Once again thanks to everyone who has reviewed this fic and for your patience. I've been really busy lately with college and few tragedies within my family recently have made it hard for me to write. But here is chapter number 4, enjoy.

Even later, 25th of November

Managed to get back to the apartment with minimum of damage to my anatomy (couldn't say the same for my mind though)… Boro Boro insisted on following me for about 3 blocks begging me to let him hide in the garbage shoot in the apartment from Anna because she'd somehow deduced that Yoh and Macchi's "Potato Plan" was partly his fault. I don't blame her, everything is the baka's fault whether he's present or not. In fact I'd argue that him breaking that racing car bed put everyone in a "rebellious" mood, thus however indirectly it was Horo's fault. So after 3 blocks he insisted on getting down on his knee to beg whilst clinging on to my leg. So there I was in full view of the afternoon crowds with my leg the unwilling victim of an Ainu mauling, I wouldn't say that Horo Horo looked a frightened mouse or anything, more like a homicidal shrew. So naturally I did what any young woman of around 16 would do. Threw my shoe at him… Now I was well aware of how much this looked like a unnecessary domestic dispute about who had been sleeping with the postman or whatever such nonsense but I wasn't quite prepared for a number of innocent bystanders, who had been watching the drama unfold excitedly from their doorsteps, to start clapping enthusiastically.

I thought perhaps this was because I had ridden the general public of a terrible health hazard, much worse in fact than those mutant crocodiles people always talk about coming out of toilets or whatever. So, of course, I gave them a few smirks and a couple of careless "Oh it was nothing" 's. But when a couple of people began to murmur amongst themselves "Poor girl…" , "Plenty more fish in the sea!" and "Such a shame!" I responded to this with a distressed yelp of "I'm male!" but eventually I decided it would be best to depart as this has evidently given them more to think about and so I cantered the rest of the way home like a frightened vole wondering vaguely if the locals would now think that Anna catered for gay couples at the Onsen as well as weed dealers…

To say that I arrived home in not one of the most cheerful of moods was an understatement and after a short ride in the elevator Jun opened the door and noticed it at once. "What on earth is the matter Ren?" she said, noting my completely morose facial expression. I took a deep breath. "Where to start?" I muttered angrily. "I have to see a counsellor who makes me loathe my existence, a lunatic keeps sending me letters, I lost all my milk in a cereal experiment, I had to pay for a broken racing car bed that I didn't want in the first place, I killed a fluorescent orange owl, I've run all the way home to get away from potatoes and Anna and to top it all of the entire neighbourhood now thinks I'm homosexual! And you ask you what's the matter?!" I yelled in theatrical despair. "Oh... And I lost a shoe.."

Jun ushered me inside, made me sit in the couch (which insisted on clashing with my outfit as usual… Oh how I loathe household items…I took off my one shoe...) and brought me some warm milk which I promptly refused to drink, protesting that I wasn't in fact 5 years old, but on reflection decided to show good will towards my sister and took a sip… Well a few… I didn't want to hurt her feelings… She sat down opposite me and promptly began to flick through the pages of a book Miss.Kinomoto had given her to read, "What Makes Adolescent's Tick?" aka "A Guide to Make your Sibling Move to Costa Rica and other Tales". Miss.Kinomoto gave it to her to try and help me through this "troubling period in my life". If you ask me the title of that book sounds pretty dodgy… Anyway Jun proceeded to read a page which probably went into great detail as to how "Teenagers tend to over-dramatise events and happenings in their day to day lives" or whatever, I only wish I had been over-dramatising.

I decided to head to my room before she started offering help and advice from the pages of that manifestation but not before glancing once more at the title of the book and offering her a hearty good luck on her future career as a paedophile. This earnt me a wrench being flung in my direction (god knows where she got that) which I'm hoping Jun knew I'd be able to dodge or I'd be worried about whether she wanted to cause me severe head injuries, I mean it's all well and good having faith in a sibling but there is a limit…

It seemed Jun wasn't finished with me however. Just as I was opening my bedroom door she called out "Oh Ren there's something I need to tell you…" "I don't want to know…" I thought to myself only to enter my room and find the Cretins aka Gein's younger siblings in there, some safe haven… I quickly summed up the situation, Cretin Number 1 was crying from bouncing on the bed too high and hitting her head on the ceiling, causing it too crack and a bit of plaster falling down, landing on Cretin Number 2's head and also causing him to cry incessantly. Now I could have done one of two things in this situation. I could have calmly and maturely settled the Cretins down and methodically began to sort out the mangled ceiling or I could have attempted to kill them in cold blood by chasing them all over the apartment with my quan dao. I chose the hidden third option. I wearily went out again and shut the door. Jun watched me apprehensively as I headed to bathroom and locked the door. As I turned on the shower I heard Jun rush into my room to check whether I'd committed infanticide or not, realise what had happened and set about calming them down. I heard Cretin Number 1 say "Where has Ren gone?" Jun replied "Oh don't worry, he's gone to cheer himself up. When he comes back and the nice advise lady has finished talking to him he'll be all happy again." "You mean he's on drugs?" Asked Cretin Number 2 cheerfully. My sister had to cover their ears as my yell of "KISAMA!" echoed from the bathroom.

Well there we are ch 4. I thought that was a good note to end it on but as mentioned in ch 3 Ren has received a reply from Frankie so I'll upload ch 5 shortly when Miss.Kinomoto arrives and he reads the letter. Thanks for reading.

Blackwatermist XxX