
(Major thanks to Michel (signed his review as Uchiha Sasuke) he gave me the phrase Beg-No-Jutsu and it sparked this story)

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, or his hot buns!


What could the great Hayate (correct my spelling) Kakashi and the beautiful Sasuke possible have in common?

Would you believe that it's the fact they both have a crush on boys. Well it is true!

Sasuke finds himself falling rapidly head over heels for the blondest of blond-ly ninja's Uzumaki Naruto!

And Kakashi has tripped fallen rolled and landed in love with Iruka –Sensei, the prude-e-est of prudes. So what happens when Ino and Sakura find this out and team up…black mail and a little teaching of Beg-No-Jutsu!


This is slashthat means gayness which in my language means awesomeness!

Don't likie

Don't readie

Don't flamie

I'm pleeding

Anyway thanks again to Michel and on ward with the story.

: Sunshine:

It was an unusually hot day and Sasuke actually found himself panting at the very thought of training. Naruto he observed was not. In fact the damned blonde was bounding around all over the bridge searching for Kakashi. And shouting at the top of his over aired lungs.

"Damn you Kakashi you're late as always get here!"

Sasuke sighed, damn the boy was noisy. Why couldn't he just sit back and chill like Sakura was doing, of course she was watching him periodically lift his shirt and wipe the sweat from his navel. Sasuke smirked to himself; he knew if he ever really wanted to he could have Sakura eating out of the palm of his hand like a pinked haired horse. Sasuke blinked, where had that thought come from. Was it just him or was his mind drifting off of Itatchi and more onto sex. He shook his head couldn't be.

"You're late!"

Naruto and Sakura accused in loud angry voices. Kakashi grinned through his mask and made an excuse as usual.

"I'm sorry; this beautiful girl stopped me and asked me for assistance."

Kakashi grinned more and just as the two bakas opened their mouths to shout that it was all lies a beautiful women walked up to them and called Kakashi's name, he turned to face her and waved.

"You dropped your kunai and I wanted to give it back, I'm so glad I found you!"

the girl threw the kunai up to him and bowed with a blush.

"Goodbye Kakashi my hero."

She giggled and skipped off. Sakura and Naruto's mouths hung open, for once Kakashi had been telling the truth. Sasuke on the other hand didn't buy it and looked up in enough time to see the woman poof into a log. He smirked, the two fools hadn't even noticed. Naruto and Sakura apologized for having doubted their sensei. And the heat grew hotter.

Damn it had to be the hottest day in the year; at least that's how it felt to Iruka who kept taking large gulps from his water bottle as he attempted to straighten out his book shelves full of educational things. Although one whole shelf was dedicated to Naruto who from the time he'd been three always found time to make a picture of the two, or just an insanely misspelled card stating

Thnks Irukah Sinsae 4 beeing my frind or even

yer like a broher 2 mi I luv u, It warmed his heart of course but as a teacher he cringed, and the last thing he needed this day was to get all warm and fuzzy. It was hot enough as it was. Iruka cursed the heat and continued to straighten, only to stop again. He wondered how Naruto was doing, the bouncy blonde hardly ever came by to see him anymore and though he relished the silence, he missed the noise and the giggling and the constant jokestering about that Naruto did. Iruka was even more saddened by the fact that he was saddened by the fact that Naruto didn't come to see him and then he blamed Kakashi, if the damned Jounin didn't keep Naruto busy so much of the time he was sure the boy would come visit him. And then he chuckled, realizing how stupidly irrational he was being, Kakashi didn't have anything to do with it, Naruto, knowing him, had probably forgotten that Iruka was even alive.

"Oh stop it Iruka, you're being ridiculous, Naruto loves you all the same and there is no big deal, he's growing up of course he doesn't want anything to do with you, he's busy being a teen." Iruka scolded himself for getting so depressed over the matter and returned to the straightening once again, and realizing he was not going to finish cleaning that day he dropped the book he was currently holding and plopped down on the floor, he sighed. Iruka really wasn't sure what it was he was going to do with himself .It dawned on him; if Naruto couldn't remember to come see him he'd go to see Naruto. With a grin Iruka stood up and headed for the door. He was going to see his little blonde fox.

"God, Kakashi Sensei it's hot as hell." Sasuke who never complained about anything did just that, earning a rather astonished gasp form sakura and a hyper yell form Naruto.


Sasuke wanted to kick him, but he was to hot to move from his spot on the cool ground. He held himself up with his hands placed firmly behind him. He was tired and hot and hungry and horny and not in a very good mood while he was at it. Doing the only thing a pretty boy knew how to do in such a situation, he removed his shirt and sprawled out in the grass. He heard sakura gasp again and knew that this time it was for a completely different reason. Because he was utterly gorgeous, he wasn't going to lie to himself he was hot. And he knew everybody knew it. He just choose not to acknowledge that fact and so was deemed a jerk. Pfft. Like he cared. He heard sakura giggle to Naruto about how lovely he was and Naruto positively fumed.

"But sakura-Chan that ass isn't that great I'm better, look."

Sasuke propped himself up once again to see what Naruto was going to do. Naruto whipped his shirt off and smiled sheepishly as sakura blushed scarlet. Sasuke found his mind wondering along the lines of, DAMN, I had no ideal the little uzumaki had a bod like that, hoooooooooot! Before he was able to stop his babbling, drooling mind by mentally slapping himself.

Kakashi hadn't noticed anything his subordinates had been up to until he'd practically heard Sasuke panting, he look down at the wide eyed drooling Uchiha and then followed his eyes and grinned, could it possibly be that Sasuke was checking out Naruto. Obviously Naruto had noticed the awkward state that Sasuke was in because he walked over kneeled beside him and placed a hand upon Sasuke's bare shoulder.

"Sasuke are you panting?"

Realizing he must have been gawking Sasuke closed his mouth and shook his head annoyed.

"No Dobe, it's hot as hell of course I'm panting, why?"

"I was concerned that's all is that so bad?" Naruto sounded sweet, really sweet. Sasuke jumped up quickly causing Naruto to fall backwards.

"What it's not like I was panting because of you or anything, ya know, so fuck off." Sasuke was angry at himself for his reaction and he took off at a full speed run. Kakashi chuckled from his tree then jumped down and smiled.

"I guess that's all too day and," he was in the middle of saying when a certain chunin broke his concentration.

"Kakashi, I wish to have a word with you!" he called out and waved. Naruto smiled, and there was his most favorite person in the world, he was so happy to see him he ran and jumped into the man's arms.

"Iruka sensei, I'm so happy to see you again I missed you." Naruto kissed his forehead and nodded at him before jumping out of his arms. Iruka was so surprised and overcome with joy he found he'd forgotten why he even left his house, sighing out his frustration he ruffled Naruto's all ready ruffled hair and cocked his head to one side in a confused manner.

"Naruto, what happened to your shirt?"

"I wanted to show sakura that I have a better body than Sasuke so she'd stop gawking at him." Naruto confessed with a blush, he immediately skipped away and gathered his discarded clothing and promptly put it back on. Iruka chuckled. Naruto really was the greatest kid he knew.

Kakashi found himself watching Iruka with a hawk like eye; the man truly was beautiful and radiant like a ray of sunshine. Yes, yes quite and from what he heard about the man he was terribly prudish. Some of the female teachers had even gone as far as saying it was a waste of good man for him to be so disinterested in sex. Kakashi smirked and reasoned with himself. He just couldn't allow that, after all it was his job as a Jounin to help out the ladies.

Gee I wonder what will happen next.