,000 $185.61

¥50,000 $464.04

¥100,000 $928.07
