Thoughts Never Said

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Someone else does.

Summary: Thoughts...Words...Memories...Always processing through the mind, but never spoken of out loud.

Chapter 1: Inuyasha

Half breed...

I have always wished I was never born a half breed.

If I were a demon, I could kill for pleasure, live a solitary life, and only have to worry about myself.

If I were a human, I would never have to be lonely. After all, humans can't survive all on their own.

I would give anything to become a demon. Anything at all.

But...She wouldn't want that. Kikyo wouldn't want that. She would want me to become a human like her.

50 years ago, I would've done anything for Kikyo, but now...I just don't know.

I've heard that once you become a demon, you will forget everything. Who your friends are...who your kin is...who you are. You'll even be driven to attack your own reflection whenever you see it.

Kagome wouldn't want that. She said she wouldn't care what I became as long as I was happy with my choice, but I could see it in her eyes. She didn't want me to become a demon.

I'm not sure what I want to be anymore.



Why should I even choose one when I am both?

Felt like writing this for some reason. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it.