Chapter one - Discoveries
Screams filled the Slytherin dungeons, not the screams of someone being tortured, something much worse. These screams erupted from a pair of tiny lungs in the Slytherin common room, a new born babies screaming for his mother, his father, anyone, because she was hungry.
An irritable looking Severus Snape having been woken by this intruding noise burst into his houses common room as some students came down to investigate. "I want everyone up and down here in five minutes." Snape bellowed as he swept the child into his arms trying in a vain attempt to shut it up before fire calling the headmaster who arrived moments later.
Despite questioning them all, without veritisium (sp) no one would admit to knowing or being the parent. There was nothing more that they could do. Albus removed the child to the infirmary where Harry Potter was recovering from a quiditch accident.
"Good morning Professor." He said happily finishing his breakfast. "And who's your friend? I assume that it isn't yours."
"No, she isn't." Dumbledore said going over to Harry and sighing as Madame Pomfrey bustled over to see what the headmaster wanted.
"Can I hold her?" Dumbledore looked sceptical. "Just until you've finished talking to Poppy, she's so cute." Dumbledore nodded and handed over the little girls and went off to have hushed words with Madame Pomfrey.
The baby gurgled and stared up at Harry with forget-me-not blue eyes. Whips of honey blond hair were showing on the top of her pink head. She blinked and yawned but started to cry again. Albus came back to see what the matter was.
"I think she's hungry." Harry said as he shushed her and gently rocked her in his arms, Dumbledore couldn't help but give Harry a questioning look, he shrugged. "I was babysitting for the majority of the summer, another sister of my Uncles came to stay with her babies and I helped her out a bit."
Madame Pomfrey gave Harry a bottle and he fed it to the baby before she fell asleep. "Does she have a name?" He asked, "Who are the parents?"
"Two excellent questions, if she does have a name we don't know it as her parents abandoned her in the Slytherin common room this morning."
"That's awful, who could do that to such a beautiful little girl?"
"That's what I plan to find out, until then I need to find someone to take care of her and as the teachers are far to busy to take on such a task I was hoping that a responsible seventh year could take on the task." Dumbledore said hinting heavily.
"Sir…you want me to take care of her?"
"Just until the parents are revealed, that shouldn't take more than a week or two."
"But…I have classes…what about Voldermort….what should I call her?"
Dumbledore smiled realising that Harry truly was a hero and had grown up so much that he did not question when the headmaster asked something of him. "You can call her whatever you like."
And Harry did.
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