(The first scene. Jake is sitting in his cave. Flaps can
gradually be heard growing louder.)
(Scene two. The Digidestined are climbing a mountain.
Everything is very wet and soggy.)
(Jake has just gone off to fight Cybermon. Cybermon,
however, has kicked him so he is lying on the ground, about to shoot him with a
Pulse Cannon.)
Jake: ZEGIMON!!! ::nothing happens:: Zegimon? Ohhh
Zegimon? Come out come out wherever you are! ::he gets up and goes to the site
where he left Zegimon:: ::Zegimon's head is buried
HEY! That's my lunch! Give it back!
TK: Wow, I got it right on the first try!
::Zegimon takes
his head out of the sack and turns to look at Jake. He then grabs the sack in
his mouth and starts running away. Jake follows him:: GIVE IT!
Director: ::runs his hand over his face::
Matt: I'm too sexy.
I don't get
paid enough for this...
(Tai is kneeling next to the unconscious Sora.)
Sora: Noooo!
Not this again!
Tai: This is going to haunt us the rest of our
lives, isn't it?
Tai: You had me very worried for a second, Sora. I thought
I had lost you. Please don't ever make me worry like that again. ::he bends
over to kiss her::
Tai: (sighs) Well, go ahead, guys. Lay it on thick.
Matt: What do you mean?
Sora: You're not going to taunt us mercilessly
about the kissing?
Joe: Nah, it's been done.
Mimi: Yeah, that is *so* three segments ago.
Jake: ::Still chasing Zegimon:: Give that back! ::he
jumps and tackles Zegimon, and both of them crash onto Tai and Sora::
TK &
Kari: (sing-songy) K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
Tai: Hey!
I thought there wasn't gonna be any more taunting!
Kari: *They* promised; *we* didn't.
Jake: ::grabs the lunch bag from Zegimon:: Finally!
Now I can eat my lunch! ::he opens it and looks inside. His face turns a pale
Mimi: Ohhh!
He turned into Palmon!
Matt: Or Mister Yuck.
Joe: (shudders)
On second thought, you can have it...::he gives it
to Zegimon::
Director: CUT!!!
Tai: Haikeeba!
(Next Scene—Part Three. The Digidestined are
trudging through a swamp.)
Mimi: I hate this! All this muck is disgusting!
Izzy: Tell me about it. I can't begin to tell you how many MUCKs I've been on that've
gone completely to waste because of stupid newbies and lackadaisical wizzes.
Palmon: ::sneaks up behind her and pushes her
facefirst into the mud:: HAHAHAHA!!
Kari: When household plants go bad.
Mimi: ::gets up, totally covered in gunk:: All
right, that's it! ::She picks up a glob of mud and hurls it at Palmon, but who
dodges and it hits Kari in the face:: Oops! Sorry, Kari!
Mimi: Oh, I made a little rhyme! Tee-hee.
Gatomon: Yeah, and you'll be a lot sorrier! ::She
throws mud at Mimi but it hits Matt in the head::
Argh, it's Woodstock '97 all over again.
Let's see if they set something on fire.
Matt: AHHHH!!! MY HAIR!!! My industrial strength
hair-gel is neutralized by dirt! Nooo! ::Matt's hair starts to droop down until
it's totally flat::
(Matt) I'm melting!
Joe: He'll never win the Flock of Seagulls
look-alike competition now!
NO!! That's
it, you flea-bitten menace to society!
Tai: (singing, sorta) Get back, you flea
in-fest-ed mon-grel!
::he leaps at her and they start fighting::
Izzy: Ev'rybody was kung-fu fight-ing...
Sora: ::grabs a big bunch of mud and drops it on
both of them:: stop fighting! ::they get up and start throwing mud at Sora::
Director: ::gets hit in the face by a glob of muck::
::sighs:: why do I even bother?
All: Wah-wah-wah-wah-waaaahh!
(Shortly after—the Digidestined are confronted by
Tsunonrimon's henchmen)
Leprechaunmon: ::leaps in and kicks Garurumon in the
T.K.: OHHH LOOK! It's that guy from the TV
commercials! ::starts singing:: Hearts, Stars, Horseshoes, Clovers and Blue
Moons! Pots of Gold and Rainbows, and the Red Balloons! ::repeats this over and
Matt: (nudging TK) Better make sure you're
not stuck, squirt.
Leprechaunmon: ::breaks down into tears:: ::speaks
with a sophisticated British accent:: Why must I always be associated with that
cartoon! What did I do to deserve this! I'm a Shakespearean performer, for
God's sakes! Why, why, why???
Tai: Why ask why?
Matt: ::his hair propped up but still kinda hanging
down:: Now T.K., look what you did! You made Lucky the Leprechaun cry!
::Leprechaunmon cries louder::
Izzy: Will you shut up already? ::he whacks
Leprechaunmon over the head with his laptop:: hey, that was fun! ::Izzy starts
randomly hitting people with his laptop until security comes and gives him a
Izzy: Oh, not *again*.
(Next Scene—Tsunonrimon has T.K. and Kari captured)
Kari: Well, your father was pathetically weak!
Matt: (British) And he smelt of
Tsunonrimon: ::brings her hand up:: ::backhands Kari
across the face, but accidentally keeps on going and smashes her hand into the
camera, which goes fuzzy. When it clears, all three of them are looking down at
the camera:: Sorry! Um...he did it! ::points to T.K.::
T.K.: What?! ::he leaps at Tsunonrimon and they
start fighting::
Tai: This is starting to look like, I dunno,
"Fight Club".
(Next scene—Part Four. Izzy, Sora, and Joe are
fighting Invisomon.)
Izzy: We can't see Invisomon. So...::he goes to his
computer but it won't work properly since he was hitting people over the head
with it:: Darn it! It won't work! I need to have this repaired!
Matt: Just be sure you delete all the porn
pictures from your hard drive before the computer repairman comes across 'em
and reports you.
Sora: Been watching VH1 again, have we?
Joe: So...um...what do we do?
Sora: ::points to Mimi's gigantic makeup kit,
everyone smiles::
All: Mary Kay party!
::after a
few minutes, they have assembled an arsenal of cosmetics::
Izzy: Wow...I didn't even know these many cosmetics
existed in the world! ::they all throw the makeup at Invisomon::
Sora: ::bursts into laughter:: I guess it works!
Joe: I dunno...with all the makeup he kinda looks
like a streetwalker...
Sora: Or Tammy Fae Bakker.
Tai: Uh-huh, uh-huh, dude looks like a lady!
(Next Scene—Part Five. Tsunonrimon has just used her
Rain of Blades attack to Matt.)
Jake: NO! ::everyone turns to see Jake standing with
many pieces of metal running through his body. He also has a big, goofy grin on
his face and one of those fake arrow-through-the-head things::
TK: What was *really* funny was that he was
wearing it on his *butt*! Ah ha ha ha
Everyone: ::Groans::
Joe: My sentiments exactly.
TK: (sulky) I thought it was funny.
Matt: (soothingly) Of course it was,
TK. It was brilliant.
Director: CUT! ::bashes his megaphone over his
knee:: OWW!!
(Next Scene—Dragomon has digivolved to
CrystalDragomon: MURDERER!...::he starts hopping
around frantically:: Oooh! Oooh! Itch! Someone, please, help! It itches! It
Sora: I call foul on any and all Preparation-H
Tai: (disappointed) Awwwwww!
(Take Two)
CrystalDragomon: MURDERER! ::He draws a sword and
leaps at Tsunonrimon:: En Guarde!
Tsunonrimon: ::Disappears for a second and returns,
dressed like Zorro::
Mimi: Oooooohh, Antonio Banderas!
Aha! ::They start
to duel::
Matt and
TK: (begin imitating "Dueling
Banjos" as best they can)
inscribes a large letter 'T' in his chest:: Take that!
Director: ::Throws up hands:: That's it! I quit! No
Joe: (applauding) Good for you! Will you be going with the patch, or
fruit-flavoured nicotine gum?
T.K.: ::still singing the 'Hearts, Stars,
Horseshoes...' thing::
Everyone else: SHUT UP, T.K.!
(Author's note: Eh...please don't kill me!)
Izzy: (dully)
No, please. Take me instead.
(The Blinky
Light Thingie ™ flashes for the final time.)
Mimi: Hey, I think it's all over!
Kari: Really?
Matt: I dunno, maybe Myotismon just wants us to
think that. He might have more in store
for us.
(The kids stand up and file out of the theatre, heading
for the main room.)
Joe: Well, always hope for the best, I say.
Myotismon was waiting patiently when the children
emerged from the theatre, somewhat more cautiously than they had last
"Congratulations," he snarled. "You seem to have survived your first full
round of torture relatively unscathed, and while I must admit that I'm
disappointed, I take comfort in the fact that this fanfic will not be your
DemiDevimon fluttered before the screen, sporting a
large band-aid between his eyes. "Do
you have any idea how many stories people have written about you guys?! It's insane! Just like *you'll* be when the boss gets done with ya! Bah ha ha ha ha!"
"Quit stepping on my lines, rodent!" Myotismon
roared, backhanding his crony out of the way.
"Ahem...as I was saying, I have an infinite number of stories with which
to torment you, and an infinite amount of time in which to do so." He smirked evilly, as was his wont. "So enjoy your sanity while you still can,
Digi-Destined. I can assure you that it
shan't last long." With another bout of
obligatory maniacal laughter, Myotismon cut off the transmission, leaving the
children to their own devices once again.
Tai turned to his companions, grinning
confidently. "Well, guys, you heard
him. Sounds like this story's over, and
we're still alive!"
"But he also implied that he would keep sending us
fanfics until we went insane," Joe pointed out pessimistically.
"So what?" Tai said, clenching his fists, looking
oh-so-determined. "We're the
Digi-Destined! As long as we stick
together, we can defeat anything! We've
faced singing monkeys and killer snowmen and things with tentacles and
Myotismon's talking crotch! We can't
let some stinking little fanfics get us down!"
"On the other hand, we're still trapped in
Myotismon's castle and we don't really know where our digimon are," Sora told
Tai dropped his determined stance somewhat. "Well, yeah, that's bad. But we've still got our sanity! We've still got our digivices and
crests! We've still got the digimon
looking for a way out of here!"
"And most importantly, we've still got the liquor in
Joe's bag!" Matt threw in.
"Darn right!" Tai continued without missing a
beat. "And with the power of teamwork
and alcohol, we will prevail!"
"HUZZA!" the Digi-Destined chorused, punching their
fists into the air.
And so fortified, the eight children settled in to
await word from their diligently searching companions, confident that nothing
short of a multi-chapter self-insertion lemon would be able to break their
Wasn't hardly worth the wait, was it, kids? Sorry. ^^* As ever, Digimon does not belong to me, for
I am naught but a pathetic fangirl.
Furthermore, NO INSULT is intended to 7 of 11, the original author of
"The Tsunonrimon Saga".
Just so you know, I edited chapter two of this MiSTing
and removed the bit involving UMJ. It
was mean-spirited and vengeful, and that isn't proper motivation for a
MiSTing. I was then going to send UMJ a
lovely fruit basket and a collection of Anne Geddes lithographs by way of
apology, but I realized that I had no idea where the fellow lived, and when one
is trying to make amends with another human being, it's best to avoid sending
the other person fruity pictures of babies dressed up like ladybugs and
cabbages, anyway.
Consider this MiSTing finished, boys and girls! Yay!
A winner is me!
::starts playing 'MMM Bop' by Hanson::