There's a wee bit of swearing in this chapter, but it's not that bad. In fact it's hardly worth mentioning, but better safe than sorry.

This chapter takes place about a year after the last chapter

Taking her usual path to the control room Elizabeth re-read over the report Peter had given her last night. Over the last few days personnal had started reporting missing items at first it was just a table along with plates and silverware from the mess hall, some chairs, candles from storage, ect, ect. But the latest report showed that now some food had gone missing as well and that had Elizabeth a bit worried; they were barely getting by with what they had.

Looking up from the report she was reading Elizabeth spotted John and Kilik a little further down the corridor and let a grin form, if anyone could take her mind off things it would be them. Calling out to the two Elizabeth frowned slightly as they both startled and John quickly shoved a small box into Kilik's arms before pushing the boy behind him.

"Liz! what a surprise I thought you'd be in the control room by now." Now Elizabeth knew John was up to something, he only ever called her Liz when he was trying to act innocent when he very well wasn't. That and the fact that he was fidgeting nervously sent a small little red flag off in her mind.

"I was just on my way." Elizabeth tried peeking around John to see what Kilik held in his hands, but John blocked her view. "What are you and Kilik up to?"

"What makes you think we're up to anything?" John, wearing a 'Who Us?' look on his face, laid a hand on Elizabeth's shoulder trying to guide her in the direction of the control room.

"Because you called me Liz." Elizabeth tried digging her heels in, which was actually quite difficult on marble floor. "And you only ever do that when you're up to something."

"Elizabeth trust me we are not up to anything."

"Then why won't you let me see what it is Kilik's hiding?"

"Why...? Uh...because...because it's guy stuff...Yeah that's it, it's guy stuff, you wouldn't be intrested." Hoping to distract Elizabeth long enough for Kilik to make a break for it John pulled her in to a playfully loving kiss. Seeing that as his cue Kilik bolted into the near by transporter.

"You can be a real pain in the ass, you know that John?" Elizabeth pulled back from the kiss a moment later.

"Yes but I'm an adorably cute and lovable pain in the ass, and you wouldn't have me any other way." With that John too disapeared into the transporter.

"Bastard." Elizabeth chukled, resuming her way to the control room.

"Damn that was close." John sighed leaning against the far wall in the transporter. "You think she suspects anything?" John looked down at Kilik who was holding a small box full of flower petals. Kilik shook his head no, before peeking out of the transporter to make sure the coast was clear.

Exiting the transporter the two made their way down the corridor to their quarters. Entering their quarters Kilik put the box he was carrying down next to the door that led into John and Elizabeth's room then turned back to John. It had taken longer than John had hoped and a lot of work, late night runs, and a little team work, but John was finally ready. Tonight would be a night Elizabeth Weir would never forget.

"Now what?" Kilik sat down on the couch.

"Now we figure out away to keep Elizabeth busy for the rest of the day with out tiping her off." John sat next to Kilik

Sitting in her office all morning Elizabeth tried to get some work done but couldn't help her mind wandering back to the incounter with John and Kilik that morning, she couldn't place her finger on it but she knew those two were up to something, and a small part of her wondered if it had anything to do with the missing items. Deciding that sitting around in her office wasn't getting her anywhere Elizabeth left to go do a little investing to see if anyone knew what John and Kilik were up to.

Elizabeth headed for Rodney's lab arriving just in time to hear a loud poping noise of some kind. Rushing in she found Rodney and Kilik standing around the work bench covered in some kind of white gooey substance. Immediately rushing over to make sure Kilik was ok Elizabeth gave Rodney a look that said she wanted to know what the hell he thought he was doing.

"Nothing to worry about Elizabeth. Kilik and I were just running one of our many on going twinkie experiments and I guess I miss calculated the amout of current running through the twinkie and it exploded on us." Rodney quickly jumped in trying to reasure Elizabeth everything was fine, not liking the murderous look on her face at the moment. Not that Rodney should be surprised when it came to Kilik, Elizabeth could go into full mother bear mode if she thought there was even a chance that someone had hurt the boy.

"Twinkie experiments?" Elizabeth couldn't believe what she'd just heard Rodney say.

"Yeah one day John and Kilik were sitting around in here eating twinkies while I was trying to work when out of the blue John asked if I knew what the density of a twinkie was. And when I couldn't give him the answer, John being John had to bug me until I gave in and helped him figure it out. Did he stop there? No, he had to come up with more absurd experiments and before we knew it we'd tested the gravitational response of a twinkie, tested the rapid oxidation qualities of a twinkie, tested the solubility of a twinkie, today we're testing the resistivity of a twinkie. It's all actualy quite intresting if you think about it, I have all the tests results if you want to see them."

"Maybe later. At the moment I'm actually looking for John, have you seen him?"

"Not since he dropped Kilik off. I think he said something about a meeting with some of the Marines." Rodney replied absently already pulling out another twinkie, getting ready to do more experiments.

"Thanks." With that Elizabeth left the two in the lab experimenting on their twinkies.

Standing in the transporter head for her quarters Elizabeth let out a frustrated sigh. Her search to find John had turned into a wild goose chase, Elizabeth had the feeling that John was trying to avoid her and that he'd gotten most if not all the people in the city to help him. On top of that it seemed that all of the scientists had wanted her attention all at the same time, so she'd been busy dealing with arrogant as well as bruised egos all day. Elizabeth was ready for a nice relaxing bath and a nice long night of sleep.

Stepping off the transporter Elizabeth stopped short when she saw a trail of red flower pedals and (stolen)candles leading down the corridor from the transporter to the doors of her's, John's and Kilik's quarters. Curious Elizabeth followed the trail into to their quarters, entering the room the flower pedals went from red to white leading into her's and John's bedroom all the way to the bathroom. In the bathroom there were white and red pedals as well as lit candles (also stolen) all over, walking up to the bathtub Elizabeth found the tub filled with warm water and had pedals floating in it. Seeing a card on the edge of the tub Elizabeth picked it up and read.


After your long hard day at work I thought you could use some time to yourself to relax, so enjoy.

Love always,

Smiling at John's thoughtfullness Elizabeth took full advantage of the warm bath. An hour later Elizabeth finally pulled herself out of the tub, wrapped a towl around herself and entered the bed room. Looking at the bed Elizabeth noticed the flower pedals arranged in the shap of a heart with a small white box in the middle. Curious Elizabeth opened the box and pulled out a beautiful red, starpless dress that flowed down to the floor and another card.


I saw this dress on my last off world mission and couldn't help but think of you. Would you be so kind as to put it on then step out onto the balcony?

Waiting to see you,

Now extremely curious about what John was up Elizabeth quickly changed into the dress and went to the doors that led out to the balcony in their room. Opening the doors Elizabeth stood stuned by what she saw. There was a table set up for two with a candle lit dinner (all stolen and missing items she mentally noted), more flower pedals - this time with pink mixed in with the white and red - there was a perfectly clear night sky with stars shining so brightly they reflected off the ocean like diamonds. Standing there stuned Elizabeth felt John come up behind her and wrap his arms around her waist.

"Did you know that it's been exactly four years to the day since we first met in Antartica?" John whispered into Elizabeth's ear.

"Hard to believe it's been that long." Elizabeth turned around in John's arms and gave him a sweet tender kiss. "I'm amazed you remembered."

"How could I ever forget something like that. That's the day my whole life went spining out of control, not that I'm complaining mind you. It was also the day I first learned what true love felt like."

John led Elizabeth over to the table, pulling her chair out for her. Watching as John took his own seat Elizabeth couldn't help thinking how sexy John looked in his black jeans that hugged all the right places and the tight long sleeved black shirt that showed off his muscles.

"What?" Elizabeth questioned when she saw the thoughtful look on John's face as he gazed into her eyes.

"Nothing, just trying to figure out what it is that I did that caused you to fall in love with me, so that I can keep doing it." John blushed slightly looking down at the table a little embaresed at being caught staring.

"Well when I have the answer to that question myself I'll let you know." Elizabeth smiled, she didn't get to see this side of John offten and charished every moment of it when she did.

The two sat eating their dinner - all of her favroites, Elizabeth noted - talking about all kinds of things. Finshed with dinner John rose from his seat taking Elizabeth's hand and gently led her to the middle of the balcony.

"May I have this dance?" John caringly wrapped his arms around Elizabeth's waist.

"I'd love to." Elizabeth snaked her arms around John's neck and listened as he started softly singing into her ear.

"I open my eyes I see your face
I cannot hide I can't erase
The way you make me feel inside
You complete me girl, that's why
Something about you makes me feel
Baby my heart wants to reveal
I'm down on my knees, I'm asking you
So these three words I wanna hear from you

Yes I will, take your hand and walk with you
Yes I will, so these three words I promise to
Yes I will, give you everything you need
And someday start a family with you
Yes I will, take your hand and walk with you
Yes I will, baby I promise to
Yes I will, give you everything you need
And someday start a family with you

Oh yes I will

This is no ordinary love
And I can never have enough
Of all the things you've given to me
My heart, my soul, my everything
Every night I thank you lord (I thank you lord)
For giving me the strength to love her more
And more each day I promise her
As long as I hear those three words

Yes I will, take your hand and walk with you
Yes I will, so these three words I promise to
Yes I will, give you everything you need
And someday start a family with you
Yes I will, take your hand and walk with you
Yes I will, baby I promise to
Yes I will, give you everything you need
And someday start a family with you

I stand beside you, in everything you do
Wherever you go, whatever you do
Baby I'll be there (oh baby I will be there)
As God as my witness
I will carry this through
Till death do us part, I promise to you

Yes I will, take your hand and walk with you
Yes I will, Baby baby yes I promise to
Yes I will, give you everything you need
And start a family with you, baby
Yes I will
Yes I will
Yes I will, I promise you
Everything's gonna be all right
It's gonna be all right
I will"

Not sure if John was asking her what she thought he was, Elizabeth pulled back slightly to look John in the eyes. The pure love and joy she saw in his eyes caused all her doubts to go flying out the window. Pulling a ring out of his pocket John slid it onto Elizabeth's ring finger.

"Elizabeth there are a million reasons why I don't deserve a women like you, but today four years ago fate decided to bring you into my life anyway and I haven't been more grateful for anything in my entire life. I love you more than I ever thought it possible for one person to love another and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep you in my life. Would you make me the luckiest guy in the whole Pegasus Galaxy, hell any galaxy for that matter and marry me?"

Speechless Elizabeth did the only thing she could think of, she pulled John into the most passionate and breathe taking kiss either had ever experineced. Breaking apart for air Elizabeth held onto John as tightly as she could.

"Yes, god yes." Elizabeth whispered into John's ear. Grining from ear to ear John captured Elizabeth's mouth against his, kissing her like his life depended on it.

Breaking apart only long enough to move from the balcony to the bedroom the two spent the rest of the night showing each other just how much they loved the other. Kilik was staying the night with Aiden and Teyla so John and Elizabeth had the whole night to themselves and the next day was their day off.

They probably would have spent the whole next day in bed if it hadn't been for Kilik pounding on the door letting them know he was home. Groaning at the interruption Elizabeth poked her head out from under the covers and looked at the clock; it was almost noon.

"We should probably get out of bed and let him know what's going on before we tell anyone else." Elizabeth sarted to sit up.

"He already knows. Who do you think my partner in crime was?" John mumbled as he started kissing Elizabeth's neck trying to get her to lay back down.

"John it's almost noon we really should get up now." Elizabeth reluctantly and with a lot of self restraint pulled away from John and got out of bed.

"So, day off remember?" John snuggled back under the covers.

"Fine be that way. I guess I'll just take a shower by myself." That had John out of bed so fast Elizabeth couldn't help but smirk; yeah John was a typical guy alright in some aspects.

Half an hour later the two were dressed and made an appearence in the mess hall for lunch. An hour after that their engagment was all over the city. They hadn't even needed to say a word, all it took was a few people getting a good look at the new piece of jewlery on their leader's left hand and rumors were flying like there was no tomorrow.

A month later John and Elizabeth stood in a beatiful clearing, with a lovely waterfall in the backround on the mainland surrounded by their friends. They'd decided that their wedding would be a mix of Athosian and Earth tradition. So standing in front of all their friends John and Elizabeth exchanged their vows, then John took Elizabeth's ring from Aiden and slid it onto Elizabeth's ring finger while Elizabeth took John's from Kate and slid it onto John's ring finger.

With their vows said and rings in place Kilik stepped forward and tied John and Elizabeth's left hands together with a long piece of silk cloth and Teyla recited the binding vows of her people.

When the ceremony was over the two kissed and were announced as Mr. and Mrs. John Sheppard. Later after some pictures were taken in the clearing the party was moved back to Atlantis for the reception. The rest of the day and evening flew by, filled with dancing, eating, drinking, and laughing. It was a wonderful celebration of friends and family.

A/N: Dang near all of you wanted an epilogue so who was I to deny my readers. Hope you enjoyed. Also the experiments I mention in this chapter I have no idea if they're actually even plausable, I've never tried any of them I just based them off a question a friend of mine once asked about twinkies.

Once again THANK YOU for all the reviews.

The song 'Yes, I Will' belongs to Backstreet Boys.