AN: This is set after the current manga chapters available in Japan (volume 8) so MAJOR SPOILERS. Death of canon character.

Disclaimer - I do not own Hellsing or Dracula.

Anderson stood on the hill overlooking the cemetery. A Catholic Priest was saying a prayer as the casket was being lowered into the ground. There were hundreds of people had come to see his body laid to rest from many different nations. Yet, the one who knew him who better than anyone, had to watch it from a distance. Anderson wanted to go closer, to stay good bye but he couldn't. The assassins from Section XIII were waiting for him – just waiting to punish him for his sin, his betrayal. Betrayal, Anderson laughed. It was you, Maxwell, who betrayed the Church, its people, God. All for what? Some false sense of power. I know your soul is not in heaven – neither will mine be. We are damned, Father Maxwell. Funny, just like those we hunt, our souls are damned for eternity. It amazed him how the irony of his role in Iscariot would chose today to reveal itself.

Anderson bowed his head to say a prayer – he still was a man of faith. The former priest prayed for Maxwell's soul – that somehow it could be saved from hell. Perhaps God would give him a chance in Purgatory. He chuckled. After the sins that Father Maxwell had committed – he was lucky to receive a proper Christian burial at all. He did not hate his former boss, however. Anderson had merely done what needed to be done. It was nothing more and nothing less. Just as he was sure, one of the assassins from Iscariot would be doing what they believed was necessary when they pulled the trigger and aimed their gun at him. I wonder if it will be Wolfe.

As the last of the guests drove off, Alexander walked back to the car that was waiting for him. Inside the car, Integral Hellsing sat waiting, smoking her cigar. Seras Victoria sat across from her. Anderson was grateful that Alucard had chosen to stay home. A few tear drops fell from the corner of his eyes. Alexander did not bother to dry them – he was not ashamed of his tears. Anderson sat down next to Integral and smiled briefly at her to let her know how much her presence was appreciated. Her trust in him since he joined Hellsing meant more to him then he could say.

The silence in the car as they drove away was almost deafening. Anderson silently wished for a cough or sneeze. He was pleasantly surprised when Integral Hellsing slipped her hand around his and gave it a gentle squeeze. The act surprised him but he did not pull back. He rather enjoyed Integral's touch. Just when I think I am beginning to understand you, Sir Hellsing, you do something that confuses me even more.