Author's Notes …

Just passing by. Wanted you yaoi fans to know that this was my very first fanfic on yaoi. Also, The chapters will be posted a bit slower since I'm upgrading them. Making the story much better than it originally was. It's my little way to get back into writer, and help me update my other stories.


Chapter 1 : The escape, The attraction

Hours had passed since Tsunade sent the team after Sasuke. In her heart she knew that somehow, they would succeed, but sending that 5 man team of young shinobi, it was obvious to anyone, that the odds were against them.

"Dammit!" She shouted, smashing her fist against the poor defenceless desk. Unfortunately, by doing so, all her papers scattered to the ground.

"So this is how a Hokage clears out her paperwork." A male spoke out.

Tsunade's head shot up, glaring at the very person she failed to detect. "What do you want?" She snapped, she really was in a bad mood right now.

"I suppose I could simply not tell you." He teased, smiling behind his mask.

"I don't have time for these games Kakashi!" She shouted. Her temper was about to reach its limit, if that shinobi continued with his little jokes. "I'm having a hard enough time dealing with decisions I made." She admitted. Of course, Kakashi was very aware of which decisions she specifically meant.

"I wouldn't underestimate those 5. After all, they all showed a higher potential than the average genins of their ages." Kakashi spoke out, walking towards their new Hokage.

Tsunade sighed.

In her mind, she kept telling herself the same thing. After all, she heard from other Jounins, Chuunins, hell even some of the villagers at how they praised Shikamaru, but were disappointed for him giving up the battle.

For Uzumaki Naruto to beat one of the most powerful clans in Konoha, despite the fact the boy was from the branch family. He sure put a hell of a show for the audience that day.

As for Neji, well, he sure showed the main family, that even if you're marked as a slave, you can still become quite powerful. The moves the young Hyuga showed that day, made the head of the family realize that sometimes you can bend certain rules …

"That's what I keep telling myself." Tsunade let out, rubbing her temples. This day was just never going to get any better. "I can't help but to worry I sent them to their deaths …" She admitted in a soft voice.

"You didn't." Kakashi quickly replied, looking straight into her eyes.

"And just how would you know that?" Tsunade shot back. It just seemed like even the simplest words was pissing her off right now.

"Because. They've returned." He wasted no time in answering that question. He had his little fun, but it was well worth it to see Tsunade's expression change. From being pissed, irritated and exhausted to stunned, surprised and yet happy to hear that bit of news.

"Did they …" Good for her, the Jounin knew already the questions she was mostly likely to ask.

"A success. They were able to retrieve Sasuke. But I must say the team suffered a great deal." Kakashi explained.

Earlier that day, Kakashi had finally come back from a mission only to learn about his runaway student going to Orochimaru and then, a mere team of genins was sent after them due to lack of shinobi.

Of course, Kakashi was less pleased when Tsunade refused his request to go after the retrieval team. She made sure he wouldn't disobey him, by sticking Gai to his side.

Konoha was in a vulnerable state and needed all protection it needed in case of an attack.

It took a few hours before Kakashi finally calmed down and understood the reasoning behind the order the Hokage gave him directly. So now, the fate of Sasuke rested in the hands of Naruto.

"How bad?" She asked, seeing how the copy ninja kept staring at her.

"The two worse off were the Hyuga kid and Chouji I think. The others have minor scratches." Kakashi answered, knowing that this would make her less worried about the team and mostly, Naruto.

"And the Uchiha?" She asked, worrying over both his mental and physical state. Orochimaru was the best when it came to screwing up with your mind. All they could hope was he hadn't done too much damage to the boy.

"You still need to verify that." He answered. Few details were given even to him about Sasuke's conditions. After all, the moment the team made it through the gates, they were quickly taken to the hospital.

"Let's go then." Tsunade stepped over the papers, not really caring for them being clean and white.

Konoha Hospital

Naruto sat in his chair for hours, his eyes only focused on one thing, Uchiha Sasuke. Since the day they finally came back home, the sole survivor of the Uchiha clan had yet awakened from his sleep. That fact alone worried Naruto as well as the medic-nins who came by each hour to check on the young boy.

More hours passed, but nothing really changed.

It was the same routine as always.

Naruto would come in to visit Sasuke during the morning, remaining there until the sun rested in the darkness. Or he simply waited until Sakura came by.

Which ever came first.

Of course, the medical staff didn't appreciate the fact that the demon of their Village was keeping their prized Uchiha company.

Fortunately for them, Sakura always came by to replace Naruto for duty watch whenever she found the free time to do so. That happened quite often.

Who could blame her though?

She was, in her eyes anyway, the crush but also the love of her life.

Naruto continued to get lost within his own little thoughts, not even noticing or sensing the presence of a certain pink haired girl.

"Knock. Knock." Sakura softly spoke, opening the door.

"Sakura-Chan…" Naruto said her name, rising from his chair to join her.

"How is he doing?" Sakura asked him, peeking at the angelic form in the white bed.

"Nothing really changed … But I swear I heard him calling me a dobe." Naruto replied, grinning. It had been quite a long time since anyone had seen the blond show any kind of emotions since their return.

"Arigatou, Naruto" Sakura said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek

"Eh…it was nothing Sakura-Chan!" Naruto said, patting the back of his head

Saying their last goodbyes for the day, Naruto left the room, leaving Sakura alone to dream of her future life with the pale boy.

The moment he left the room, Naruto made his way to the entrance, hoping to get some training done before the sun went down. And by the way it looked, he had about an hour left before that happened.

Well, at least he would be able to train today.

Ever since the team came back, Tsunade somewhat forced them to take a vacation. Which it was quite understandable since they were all injured to a certain degree.

Well for the exception of one person.


Thanks to the nine-tails, it only took one good night of sleep and all his injuries vanished as though they never existed.

How strange. He had just discovered a second advantage of actually having the fox sealed in him.

Fast healing.

Naruto continued his deep thinking, until a familiar voice caught his attention. Naruto being Naruto, just couldn't help himself. With the grace of any fox, the boy slowly, yet silently, walked closer to the hospital bedroom, peeking within it.

"Young man, in your condition you should stay in bed." The nurse shouted against the young shinobi, but she wasn't about to stop there.

Her high pitched voice almost startled Naruto, but what surprised him most, was to see who exactly the shinobi was.

There stood, what seemed to be a very angry Hyuga. Neji to be more precise.

"Get out of my way." The shinobi responded. It was obvious that he was in no condition to stand with the injuries he sustained during their mission.

Although a week had passed, the large wound in his shoulder hadn't healed completely yet. The only reason he was standing was thanks to the bed that supported most of his body.

"You can barely stand on your own two feet." She pointed out to him, but everyone knew how this specific Hyuga can be pigheaded.

"Che." He let out, angry that it was actually true. He just hated being stuck in a god damn hospital.

"Don't che me young man! Now get back into your bed before I make you." She threatened. Anyone who stayed a few days in this hospital, knew by now that she wasn't a nurse to mess with.

Most of all, disobey.

Unfortunately for Naruto, he found out the hard way about her threats …

After all, most people of Konoha already hated him with a certain passion due to the fox he carried around. Well, she showed him how much worst it could be.

Seeing that nurse again sure didn't make him feel all happy again. Too bad for him, she saw him hiding behind the wall.

"You." Came the simply word. Although simple, the way she spoke it, it showed that that word alone, carried a lot of hate.

Naruto's eyes focused immediately on the nurse. Completely forgetting that the young Hyuga was still present in the room, Naruto slowly stepped out from behind the wall and into the room.

Any person presence could sense the strong tension between the two.

"I thought I told you to stay out of this hospital." She reminded him, glaring at him with a higher level of hate that the Villagers had for him.

Naruto couldn't think of anything else to say at the very moment. He had been caught. But since that fateful day when he was but 5 years old, he learned to keep his mouth shut around that type of person.

"Nurse! I need your assistance." Shouted a doctor from the hallway.

She cursed, seeing how she was needed elsewhere. And because of that, she couldn't deal properly with these two.

"You." She pointed at Neji. "Stay there until I come back and don't even think about leaving." She then turned her eyes on the smaller form in front of her. "As for you. Stay out or else next time I won't be so generous to a beast like you." She pointed her finger in her face. Didn't she know that was like, and impolite thing to do? Especially calling them a monster, demon or beast.

The nurse finally left, but now this was quite an uncomfortable situation.

Two boys alone … in a hospital bedroom.

"As if the thought hadn't crossed my mind" Neji murmured, glaring at the now empty spot the nurse had previously occupied. His eyes now shifted to the new presence within his temporary room.

"Hey." Came his lame reply. In this kind of situation, Naruto just didn't know quite how to react.

The nurse just let her hate show so easily and didn't give much of a damn that there was another person present in the room. One that happened to know nothing about him being the container of a powerful demon.

Neji being Neji, didn't quite know how to respond to what he would label, a stupid word.

"Naruto…" He whispered the young blond's name, somehow, he was trying to engage into a conversation for a change. Just seeing Naruto's smile suddenly disappear, like that little spark in his blue eyes, somehow, it just didn't feel ok to him.

Still holding on to the bed, the pale boy tried walking to the closet. After all, it's not like he could get out of the hospital with just a hospital gown, especially one that revealed most of his back and butt. But stubborn as he was, he really wanted to leave, but his body couldn't take all the pressure.

"Oy!" Naruto shouted when he saw the young Hyuga falling to the cold floor. His first instinct was to rush over. Grabbing the boy before he hit the floor.

'It seems that my body still needs some rest …' He finally admitted. He just thought that he could at least get out of that forsaken place. Having both Gai and Lee constantly visit him while all he can do is listen and lay there helpless …

"You shouldn't move if you can't." Naruto pointed out, wrapping an arm around the other boy's waist to support his weight.

Raising his head, Neji looked into those shiny blue eyes, soon followed by a tiny little smile. For a brief moment, Neji stared at the boy, seeing that this wasn't the same one like minutes ago when the nurse noticed his presence.

This Naruto …

He was the one that always smiled before everyone, but hid his true emotions. The hurt he felt.

"Why are you here?" Neji asked, while Naruto helped him to sit on his bed.

"I was visiting Sasuke." Naruto answered, sitting next to the boy.

"I see." Neji replied.

At some level he respected the Uchiha, understanding in part why he tried to go to their enemy. Trapped in a darkness he couldn't escape. All because of what happened in the past.

Good thing Naruto never gave up on anything, or anyone.

Neji was a bit lost within his own thoughts to notice the blond boy had made his way to the closet.

"What are you doing?" Neji asked, getting back into the real world.

"Thought you said you wanted to leave." Naruto reminded him, skimming through the closet, searching for something.

"I want to. I just can't in my condition." He truly hated to admit such a thing. But that sure didn't stop Naruto from snooping around.

A few minutes of silence and the next thing Neji knew, something came his way.


Though his physical condition wasn't at its best, he still had his usual reflexes that came with a lot of training.

"I doubt you want to get out wearing a dress." The boy teased, earning him a glare.

"I can still barely move." He reminded him yet again, grabbing the pair of pants and the jacket Naruto had thrown him.

He knew better than to argue with the boy. For now anyway.

Minutes later, the young Hyuga was ready, but he really hated to be the one needing helped. At least Naruto wasn't one to gloat about it.

"Who would have thought that the Neji would need my help to escape a hospital." Naruto teased, smiling, while he prepared their escape.

Or maybe he was …

Successfully escaping the hospital, Naruto dragged Neji's body across half the town until they finally reached the well known Hyuga manor. The main family lived on that estate, while the branch members had a separate building just for them. But like any clan, everything's always connected.

The first time Naruto saw the manor, the view was simply breathtaking to any newcomer who'd never seen what true money and power can buy.

Once they were within the gates, Naruto's eyes wandered all over the place, forgetting the current task at hand.

"If we continue forward, we'll reach my place." Neji informed his helper. Despite the help he was getting, his shoulder was hurting him like hell.

"You have your own place?" He always imagined that all other genins lived with their family, well, except for Sasuke since Itachi kinda killed them all …

"The branch family members live on the same ground but not in the same house." He informed him. It seemed that Naruto really didn't know much about certain clans. He proved that during their battle at the Chuunin exams.

"Kinda like me." Naruto let out. After all the only reason he had an apartment was because no one wanted to have the demon in their household.

Neji had trouble catching the last part, but believed he heard right. Naruto followed his direction perfectly because by the time he stopped thinking, they found themselves before Neji's neat little house.

"Ne? How come the other house doesn't have any lights?" He asked, purely out of curiosity. At this time of the day, one would expect to see a living person moving in such a huge house.

"Those of the main family had a meeting with others of the Hyuga clan." Neji was never one to give a long explanation to anyone for that matter. Especially when it concerned the main family. Although since the Chuunin exam, things have been going better.

Neji gave the directions Naruto needed to manoeuvre around the little house, since their was no light at the moment. After minutes of bumping into unknown things, Neji decided to take matters into his own two hands, unlatching himself from his helper.

Strangely, during his little trip back home, he regained some of his strength and senses. Perhaps that was because he'd been nailed to that forsaken hospital bed for 6 straight days now. His muscles hadn't had the time to get warmed up yet until his little walk.

"I knew it was there." Naruto let out, the lights finally on. He really tried to follow Neji's direction, but he kept bumping into things. Things that hurt when you bump into them…

Now with the lights on, Naruto had a much better view of Neji.

"Get your shirt off." Naruto ordered, wasting no time at all.

"What's your problem?" Neji was definitely taken aback by the sudden order and what it implied.

"Don't get the wrong idea, you're wounded, at least let me change your bandage and then I'll leave you alone." Naruto let out, eyeing the fresh red patch of blood in the boy's shirt.

Neji only noticed it when his eyes landed on his shoulder. It seemed his wound had reopened during their little escape. With all the constant pain, he failed to notice it started to bleed again.

"Could you tell me where you keep your first aid kit?" He asked. Truth be told, he was in a hurry. He could still do a little training if he got back home early enough.

Not that he didn't mind being around Neji.

"Drawer to your left side." The wounded boy answered, slowly walking towards his bed. Standing too much took another part of his energy, which he needed to heal.

Wasting no time, he reached for the drawer in question, removing the first aid kit. While he opened the box, exploring its content, Neji carefully removed his shirt. That action alone made his shoulder ache in pain more.

'Strange that he had to be the one to help me…yet again.' He thoughts, when a hand gripped his good shoulder.

The next 10 minutes were spent in total silence. The roles were quite simple. Naruto was the one doing the bandaging, while Neji sat there, trying not to make a sound from the pain that sometimes increased due to the blonde's clumsiness.

"Good as new." Naruto happily informed the other boy.

By now the bleeding had at least stopped. Which was a good sign. All the boy needed now was to get dressed and in bed for some much needed rest.

"Well you get some rest Neji, I'll be on my way home now." Naruto informed the young Hyuga, preparing to close the door behind him.

"You should stay here for the night…" Neji said out of the blue. His eyes fixated on the window.

"Eh?" Naruto let out, stopping any current thing he was doing. He already had trouble understanding Neji, but things were getting worse.

"The rain is coming down hard outside, you'll get sick just trying to reach your place. It's best if you stay here for the night." Neji repeated himself, but in a much more clearer way. One that Naruto could understand anyway.

Naruto, completely forgetting he wanted to leave, ran pass Neji to see for himself.

"Kuso!" Naruto snarled, stomping the poor wooden floor. "I really wanted to train today!" He continued.

"As I said, it's best for you to stay here. You can use the guest room. It's the door on the right once you exit mine." Neji told him, continuing to observe the other one's stomping.

"I can?" Naruto was somewhat shocked. Right now, someone was actually inviting him to stay over for the night because of the bad temperature. Usually people simply didn't care.

"Thanks..." Naruto spoke softly, giving Neji a glimpse to one of his real smiles. "If you need anything, just ask ok?"

Before Neji could say anything to either agree or disagree with Naruto's last statement, the boy left the room, closing the door behind him.

Neji stared at the door, thinking over some things he saw today. All of them were used to see a happy, grinning, idiot Naruto. But today, he showed that he could be someone else when needed.

Using the wall to support most of his body, Neji made his way to his outdoor window. He carefully sat on the ledge, resting his head against the cold glass. The sensation just somehow made the pain go partly asleep.

"Uzumaki Naruto. You're the one person that I can't seem to understand …" Neji thought, gazing to the outside world.

Sometimes it was peaceful to just sit there and watch as the rain gently poured down from the grey skies.

The hours passed but Naruto couldn't seem to get his proper sleep. Tossing and turning in this much more comfortable bed, but it seemed his mind wouldn't let him get the rest he needed.

He had trouble sleeping just a few hours per day since their return. His mind constantly filled with worry, hate, even sadness. After all, the villagers blamed him for Sasuke temporary disappearing.

Well, it was clear that tonight he wasn't going to get much rest. Too bad he couldn't train because of the stupid bad weather.

"Maybe walking around will help." He thought out loud. After all, in his younger days, he heard people saying how walking sometimes help to get you back to sleep. Hopefully, it would work for him.

Walking out of his room, he continued down the hall, exploring each room carefully. At this point he wondered if the young Hyuga lived alone since there didn't seem that anyone else lived in this house besides him…

Without realizing it, Naruto soon found himself in front of Neji's room. Even though the door was closed, Naruto could hear the boy slowly breathing within it.

Sometimes having a demon sealed within you has certain advantages. Sadly enough, he couldn't control them at will.

"Wonder if Neji's ok." He asked himself, eyeing the door. For some strange reason, he wanted to see the other boy.

He softly knocked on the door, before twisting the doorknob and entering the room. The first thing that caught his eyes was the sleeping form of Neji, resting against the window.

Seeing him sleep like that, they were no words to express the feeling he was getting. An unknown feeling. But for now, he decided to somewhat ignore it.

"That idiot should be sleeping in a bed, not next to a window." Naruto thought, getting closer to the window.

Slowly, Naruto picked up the young Hyuga, trying to not wake him up from his much needed rest. He slowly laid the body on the soft mattress, reaching the end of the bed. He made sure that Neji wasn't going to freeze for what was left of the night. So he made sure to cover him with warm blankets. But as he pulled it on top of the sleeping boy, his hands started to shake and he just stared at them.

"What's wrong with me? Why am I shaking, Why am I taking care of him anyway?" Naruto kept asking himself all those questions. He really didn't know what he was feeling.

So right now, he decided it was best to leave the room. He had a lot going in his mind right now, without having to think hard about what else is wrong with him.

The morning finally came.

The young Hyuga began to move, his face feature slightly twitching. Although he was still partly unconscious, the sunlight was irritating him. So he did what any person unconscious would do. He turned. Too bad for him, he turned on his wounded shoulder.

Pain shot up his entire left arm, giving him a not so nice wake up call.

Groaning from both the slight pain he felt and for the fact he needed to be awake. He slowly sat up, and the something his him.

"I never made it to my bed." He told himself, his eyes focusing on the window he fell asleep on.

He pondered the question no longer. For some reason, he just wanted to go check up on the blond boy.

And so he did.

Exiting his room, at a slow pace none the less, he prepared to go down the hallway, when his foot hit something soft.

'How long has he been there?' Neji asked himself, noticing how Naruto just sat there, sleeping.

Minutes passed and Neji just continued to stare at the boy. But then he noticed something. Naruto began to shiver a little. Strangely enough, the young Hyuga walked back into his room, getting a blanket. The same one Naruto covered him during the night.

Coming back out, kneeling on the floor, he gently wrapped the blanket around the boy. With that done, any person would normally just leave the other one sleeping. Well perhaps not on the floor.

Watching Naruto sleep like that, he really did have all that innocent look. Something inside of him just wanted to touch that baby face. He reached forward, slowly following each whisker on his cheek with the tip of his fingers.

Curiosity got the better part of him. He wondered how he ever got those scars, equally numbered and carved on each cheek. The boy was truly a mystery sometimes.

"If it wasn't for you Naruto, I wouldn't be here today…" Neji whispered softly. "I would still be lost in the darkness…"

He slowly regained his posture, walking away when he suddenly felt something latch itself to his wrist, pulling him towards the floor. He was still too weak to fight back.

He expected to met the cold floor any second, but instead, he landed on something soft and warm. Soon he felt something wrap around his waist, keeping him down.

He laid still, not wanting to move for the moment, analyzing what exactly just happened. And then it clicked.

He was laying on top of Naruto …

Neji's head rested against the other boy's chest. He could clearly hear every heart beat it made.

He slowly raised his head, until he was face to face with the blond. Inches away from his face, but close enough to see and observe every detail.

"Why is it that every time I'm near you, I feel …" Neji had trouble completing his sentences.

Those whiskers.

That tanned but soft skin of his.

Those lips …

"Attracted …" He found a word. One that he thought described the feeling he was experiencing.

Neji was in trance.

He did the only thing that came to his mind.

After a few seconds, Naruto's eyes slowly opened, as he felt something on him. Something heavy and warm on top of his own body.

But something else caught his attention.

Something warm and wet, pressing against his lips.

'What is going on…' Naruto thought, his eyes widening when he realized it.

To Be Continued …

Would be nice to let me know what you think of the new and improved version of Unexpected Behaviour.