Chapter 4

Mixed Emotions

"Finally! School's over!" Kagome yelled. "That biography test was so hard!" "Yea! I think that Kikyou tried to copy off of you Kag." Rin said. "Right Sango?" No answer. "Sango?" she turned around and her sweat dropped. Sango wasn't listening, she was on her cell phone. "OMG! When!" Sango yelled. "OMG! I'm so looking forward to it! Well, I gotta go! Bye!" then she closed her cell phone and walked back to Kagome and Rin. "What was that about?" Kagome asked. "Damien is coming to Japan to visit me for a whole month! His father, has to go to some stupid business trip, so he told him to stay with us, since his father and mine are such great friends! I'm so excited!" she explained." "Cool." Rin said. "Well, how do he look like?" Kagome asked. "Well, he has dark black short hair. He's 16, blue moon light eyes, tan skin, and I think, by the looks of it, he's 6 foot 2." Sango said. "He sounds hot!" Rin said. Sango glared at her. "He's mine!" Rin laughed. "Well, he's coming tomorrow, so you'll see how he really looks like." Sango said. "Ok, ok. So you guys wanna go to Wac Donald? I'm hungry ass hell!" suggested Kagome. They nodded.

"Yo, Inuyasha, are you really dating Kagome?" Miroku asked trying to catch up with him. "Yea." he replied. "You are breaking her heart right?" he asked. "S-Sure, of course I am. If I wasn't, then my reputation will be screwed." he lied, feeling a little nervous and nauseous. Miroku smirked. "You like, like Kagome don't ya!" "No!" he protested. "I have her right where I want her! Since she believe I'm her boyfriend, It'll be a synch to break her heart." he lied again. "Sure Inuyasha, sure." Miroku said still smirking. "Yo you wanna come over and play Smack down VS Raw?" Inuyasha asked changing the subject. "Ha! So I can kick your ass again! Bring it on!" he said. "First one to my house gets first player!" Inuyasha said. "1... 2... GO!" then they raced down to Inuyasha's house. Inuyasha won of course figuring that he's a hanyou. "Ha! Loser!" he gloated. "CH-Cheater!" Miroku said trying to catch his breath. "You… threw… a trash can… at my head!" Inuyasha shrugged and un locked his door. "Oh hey Inuyasha!" Kagome greeted.

Flash Back

"I'm full!" Rin said burping loudly. "Me too, and I only had 1 cheeseburger." Kagome said. "So what do you guys wanna do next?" Sango asked. "Let's all surprise Inuyasha by coming over his house!" Kagome said. "He gave me a spare key so I can come over whenever I want." "Cool." Both Sango and Rin said. The girls left the money on their table and headed for Inuyasha's house. Kagome walked up to the front door and started unlocking the dark black huge door standing in front of her. Once the door was unlocked she opened it and walked inside. Sesshoumaru was on the couch confused. "Um… hello?" he said. "Oh, I'm Kagome. Inuyasha's girlfriend. He said that I could come over whenever I please. He even gave me a spare key." she said showing him the key. 'Damn, I sound a little shallow saying that I could come here whenever I pleased. I mean, he's the god damn brother.' she thought. "Whatever, imma be upstairs sleeping, if that mutt comes, tell him to fuck himself." Rin giggled. Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow. Rin noticed him looking at her and her heat skipped a beat. Sesshoumaru shrugged it off and walked upstairs into his room.

End of Flash Back

"How'd you get here?" Inuyasha asked walking inside, with Miroku behind him. "You gave me a spare key, remember…" Kagome said. "Oh…" Inuyasha said sounding as stupid as can be. "Anyways, we're going up to play some video games, wanna come?" he asked. They nodded and followed him upstairs into his bedroom. Rin was the last one. As she walked through Inuyasha's huge hallway she stopped. She saw Sesshoumaru now drawing. 'He probably woke up…' she tried to tilt her head a little further to see what he was drawing. That was when he noticed her shadow covering his paper. "You can come in…" he said emotionlessly. Rin slowly walked in and looked around. Her eyes widened. "Did you actually draw these?" she asked admiring all of the drawings and paintings that were hung in his room. "Yea, I usually draw when I'm bored, or depressed, you know." he said still scribbling on his paper. Rin looked over his shoulder and smiled. "So you're drawing a Sakura tree I suppose." she said. Rin sat on a chair. "I wish I could draw like this…" she said. "I can teach you…" Sesshoumaru said. "Really?" Rin exclaimed practically jumping out of her chair. Sesshoumaru laughed softly. Then he stopped drawing, and faced Rin. Once he did Rin blushed a little. "Take a seat over here." he said pointing to the chair right next to him. "Ok…" was all Rin could say. Then she sat down on the char next to Sesshoumaru. "Um, what do I do now?" Rin asked. Sesshoumaru took her hand and started to move it around on the paper. Rin blushed heavily. "Follow my moves, and soon you'll get the hang of it." Sesshoumaru said giving her a smile. She smiled back, and nodded, then followed his instructions.

Inuyasha opened his PS2 and popped in Smack Down VS Raw. He waited for the game to load, once it did he looked for his favorite character. He stopped at the name of John Cena. Then he picked him with his jersey off. It was Miroku's turn and he browsed to find his favorite character. He stopped at the name Triple H. "Ha! You're picking Triple H?" Inuyasha said smirking. "Yea, what about him?" Miroku said. "He sucks!" Inuyasha blabbered out. Miroku looked bitter, then he smirked. How dare Inuyasha insult his favorite wrestler. Now Inuyasha's gonna pay by getting pinned. "You have any idea what they're talking about?" Kagome whispered in Sango's ear, she shook her head then watched the boys play.

5 Minutes later

Miroku had gotten Inuyasha dizzy from all the hits he did on him. Now, he was about to do the ultimate move. The pedigree! "Inuyasha! You're ass is done!" Miroku said grinning as Inuyasha tried to reverse it. Then, Miroku hit the buttons to do the pedigree ( A/N: Which I have no idea what the buttons are Lolz ) and he pedigreed Inuyasha. "Damn!" Inuyasha yelled. Miroku went for the pin, 1... 2... Aw a kick out! Inuyasha tried to get up but was close line by Miroku and fell out of the ring. 1... 2.… 3... Counted the referee. "Ha! Looks like you're gonna lose by a count out Inuyasha, or should I say, John Cena." Miroku mocked confidently that he was gonna win. "Not quite!" By the time the referee counted a 9 he went back in the ring and as Miroku tried to close line him again, he ducked and jumped to Miroku, which made him fall. "Aw, I think I'm feeling it! Time to deliver the FU" he said. Miroku's character got up, and Inuyasha's character picked him up and carried him horizontally on his neck, and threw him to the ground. ( A/N: I don't really know how to explain how the FU looks like ok. )

"1... 2... 3! Pin!" Inuyasha yelled. Then jumped up, gloating Miroku, mocking his words 'So I can kick you ass!' Miroku laughed instead. "The better man won." "Hey guys, can we play?" Kagome asked. "Sure." Inuyasha said and handed Kagome the reddish yellow controller. Miroku handed Sango the other one, except that it was a blue see through one. Kagome looked for a cool character to pick. She picked a small looking short dude name 619, or Rey Mysterio. He had a mask on that covered his face, but you could see his mouth and eyes. Sango picked a Latino guy name Eddie Gureurro ( SP ) The bell rang and they started to wrestle. "Kagome duck!" Inuyasha instructed. Kagome followed and ducked. "Sango! Watch out!" Miroku said. But it was too late, Kagome had hit her with a steel chair. "No fair!" she shouted. "Ha! A little frustrated eh…?" Kagome said smirking. "Giiir! You'll pay Rey Mysterio." Sango mocked. Then she hit her back with a steel chair. "Sango, quick! The three amigos!" Miroku said. "Press that button." Sango nodded and did the three amigos on Kagome. Kagome was lying on the ring. She was bleeding, due to the fact that Sango hit her with a steel chair. Sango too was also bleeding. Sango tried to pin her but a kick out.

Now Kagome stared to punch Sango and then she close lined her. "Kagome press that button now!" Inuyasha said. Kagome pressed the button and her character started running to each rope, then it ran to the other one and kicked Sango in the face. After that Kagome pinned Sango and her music came on. "In yo face!" she yelled. Sango groaned. "I hate this game!" she said. "What move was that?" Kagome asked Inuyasha. "It's called the 619!" he replied. "Cool." Kagome said. "So, do you guys wanna go, or stay here?" Inuyasha asked. They all thought about it and said, "Here." Kagome sat down by Inuyasha and leaned against Inuyasha's chest. Inuyasha placed his arms around her. Miroku looked at them and grinned. He sat next to Sango. Then he placed his arms around her, but Sango slapped him. "Perverted bastard!" she yelled getting up. "Come on Sango, can't we be like Inuyasha and Kagome? They're such a happy couple." he said trying to sound all innocent.

"Since when were we a couple? Plus, I already have someone in mind. It's Damien" she said folding her arms, but she was a little nervous. Miroku stood up, and looked at her sternly. "Who the hell's Damien?" he asked angrily. "He's my distant boyfriend!" she shot back. Miroku felt a little jealous. "Break it up you too!" Inuyasha said. But they just turned their backs on each other. Inuyasha and Kagome sighed. "Come on Kagome, let's go downstairs where we can get some fresh air." Sango angrily said grabbing Kagome. Then, as Sango reached for the door, Miroku grabbed her ass.

"YOU PERVERTED, ARROGANT, STUPID, HENTAI!" she yelled then slapped him across the face. Miroku placed his hand on where Sango slapped him. Then she stomped off with Kagome. "Serve you right!" Kagome said following an angry Sango. Miroku sighed. "Ha ha, and you ask why she's mad?" Inuyasha said. Miroku sat down on Inuyasha's bed. "Man, I screwed up big time. I really like her." Miroku said. "Yep." Inuyasha said rolling up the controllers. "What am I gonna do man! She hates me now!" "Ha! She been hated you." Inuyasha said. But he paused. Miroku was really in love with her. "The worst part is that she has Damien" Miroku said with disgust and anger, with the last word "Damien". "She'll forgive you…" Inuyasha said. "Eventually…" he said softly. Miroku took one last big sigh and stood up. "I'm going for a walk…" then he turned the door knob and rush downstairs. Inuyasha was behind him. He glanced at Sango who glared at him, but at the same time felt a little guilty and wanted to apologize. ( A/N: About the argument, not the time when Miroku grabbed her ass ) But she just turned away. Miroku opened Inuyasha's door and walked out.

"I think you really hurt his feelings Sango…" Kagome said. "He should grow up! Get on with his life! I just yelled at him and he thinks it's the end of the world!" Sango yelled, sounding really shallow. That wasn't like her at all, but of course she felt guilty, and wanted to start things over, or at least the argument. "No Sango." Kagome said sounding a little more serious. "He was upset because it was coming from you! He's a pervert, but he really likes you and you just brushed him aside like nothing!" Now Sango was really feeling ashamed and guilty. 'Why am I thinking so much about him. Damien is who I care about… but somehow Miroku is in the picture. Do I really hate him, or… or… do I… love him?' was all that went through her mind. "I'm just saying Sango, you needa straighten things out with him." "Kagome!" Inuyasha called. "Wanna help set up diner?" "Yea, be right there!" she replied. "You should really think about this Sango… seriously." then she walked inside the kitchen where Inuyasha was and helped him prepare.

Miroku's POV

She doesn't like me, so why should I bother. Why can't she see that I love her! How am I suppose to go back now, seeing my face probably makes her wanna vomit. I sat down on a bench, still wondering about Sango. I looked up and I was surrounded by a group of gangsters. "Yo! Gimme ya money punk!" said one of the thugs. They all looked at me with a vicious grin. "NO! You fucking asshole!" I yelled, feeling a little nervous. There were 5 of them, and only 1 Miroku. That was when they jumped me. I fell on my knees and blood dripped down my very mouth. I got up and started punching them in the guts and ribs. I injured only 2 of them, but I couldn't take the 3 on. So I knew that I was gonna get it for sure…

End of POV

Sango sat up and looked at the clock. It was 6:28pm and Miroku hasn't come back yet. "Sango, I think that you should look for him." Kagome said. Sango nodded. "Yea, maybe I should…" she said worriedly. She picked up her coat, placed it on her, and walked out looking for Miroku. She looked everywhere, but couldn't find him. Then she heard people talking, and some yelling. Sango quickly turned a corner and found Miroku, being beaten up by some thugs. "Miroku!" Sango called. The thugs stopped beating up Miroku and made their attention towards Sango. They all grinned. Sango quickly ran up to Miroku. "Are you ok?" she asked helping him up. "Y-Yes, I'm fine…" he said. Sango glared at the thugs. "What did you do to him?" she angrily, askedshouted. "The lil punk didn't give us his money. But forget the money… we want you!" then he grabbed Sango by the wrist and placed his arm on her neck. "Let go!" Sango yelled trying to struggle out of his hold.

"Be a nice little girl and keep still!" the same guy said. Then he dug in his pockets and took out a pocket knife and placed it near her head. "Sango!" Miroku yelled trying to stand. But was kicked in the ribs by one guy from their crew. "Miroku!" she yelled, but was even struggling to talk and breathe because he was choking her. No one was there to help them either. "Yo, hold her hands!" he told them. The other guys held her hands. He slowly moved closer to Sango, but was kicked by her. Then he slapped her. Sango had a red mark on her face. He slowly un buttoned her shirt. It was so hard for Miroku to just watch them do that to Sango, and he was frustrated because he couldn't do anything about it. Sango yelled and screamed, but no one was around. It was now 8:00pm. ( A/N: Yes, Sango looked for Miroku for about an hour and a half. ) "Get off!" she yelled. But they didn't listen. Now Sango had only a bra left on. Miroku couldn't take this anymore, he quickly got up, not caring about his cracked ribs or anything, and attacked the thugs. He didn't care anymore if he was hurt, he just wanted Sango to be safe.

They all attacked him at once, it hurt him a lot, but he stayed strong and took the hits. "Sango, run!" he said trying to stand all the hits. "NO! I can't leave you!" she said. By the time Miroku was hit 3 more times, he fell down to his knees. "Miroku!" Sango yelled. Miroku was too hurt to hear her and he fell unconscious. The thugs grinned. "Well, well, well! I guess you're all alone babe! Be a good girl and stop running!" the same guy said from earlier. Sango stepped back. "Get away!" she yelled. But they didn't listen and moved even closer. Sango suddenly fell back. Tears streamed down her eyes. "Please… no…" she begged. The same guy went on top of Sango and tried to take off her bra, but she struggled out of it. His crew wasn't doing anything about it either, they just watched. He slapped Sango and this time, she was bleeding. Sango cried in horror. She begged but it was no use. He ripped her skirt off of her and sucked on her neck and made his way down. After that Sango had no more hope.

"SANGO!" a voice yelled. The thugs turned to see Kagome with Inuyasha, running towards her. "Kagome! Inuyasha!" she yelled. 'Thank god…' she thought. Inuyasha ran towards the thugs at high speed and started beating them up. They were shit to him, Inuaysha can even take on 10 people. Inuyasha knocked all of them out, and some were able to survive and run, but some were just unconscious. "OMG! Are you ok?" Kagome exclaimed. "Yes, but Miroku is badly injured." she said pointing to him. Kagome gasp, then she hugged her friend as tightly as she could. She started to cry too. "Sango… thank goodness that you're ok! Those thugs got what they deserve!" "Kagome! No time for conversing! We needa get call 911!" Inuaysha exclaimed. Kagome quickly took out her cell phone and dial 911.

15 Minutes Later

Sango, Kagome, and Inuyasha were in the waiting area waiting for the doctor's result on Miroku's conditions. Sango hugged Kagome tightly, tears ran down her eyes. "Kagome, please let Miroku be alright!" she said sobbing between each word. "Don't worry Sango, he'll be alright…" Kagome said trying to calm her down. 'I hope…' she thought. The doctor finally came out. "Doctor, is Miroku ok?" Inuyasha asked. "Yes, but he cracked his ribs, and he lost a lot of blood, so he won't be able to move or walk as much. He'll probably be back to normal in about 1 month, or maybe a few weeks depending on his luck." The doctor said. "Can we visit him now?" Kagome asked. The doctor nodded. "So where do I pay?" Inuaysha asked. "Come with me." then he followed the doctor to the paying area. Kagome and Sango knocked on the door. "Come in…" Miroku said. The girls walked in and walked up to Miroku.

"It's a relief to see that you're ok…" Kagome said. "Yea, but are you ok Sango?" he asked worriedly. "How can you just ask me if I'm ok?" Sango exclaimed. "You saved me! I should be asking you! Miroku… why do you care so much?" then she started to cry again. "Um, imma leave you two alone." Kagome said, then she walked out of the room. Miroku laughed. "Sango… because… I care about you so much that I'll do anything to protect you…" he said. Sango was stunned. No one had ever did what he did for her before in her entire life. "Miroku you idiot!" Sango yelled. "You didn't have to do that!" Then she blushed. Miroku raised an eyebrow. He chuckled. "Sango, it's alright ok. I-I love you Sango…" Sango placed her hand on him. "Miroku, I'm just happy that you're ok." she said. Miroku smiled. "Sango, can I ask you something?" "Yea, what?" she replied. "Is Damien your boyfriend? And I mean really…" he said. Sango paused. 'I don't know what to say. I love Damien, but again, I… I love Miroku. What to do, what to do!' she thought. "Sango… " he said. "I-I gotta go!" then she rushed out of the doors. "Sango!" he called. But she was already gone.

A/N: So…. What do ya think? This time the update was fast. R&R peoples!

Me: I cried when I wrote this Cry- Cry-

Inuyasha: Yea! Me too! Cry- Cry-

Kagome: The hell! Inuyasha!

Inuyasha: What? I have a sensitive side too ya know!

Miroku: Awww… Inuyasha has a sensitive side!

Sango: Ha ha!

Inuyasha: Shut up! You guys make a pretty good chapter! Clap- Clap-

Me: You're scaring me Inuaysha!

Kagome: Yea… you're making me wet myself

Shippou: How come you never put me in any story!

Me: Cuz I don't wanna squirt! Gotta problem with that!

Kagome: Hey! Stop scaring Shippou!

Inuyasha: Yea! Keep scaring him! It's fun!

Me: Enough! Lets just go to the next chapter!

In My Thoughts: Dammit! I didn't think working with a half breed, a miko, a monk, and a exterminator would be so hard! I hate my job!