
A/N: Okay, this is my first time posting a story with an actual plot. Gasp! Yes, I am both surprised and pleased with myself. Well, there's a lot more that I want to say and I'll get to it later, but for now, I'll let you get to reading…

Disclaimer: Stargate: SG-1 and anything pertaining to it are not mine. I own nothing! Not even my soul! Wait… I take that back… pretend you didn't read that…

Chapter One: Green Hills… Lead to Prison

"So, where we going?" Jack O'neill asked as he stood before the Stargate.

"Well, sir, from the planet's readings, it has the potential to be a great source for naquadah! I mean the possibili—" Sam began.

Jack put his hand up, "Thank you, Carter. That's all I wanted to know. C'mon kids, off to see the wizard!"

Jack stepped into the gate first, followed by rest of SG-1: Daniel, Sam, and Teal'c.

When all four reached the other side of the gate, they gasped at the beauty of the landscape. It resembled one of those paintings you would find in a museum: rolling green hills, fresh green grass, beautiful billowy trees, a clear blue sky, and the sunshine gave a nice soft, angelic touch to the whole environment.

"Geez, where the hell are we?" Jack said.

"It could be worse Jack," Daniel said as he set about looking for ancient ruins or glyphs to translate.

After walking about fifteen minutes in the heavenly meadow, Jack decided he had enough of looking at the cliché scenery and sat down by a tree.

"Find anything yet?" Jack asked Sam.

She had a device out, probing for a possible naquadah mine.

"Not yet, sir. I think we have to keep searching," she responded.

"Well… I'll just sit here," Jack said, picking at the grass by his feet.

Just when he was getting comfortable, he heard a loud commotion behind him. Before he could do anything, two black garbed men lounged at him. He was knocked, face down to the ground.

"Hey! Watch it, will ya?" Jack barked.

"Knock him out," one said.

"I disagree!" Jack said, as he squirmed around, trying to unbalance the guy with his knee driving into the Colonel's back.

THUNK (Meaning, they whacked him on the head and the screen goes black for three seconds… three… two… one…)

"Ow…" Jack uttered as he got up and rubbed the back of his head.

"Hey Jack, how're you feeling?" Daniel said, who was leaning against the wall.

"Ow," Jack reiterated louder.

Daniel nodded, "I see."

"Where are we?"

"It appears to be a prison cell," Teal'c answered.

"How'd we get in here?" Jack asked as he looked around.

Daniel began to look around as well, "Well, we were ambushed. Some guys in black attacked us from out of nowhere."

"You!" a voice cried out from the cell across from them.

Daniel looked around, "Who? Me?"

"Yes! It's the crown prince! Everyone, look! It's the prince!" said the voice. "Thank you for everything!"

The voice didn't have a hint of sarcasm in it.

"What?" Daniel exclaimed, "Are you sure you're talking about me?"

Jack stood beside him, "Is there something you're not telling us Danny-boy?"

Teal'c stood on the other side of Daniel, "Are you not the crown prince of this land, Daniel Jackson?"

"No, I am not," Daniel replied.

The prisoners continued to make noise and it seemed to get louder and louder.

"Hey," Jack yelled.

The other two looked at him.

"Where's Carter?"

To be continued!

Chapters will get longer… and, hopefully, better!