Untrue love

Summary: Sasuke has always liked hinata. When he finally confesses to her he gets turned down because hinata likes naruto. Sasuke got angry at naruto so he uses sakura to hurt naruto since naruto likes Sakura. SasuSaku, NaruHina.

Chapter 1: Confessions

It's been 5 years since the fight with orochimaru. They are 18 years old now. Sasuke became an anbu along with neji. Naruto and Sakura are both Jounins. Kakashi returned back to Anbu and is captain of Sasuke's team. Hinata became one of the best medic Nin. The other ninja's are either Jounins or Chuunins.

Today is Valentines Day so the Hokage, Tsunade, gave everyone a day-off.

Sasuke is walking along the road carrying some flowers. He plans to tell hinata how he feels today. Sasuke have liked her for a long tie now. He liked that she wasn't one of her fan clubs like Ino and Sakura. Sasuke became more handsome over the years. He also became very tall. He also accomplished his goal of killing his brother with the help of Naruto.
Naruto was running around holding a bouquet of red roses and yelling sakura's name. He was looking for her since morning. It was noontime already and he still hasn't seen her. When he finally spotted Sakura her gorgeousness mesmerized him. Sakura wasn't wearing her usual ninja outfit. She wore a plain white tank top and some floral skirt that reaches her knees. Her hair is tied in a half pony. Her hair grew long again like it was before.

"Hey naruto" Sakura greeted happily.

" HI SAKURA-CHAN" said naruto. " I was looking for you since this morning. Where were you?"

"I was just taking a walk. Why were you looking for me?" Sakura asked curiously.

"Hehe…I have something for you sakura-chan"

When he was about to give her the flowers Rock Lee came and interrupted naruto from giving sakura the flowers. He was also carrying a bouquet of flowers. He then handed it to sakura.

" A dozen red roses for my beautiful cherry blossom" after saying this lee flashed her his trademark smile. Sakura smiled and accepted his gift.

"Thank you lee-san" Lee couldn't help but blush.

"These are also for you sakura-chan" said naruto while shoving lee out of the way. Before sakura could even get the flowers lee punched naruto in the face.

"How dare you give flowers to my sakura-san"

"She's not yours THICK EYEBROWS!" screamed naruto.

Sakura picked up the flowers that naruto dropped. She was about to stop them but she saw her fan club running towards her carrying some chocolates and flowers. She had no choice but to run away from them. The two of them were too preoccupied to even notice that sakura was already gone.

Sasuke finally spotted who he was looking for.

"Hey Hinata" he greeted.

"Oh! Hi sasuke-san. What are you doing here?"

Hinata became beautiful over the years. Her hair is longer than it was before. She also isn't that shy around people anymore, unless she's nervous.

"Here these are for you" said sasuke while giving her the flowers.

"Th…thank yo…you sa…sasuke s…san" Hinata couldn't believe that the Sasuke Uchiha is giving her flowers on Valentines Day. But what he said next left hinata speechless.

" I like you Hinata. I have for a long time"

Hinata was still standing there saying nothing. She was so shock. This was the first time that someone confessed to her. Her mouth was slightly open and her eyes were opened wide. After a few she was finally able to respond.

"I'm so…sorry sasu…sasuke-san bu…but I li…like so…some…someone e…else"

Sasuke's face turned to a frown. He wasn't expecting her to respond to him like that.

"May I ask who it is if you don't mind"

"Um… well… it's…na…naru…naruto" Hinata said while blushing madly.

Sasuke couldn't believe it. Out of the people that she could possibly like it just had to be naruto. His rival.

"That dobe!"

"I'm really sorry…we can still be friends right?" Hinata whispered so low that sasuke barely heard it. Sasuke turned around without a word and left.

'Hinata you will be mine' sasuke thought ' I swear I'll find some way to hurt naruto'

While he was thinking he saw someone familiar. He couldn't help but grin. He now knew how to hurt naruto.



A/N: How was it? This is my first story so please be nice. Sorry if it's boring. I'll try to make it interesting as I continue the story. Fill free to suggest anything for the story.

Please Review.